School Construction Bond Watchdogs -- California School Bonds Clearinghouse
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School Construction Bond Watchdogs


I know you're here for information, so I'll be brief.

New content, as well as much of the interesting historical content, on this site is only available to members -- people who Sign Up.

Are you a local activist? I also coach people who want to up their game or get to the next level. If that's you, you can call me at 909-378-5401 AFTER you Sign Up, including all the optional member information.

The site is like an iceberg. Most of the content is below the surface. Dig in!

Special Feature for Local Landlords Getting Royally Screwed by Elections Officials

This is a record-breaking election. In November 2022, there were exactly 100 school bonds on ballots around the state. This year we're likely to see almost double that amount.

You can thank the "protector" of Proposition 13 (1978) for how wildly successful local governments have been at passing every manner of local tax measure. School bonds, of course, top the list in terms of numbers and volume of taxes. To learn more about that you'll have to apply for membership on this site.

Click on any measure letter in the table below and you'll get an inkling of why these measures are so popular and why they pass at astounding rates.

As of October 22, 2024 we are still pulling together the local measure information from registrars. Did you know that some of the most populous counties are actively working to suppress arguments against local measures? But that's water under the bridge at this point.

While it is possible to defeat these measures, when the elections officials print the government's arguments on the ballot, it's an uphill battle. We'll be holding a teleconference call (not Zoom) especially for landlords in two weeks. Everyone is welcome, but you must register to get the details. Text your name, e-mail address, and county to 909-378-5401 leading with the word "landlord." (You don't have to be a landord to join the call.)

On September 27, 2024, landing pages that opponents can use for every one of the measures in the table below will become public. These pages are completely customizable. Call us, if you'd like to preview or claim a landing page for your campaign opposing these measures. We guarantee you that the government will fume at the story of corruption that the page delivers. To claim your page, text your name, e-mail address, county, and measure letter to 909-378-5401 leading with the word "landing."

Current Election Measure Watch List
_CountyAgencyMeasureTypeBond AmountTax RateDurationTotal Tax Amount
Courtesy of California School Bonds Clearinghouse
Copyright © 2024. All rights reserved.
1AlamedaSan Joaquin Delta CCDKProp 39 bond$598,000,000$16.002059-2060$1,183,000,000
2AlamedaAlbany City UnifiedLProp 39 bond$63,800,000$60.00$146,740,000
3AlamedaFremont UnifiedMProp 39 bond$919,000,000$49.00$2,113,700,000
4AlamedaNew Haven UnifiedNProp 39 bond$272,000,000$60.00$625,600,000
5AlamedaNewark UnifiedOProp 39 bond$205,000,000$50.00$471,500,000
6AlamedaSan Lorenzo UnifiedQProp 39 bond$195,000,000$60.00$448,500,000
Sub Total:$2,252,800,000$4,989,039,997
7ButteBiggs UnifiedAProp 39 bond$16,500,000$60.002057-2058$33,600,000
8ButteDurham UnifiedBProp 39 bond$24,500,000$60.002058-2059$48,700,000
9ButteChico UnifiedCProp 39 bond$239,000,000$60.002052-2053$431,565,000
10ButteThermalito Union ElementaryDProp 39 bond$6,800,000$30.002055-2056$14,475,000
11ButteOroville City ElementaryEProp 39 bond$18,000,000$21.152057-2058$37,200,000
12ButteParadise UnifiedGProp 39 bond$43,000,000$49.002059-2060$87,100,000
Sub Total:$347,800,000$652,640,000
13ColusaMaxwell UnifiedAProp 39 bond$9,100,000$60.002055-2056$18,300,000
14ColusaWilliams UnifiedBProp 39 bond$23,000,000$60.002059-2060y $46,500,000
15ColusaColusa UnifiedCProp 39 bond$13,800,000$60.002048-2049$26,484,585
Sub Total:$45,900,000$44,784,585
16Contra CostaMartinez UnifiedOProp 39 bond$98,000,000$38.40$225,400,000
17Contra CostaPittsburg UnifiedPProp 39 bond$140,000,000$60.00$322,000,000
18Contra CostaByron Union ElementaryRProp 39 bond$24,000,000$18.00$55,200,000
Sub Total:$262,000,000$602,599,998
19Del NorteDel Norte UnifiedHProp 39 bond$59,000,000$59.00$135,700,000
20Del NorteRedwoods CCDIProp 39 bond$120,000,000$25.00$276,000,000
Sub Total:$179,000,000$411,700,000
21El DoradoBlack Oak Mine UnifiedAProp 39 bond$12,700,000$40.00$29,210,000
22El DoradoPollock Pines ElementaryPProp 39 bond$11,500,000$30.00$26,450,000
23El DoradoLake Tahoe UnifiedUProp 39 bond$127,000,00$37.50$29,210,000
Sub Total:$36,900,000$84,869,997
24FresnoClovis UnifiedAProp 39 bond$400,000,000$60.002052-2053$800,000,000
25FresnoWest Hills CCD SFID #2CProp 39 bond$19,000,000$25.002056-2057$32,000,000
26FresnoDinuba UnifiedDProp 39 bond$42,000,000$60.002056-2057$87,700,000
27FresnoFirebaugh-Las Deltas UnifiedFProp 39 bond$25,000,000$60.00$57,500,000
28FresnoFresno UnifiedHProp 39 bond$500,000,000$60.002065-2066$1,300,000,000
29FresnoKingsburg Joint Union HighKProp 39 bond$20,000,000$23.482058-2059$40,700,000
30FresnoLaton Joint UnifiedLProp 39 bond$9,700,000$60.002058-2059$19,800,000
31FresnoSanger UnifiedMProp 39 bond$175,000,000$60.002065-2066$411,000,000
32FresnoParlier UnifiedPProp 39 bond$14,100,000$60.002059-2060$28,300,000
33FresnoState Center CCDQProp 39 bond$698,000,000$20.002057-2058$1,413,667,750
34FresnoSierra UnifiedUProp 39 bond$24,150,000$45.002056-2057$55,000,000
35FresnoCentral UnifiedXProp 39 bond$109,000,000$60.002055-2056$210,500,000
Sub Total:$2,035,950,000$4,456,167,749
36HumboldtRedwoods Community College DistrictIProp 39 bond$120,000,000$25.00$276,000,000
37HumboldtFerndale UnifiedJProp 39 bond$9,800,000$60.002060-2061$19,778,000
38HumboldtCutten ElementaryKProp 39 bond$5,000,000$30.002055-2056$10,200,000
39HumboldtMcKinleyville Union ElementaryNProp 39 bond$18,500,000$30.002058-2059$37,100,000
Sub Total:$153,300,000$343,078,000
40ImperialHeber ElementaryHProp 39 bond$4,000,000$29.00
41ImperialImperial UnifiedKProp 39 bond$70,000,000$52.00$161,000,000
42ImperialBrawley ElementaryLProp 39 bond$20,000,000.00$30.00$46,000,000
Sub Total:$90,000,000$207,000,000
43InyoBishop UnifiedRProp 39 bond$46,300,000$51.832049-2050$71,700,000
44InyoBishop UnifiedRProp 39 bond$46,300,000$51.832049-2050$71,700,000
45InyoBishop Unified SFID #2024-1SProp 39 bond$14,200,000$17.322049-2050$21,800,000
46InyoOwens Valley UnifiedTProp 39 bond$7,500,00049.00$17,250,000
47InyoLone Pine UnifiedUProp 39 bond$7,500,000$27.50$17,250,000
Sub Total:$121,800,000$199,700,000
48KernAntelope Valley Union HighCProp 39 bond$398,000,000$20.002062-2063$797,000,000
49KernWasco Union HighDProp 39 bond$35,400,000$29.982052-2053$75,434,783
50KernSouthern Kern UnifiedHProp 39 bond$59,000,000$60.002059-2060$136,900,000
51KernButtonwillow Union ElementaryIProp 39 bond$4,000,000$15.002045-2046$6,325,000
52KernDelano Union ElementaryJProp 39 bond
53KernFruitvale ElementaryKProp 39 bond$36,000,000$30.002056-2057$64,390,824
54KernGreenfield UnionLProp 39 bond$25,000,000$30.002054-2055$52,508,540
55KernRosedale Union ElementaryMProp 39 bond$52,000,000$19.002055-2056$99,000,000
56KernSierra Sands UnifiedAAProp 39 bond$42,000,000$59.892053-2054$89,943,939
Sub Total:$651,400,000$1,321,503,086
57KingsArmona Union ElementaryAProp 39 bond$9,000,000$30.002057-2058$18,090,000
58KingsTulare Joint Union HighEProp 39 bond$80,000,000$30.002057-2058$156,700,000
59KingsKingsburg Joint Union HighKProp 39 bond$20,000,000$23.482058-2059$40,700,000
60KingsLaton Joint UnifiedLProp 39 bond$9,700,000$60.002058-2059$19,800,000
61KingsState Center CCDQProp 39 bond$698,000,000$20.002057-2058$1,413,667,750
62KingsHanford ElementaryUProp 39 bond$23,000,000$19.002058-2059$47,800,000
Sub Total:$839,700,000$1,696,757,750
63LakeKelseyville UnifiedRProp 39 bond$36,000,000$60.002057-2058$70,800,000
64LakeKonocti UnifiedSProp 39 bond$50,000,000$60.002059-2060$105,300,000
Sub Total:$86,000,000$176,100,000
65LassenShaffer Union ElementaryWProp 39 bond$2,000,000$30.002054-2055$4,098,900
Sub Total:$2,000,000$4,098,900
66Los AngelesEast Whittier City ElementaryCProp 39 bond$97,000,000$30.00$223,100,000
67Los AngelesSnowline Joint UnifiedJProp 39 bond$70,600,000$40.00$162,380,000
68Los AngelesFullerton Joint Union HighLProp 39 bond$284,000,000$21.00$653,200,000
69Los AngelesSan Marino UnifiedMProp 39 bond$200,000,000$60.00$460,000,000
70Los AngelesSaugus Union SFID #2014-1NProp 39 bond$187,000,000$30.00$430,100,000
71Los AngelesLowell JointPProp 39 bond$54,000,000$30.00$124,200,000
72Los AngelesParamount UnifiedQProp 39 bond$190,000,000$60.00$437,000,000
73Los AngelesPasadena UnifiedRProp 39 bond$900,000,000$59.00$2,070,000,000
74Los AngelesRedondo Beach UnifiedSProp 39 bond$278,000,000$29.95$639,400,000
75Los AngelesLynwood UnifiedUProp 39 bond$80,000,000$50.00$184,000,000
76Los AngelesMt. San Antonio CCDVProp 39 bond$750,000,000$15.00$1,725,000,000
77Los AngelesWhittier City ElementaryWProp 39 bond$99,000,000$30.00$227,700,000
78Los AngelesLong Beach CCDACProp 39 bond$990,000,000$25.00$2,277,000,000
79Los AngelesArcadia UnifiedASProp 39 bond$358,000,000$60.00$823,400,000
80Los AngelesCompton CCDCCProp 39 bond$200,000,000$20.00$460,000,000
81Los AngelesHermosa Beach City ElementaryHVProp 39 bond$28,700,000$13.15$66,010,000
82Los AngelesLocal Public Schools Funding Authority SFID #2016-1LPProp 39 bond$89,000,000$16.20$204,700,000
83Los AngelesLancaster ElementaryLSProp 39 bond$122,100,000$30.00$280,830,000
84Los AngelesEl Monte CityMEProp 39 bond$105,000,000$30.00$241,500,000
85Los AngelesSanta Monica-Malibu Unified SFID #2MMProp 39 bond$395,000,000$40.00$908,500,000
86Los AngelesSanta Monica-Malibu Unified SFID #1QSProp 39 bond$495,000,000$30.00$1,138,500,000
87Los AngelesRio Hondo CCDRHProp 39 bond$442,200,000$25.00$1,017,060,000
88Los AngelesLos NietosRUProp 39 bond$28,500,000$30.00$65,550,000
89Los AngelesSan Gabriel UnifiedSGProp 39 bond$178,000,000$44.00$409,400,000
90Los AngelesLos NietosSTProp 39 bond$26,500,000$28.00$60,950,000
91Los AngelesLos Angeles UnifiedUSProp 39 bond$9,000,000,000$25.002059$20,700,000,000
92Los AngelesPomona UnifiedUUProp 39 bond$385,000,000$60.00$885,500,000
93Los AngelesBurbank UnifiedABCProp 39 bond$458,205,000$40.69$1,053,871,500
94Los AngelesAntelope Valley Union HighAVHProp 39 bond$398,000,000$20.002062-2063$797,000,000
95Los AngelesGlendale CCDGCCProp 39 bond$600,000,000$25.00$1,380,000,000
96Los AngelesManhattan Beach UnifiedRLSProp 39 bond$200,000,000$32.00$460,000,000
97Los AngelesPalos Verdes Peninsula UnifiedSOSProp 39 bond$297,800,000$29.49$684,940,000
Sub Total:$17,986,605,000$41,250,791,479
98MaderaFirebaugh-Las Deltas UnifiedFProp 39 bond$25,000,000$60.00$57,500,000
99MaderaState Center CCDQProp 39 bond$698,000,000$20.002057-2058$1,413,667,750
Sub Total:$723,000,000$1,471,167,749
100MarinTamalpais Union HighBProp 39 bond$289,000,000$18.00$664,700,000
101MarinKentfield ElementaryEProp 39 bond$48,000,000$29.00$110,400,000
102MarinPetaluma Joint Union HighAAProp 39 bond$159,000,000$30.00$365,700,000
Sub Total:$496,000,000$1,140,799,999
103MercedDelhi UnifiedJProp 39 bond$17,000,000$60.00 2057-2058$34,000,000
104MercedWeaver UnionKProp 39 bond$20,000,000$30.002061-2062$52,000,000
105MercedHilmar UnifiedMProp 39 bond$43,000,000$60.002058-2059 $83,900,000
106MercedMerced City ElementaryOProp 39 bond$80,000,000$30.002057-2058$174,216,625
107MercedMerced CCD SFID #2024-1PProp 39 bond$46,000,000$17.002051-2052$86,529,379
Sub Total:$206,000,000$430,646,004
108MonoMammoth UnifiedJProp 39 bond$70,000,000$41.332054-2055$130,535,869
Sub Total:$70,000,000$130,535,869
109MontereyMonterey Peninsula UnifiedAProp 39 bond$340,000,000$50.002060-2061$694,000,000
110MontereyPacific Grove UnifiedBProp 39 bond$78,000,000$37.492055-2056$142,100,000
111MontereyWest Hills CCD SFID #2CProp 39 bond$19,000,000$25.002056-2057$32,000,000
112MontereyAromas-San Juan UnifiedDProp 39 bond$44,000,000$60.002053-2054$77,900,000
113MontereySoledad UnifiedEProp 39 bond$42,000,000$60.002055-2056$78,500,000
114MontereySalinas Union HighGProp 39 bond$115,000,000$19.002055-2056$241,500,000
115MontereySouth Monterey County Joint Union HighHProp 39 bond$35,000,000$30.002053-0254$76,000,000
116MontereySouth Monterey County Joint Union HighIProp 39 bond$35,000,000$30.002053-0254$76,000,000
117MontereyChualar UnionJProp 39 bond$5,600,0002054-2055$30.00$10,954,000
118MontereyKing City UnionKProp 39 bond$19,800,000$30.002058-2059$38,300,000
119MontereyKing City UnionLProp 39 bond$21,600,000$30.002059-2060$43,500,000
120MontereyPajaro Valley UnifiedMProp 39 bond$315,000,000$60.002052-2053$556,452,817
121MontereyMission Union ElementaryNProp 39 bond$1,500,000$30.002053-2054$3,415,820
122MontereySpreckels Union ElementaryOProp 39 bond$27,000,000$30.002060-2061$53,297,200
123MontereyWashington Union ElementaryPProp 39 bond$18,200,000$19.002058-2059$36,800,000
Sub Total:$1,116,700,000$2,160,719,837
124NapaNapa Valley Unified SFID #1BProp 39 bond$230,000,000$22.002061-2062$508,050,000
Sub Total:$230,000,000$508,050,000
125NevadaPleasant Ridge Union ElementaryDProp 39 bond$25,000,000$57,500,000
Sub Total:$25,000,000$57,499,999
126OrangeRancho Santiago CCDGProp 39 bond$720,000,000$25.00 2056-2057$1,472,000,000
127OrangeBrea-Olinda UnifiedHProp 39 bond $160,000,000$39.002058-2059$332,712,000
128OrangeSanta Ana UnifiedIProp 39 bond$355,000,000$30.002054-2055$676,852,843
129OrangeTustin UnifiedJProp 39 bond$261,000,000$30.002054-2055$539,105,123
130OrangeAnaheim Union HighKProp 39 bond $496,000,000$30.002056-2057$1,050,000,000
131OrangeFullerton Joint Union HighLProp 39 bond $284,000,000$21.00 2054-2055$538,037,756
132OrangeBuena Park ElementaryMProp 39 bond$84,000,000$30.002054-2055 $165,296,629
133OrangeFullerton ElementaryNProp 39 bond$262,000,000$30.002059-2060$516,074,000
134OrangeLa Habra City ElementaryOProp 39 bond$73,000,000$25.002059-2060$149,785,000
135OrangeLowell JointPProp 39 bond$54,000,000$30.002054-2055$105,672,266
Sub Total:$2,749,000,000$5,545,535,617
136PlacerLoomis UnionEProp 39 bond$48,000,000$110,400,000
137PlacerAckerman CharterGProp 39 bond$4,000,000$9,200,000
138PlacerPlacer Union High SFID #3 of HProp 39 bond$21,000,000$48,300,000
Sub Total:$73,000,000$167,899,998
139RiversideSan Jacinto UnifiedCProp 39 bond$78,000,000$60.00$179,400,000
140RiversideBeaumont Unified SFID #1EProp 39 bond$148,000,000$28.00$340,400,000
141RiversidePerris ElementaryHProp 39 bond$38,000,000$30.00$87,400,000
142RiversideRomoland ElementaryIProp 39 bond$58,455,000$30.00$134,446,500
143RiversideNuview UnionKProp 39 bond$15,000,000$30.00$34,500,000
144RiversideBanning UnifiedOProp 39 bond$74,000,000$51.00$170,200,000
145RiversideMenifee Union ElementaryRProp 39 bond$205,000,000$30.00$471,500,000
146RiversidePalm Springs UnifiedSProp 39 bond$465,000,000$40.00$1,069,500,000
147RiversideLake Elsinore UnifiedTProp 39 bond$198,000,000$28.00$455,400,000
148RiversideJurupa UnifiedVProp 39 bond$180,000,000$40.00$414,000,000
149RiversideMoreno Valley Unified XProp 39 bond$240,000,000$40.00$552,000,000
150RiversideRiverside CCDCCProp 39 bond$954,000,000$19.00$2,194,200,000
Sub Total:$2,653,455,000$6,102,946,496
151SacramentoSacramento City UnifiedDProp 39 bond$543,000,000$48.18 2052-2053$994,300,000
152SacramentoGalt Joint Union ElementaryHProp 39 bond$27,000,000$29.502053-2054$56,908,663
153SacramentoElverta Joint ElementaryJProp 39 bond $4,300,000$29.14 2055-2056$8,550,000
154SacramentoSan Joaquin Delta CCD SFID #1KProp 39 bond$598,000,000$16.00 2059-2060$1,183,000,000
155SacramentoArcohe UnionMProp 39 bond$5,800,000$29.702049-2050$11,339,596
156SacramentoElk Grove UnifiedNProp 39 bond$542,000,000$34.002053-2054 $1,067,816,549
157SacramentoSan Juan UnifiedPProp 39 bond$950,000,000$60.002054-2055$1,500,000,000
158SacramentoFolsom Cordova Unified SFID #4RProp 39 bond$144,000,000$60.002058-2059$299,000,000
159SacramentoFolsom Cordova Unified SFID #4SProp 39 bond$144,000,000$60.00 2058-2059$299,000,000
Sub Total:$2,958,100,000$5,419,914,808
160San BenitoWest Hills CCD SFID #2CProp 39 bond$19,000,000$24.00$43,700,000
161San BenitoAromas/San Juan UnifiedDProp 39 bond$44,000,000$55.00$101,200,000
162San BenitoSouth Monterey County Joint Union HighHProp 39 bond$35,000,000$30.002053-0254$76,000,000
163San BenitoSouth Monterey County Joint Union HighIProp 39 bond$35,000,000$30.002053-0254$76,000,000
164San BenitoSan Benito HighLProp 39 bond$70,000,000$19.00$161,000,000
165San BenitoSan Benito HighMProp 39 bond
Sub Total:$203,000,000$457,899,999
166San BernardinoVictor Valley Union HighAProp 39 bond$180,000,000$23.002061-2062$365,000,000
167San BernardinoMorongo UnifiedCProp 39 bond$88,300,000$39.002058-2059$182,300,000
168San BernardinoRedlands UnifiedDProp 39 bond$500,000,000$45.002063-2064$987,076,922
169San BernardinoRim of the World UnifiedEProp 39 bond$71,000,000$30.002056-2057$134,901,284
170San BernardinoAlta Loma ElementaryGProp 39 bond$71,000,000$30.002054-2055$141,397,822
171San BernardinoMountain View Elementary SFID #3HProp 39 bond$56,000,000$26.002057-2058$114,047,750
172San BernardinoFontana UnifiedIProp 39 bond$408,000,000$54.792053-2054$724,900,000
173San BernardinoSnowline Joint UnifiedJProp 39 bond$70,600,000$40.002056-2057$140,900,000
174San BernardinoVictor Valley Union HighXProp 39 bond$180,000,000$23.002061-2062$365,000,000
175San BernardinoSierra Sands UnifiedAAProp 39 bond$42,000,000$59.892053-2054$89,943,939
176San BernardinoColton Joint UnifiedBBProp 39 bond$225,000,000$40.002053-2054$458,130,028
Sub Total:$1,891,900,000$3,703,597,745
177San DiegoAlpine Union ElementaryUProp 39 bond$6,300,000$30.00$14,490,000
178San DiegoBonsall UnifiedVProp 39 bond$59,000,000$40.00$135,700,000
179San DiegoCajon Valley UnionWProp 39 bond$280,000,000$27.00$644,000,000
180San DiegoDehesta ElementaryYProp 39 bond$3,300,000$25.00$7,590,000
181San DiegoEncinitas UnionZProp 39 bond$158,300,000$19.00$364,090,000
182San DiegoChula Vista ElementaryAAProp 39 bond$360,000,000$29.00$828,000,000
183San DiegoFallbrook Union HighBBProp 39 bond$56,000,000$24.00$128,800,000
184San DiegoLemon GroveCCProp 39 bond$30,000,000$25.00$69,000,000
185San DiegoLemon GroveEEProp 39 bond$30,000,000$25.00$69,000,000
186San DiegoRamona UnifiedGGProp 39 bond$26,700,000$59.00$61,410,000
187San DiegoSan Diego CCDHHProp 39 bond$3,500,000,000$25.00$8,050,000,000
188San DiegoSan Marcos UnifiedJJProp 39 bond$324,000,000$40.00$745,200,000
189San DiegoSan Ysidro ElementaryKKProp 39 bond$68,500,000$30.00$157,550,000
190San DiegoSan YsidroLLProp 39 bond$66,500,000$30.00$152,950,000
191San DiegoSan YsidroMMProp 39 bond$12,900,000$30.00$29,670,000
192San DiegoSanteeNNProp 39 bond$30,620,000$12.00$70,426,000
193San DiegoSouth Bay Union ElementaryPPProp 39 bond$67,000,000$30.00$154,100,000
194San DiegoSouth Bay UnionQQProp 39 bond$58,000,000$30.00$133,400,000
195San DiegoSweetwater Union HighRRProp 39 bond$647,000,000$30.00$1,488,100,000
196San DiegoValley Center-Pauma UnifiedSSProp 39 bond$84,600,000$54.00$194,580,000
197San DiegoSouthwestern Community College DistrictSWProp 39 bond$800,000,000$25.00$1,840,000,000
198San DiegoWarner UnifiedTTProp 39 bond$3,800,000$38.00$8,740,000
Sub Total:$6,672,520,000$15,346,795,990
199San FranciscoSan Francisco UnifiedAProp 39 bond$790,000,000$18.702047-2048$1,298,000,000
Sub Total:$790,000,000$1,298,000,000
200San JoaquinOakdale Joint UnifiedGProp 39 bond$105,500,000$58.16$242,650,000
201San JoaquinGalt Joint Union ElementaryHProp 39 bond$27,000,000$30.00$62,100,000
202San JoaquinRipon UnifiedJProp 39 bond$32,000,000$30.00$73,600,000
203San JoaquinSan Joaquin Delta CCD SFID #1KProp 39 bond$598,000,000$16.002059-2060$1,183,000,000
204San JoaquinEscalon UnifiedLProp 39 bond$27,700,000$29.00$63,710,000
205San JoaquinTracy UnifiedOProp 39 bond$190,000,000$50.00$437,000,000
Sub Total:$980,200,000$2,062,059,996
206San Luis ObispoAtascadero UnifiedB-24Prop 39 bond$110,000,000$46.00$253,000,000
207San Luis ObispoTempleton UnifiedD-24Prop 39 bond$52,300,000$60.00$120,290,000
208San Luis ObispoLucia Mar UnifiedH-24Prop 39 bond$143,220,000$20.00$329,406,000
209San Luis ObispoSanta Maria-BonitaK-24Prop 39 bond$77,000,000$30.002053-2054$165,246,560
210San Luis ObispoSanta Maria Joint Union HighJ-24Prop 39 bond$194,000,000$24.002062-2063$438,139,696
Sub Total:$576,520,000$1,306,082,254
211San MateoMillbrae ElementaryJProp 39 bond$95,000,000$30.002056-2057$191,000,000
212San MateoCabrillo UnifiedKProp 39 bond$153,400,000$60.002055-2056$269,000,000
213San MateoBelmont-Redwood Shores ElementaryPProp 39 bond$171,000,000$29.002056-2057$366,000,000
214San MateoMenlo Park City ElementaryUProp 39 bond$123,600,000$18.602054-2055$256,300,000
215San MateoBayshore ElementaryHHProp 39 bond$12,500,000$30.002058-2059$25,200,000
Sub Total:$555,500,000$1,107,500,000
216Santa BarbaraLompoc UnifiedM2024Prop 39 bond$160,000,000$50.002062-2063$294,729,000
217Santa BarbaraSanta Barbara CCDP2024Prop 39 bond$198,000,000$8.502060-2061$451,555,000
218Santa BarbaraCollege ElementaryL2024Prop 39 bond$18,000,000$19.002057-2058$36,900,000
219Santa BarbaraHope ElementaryY2024Prop 39 bond$40,300,000$18.26$92,690,000
220Santa BarbaraSanta Maria Joint Union HighJ2024Prop 39 bond$194,000,000$24.002062-2063$438,139,696
221Santa BarbaraSanta Maria-BonitaK2024Prop 39 bond$77,000,000$30.002053-2054$165,246,560
Sub Total:$687,300,000$1,479,260,256
222Santa ClaraSan Benito HighLProp 39 bond
223Santa ClaraSan Benito HighMProp 39 bond
224Santa ClaraCampbell Union HighPProp 39 bond$474,000,000$24.00$1,090,200,000
225Santa ClaraSan Jose UnifiedRProp 39 bond$1,150,000,000$60.00$2,645,000,000
226Santa ClaraMount Pleasant ElementarySProp 39 bond$28,000,000$29.00$64,400,000
227Santa ClaraMount Pleasant ElementaryTProp 39 bond$24,000,000$26.00$55,200,000
228Santa ClaraCupertino UnionZProp 39 bond$347,000,000$21.00$798,100,000
229Santa ClaraLos Gatos Union ElementaryCCProp 39 bond$163,000,000$30.00$374,900,000
230Santa ClaraLos Altos ElementaryEEProp 39 bond$350,000,000$30.00$805,000,000
231Santa ClaraOrchard ElementaryGGProp 39 bond$30,000,000$12.00$69,000,000
Sub Total:$2,566,000,000$5,901,799,996
232Santa CruzAromas/San Juan UnifiedDProp 39 bond$44,000,000$55.002053-54$77,900,000
233Santa CruzBonny Doon Union ElementaryLProp 39 bond$7,000,000$30.00$16,100,000
234Santa CruzPajaro Valley UnifiedMProp 39 bond$315,000,000$60.002052-2053$556,452,817
235Santa CruzLive Oak ElementaryNProp 39 bond$45,000,000$30.002056-2057$102,760,000
236Santa CruzScotts Valley UnifiedOProp 39 bond$85,000,000$49.002057-2058$170,000,000
237Santa CruzSoquel Union ElementaryPProp 39 bond$73,000,000$30.002058-2059$147,000,000
Sub Total:$569,000,000$1,070,212,816
238ShastaCottonwood Union ElementaryEProp 39 bond$9,600,000$30.00$22,080,000
239ShastaBella Vista ElementaryGProp 39 bond$4,400,000$29.12$10,120,000
240ShastaJunction ElementaryHProp 39 bond$6,100,000$23.30$14,030,000
241ShastaCascade Union ElementaryIProp 39 bond$16,500,000$28.54$37,950,000
242ShastaGateway UnifiedJProp 39 bond$65,000,000$49.00$149,500,000
243ShastaColumbia ElementaryKProp 39 bond$12,900,000$30.00$29,670,000
244ShastaRed Bluff Joint Union HighLProp 39 bond
245ShastaShasta Union HighMProp 39 bond$56,600,000$14.39$130,180,000
246ShastaPacheco Union ElementaryNProp 39 bond$14,500,000$30.00$33,350,000
247ShastaPacheco Union ElementaryOProp 39 bond$14,700,000$30.00$33,810,000
Sub Total:$200,300,000$460,689,996
248SiskiyouWeed Union ElementaryYProp 39 bond$6,500,000$14,950,000
249SiskiyouZProp 39 bond$22,000,000$50,600,000
Sub Total:$28,500,000$65,549,998
250SolanoVacaville UnifiedEProp 39 bond$317,000,000$48.00$729,100,000
251SolanoTravis UnifiedRProp 39 bond$65,000,000$60.00$149,500,000
Sub Total:$382,000,000$878,600,000
252SonomaPiner-Olivet Union ElementaryKProp 39 bond$29,500,000$30.002058-2059$59,400,000
253SonomaRoselandMProp 39 bond$12,000,000$30.002059-2060$25,700,000
254SonomaSebastopol Union ElementaryNProp 39 bond$24,000,000$29.002055-2056$46,000,000
255SonomaBellevue Union ElementaryPProp 39 bond$38,500,000$30.002058-2059$78,600,000
256SonomaHealdsburg Unified SFID #1RProp 39 bond$49,500,000$29.002058-2059$106,300,000
257SonomaWindsor UnifiedVProp 39 bond$98,000,000$48.002059-2060$197,400,000
258SonomaWright ElementaryXProp 39 bond$29,200,000$30.002059-2060$60,700,000
259SonomaPetaluma City ElementaryZProp 39 bond$70,000,000$30.002058-2059$140,000,000
260SonomaPetaluma Joint Union HighAAProp 39 bond$159,000,000$30.002058-2059$320,000,000
261SonomaCotati-Rohnert Park UnifiedBBProp 39 bond$91,500,000$35.002058-2059$189,200,000
Sub Total:$601,200,000$1,223,300,000
262StanislausHughson UnifiedBProp 39 bond$46,000,000$60.002057-2058$93,577,000
263StanislausRiverbank UnifiedEProp 39 bond$21,600,000$60.002054-2055$42,940,000
264StanislausOakdale Joint UnifiedGProp 39 bond$105,500,000$59.982056-2057$227,720,000
265StanislausSalida Union ElementaryQProp 39 bond$16,000,000$30.002053-2054$29,100,000
266StanislausStanislaus Union ElementaryRProp 39 bond$45,000,000$30.002060-2061$90,000,000
267StanislausNewman-Crows Landing UnifiedSProp 39 bond$30,000,000$49.002055-2056$52,800,000
268StanislausNewman-Crows Landing UnifiedTProp 39 bond$27,000,000$48.002053-2054$44,800,000
269StanislausKeyes UnionUProp 39 bond$8,500,000$30.002056-2057$17,000,000
270StanislausWaterford UnifiedWProp 39 bond$14,000,000$45.002057-2058$28,600,000
271StanislausModesto City ElementaryXProp 39 bond$85,000,000$29.002058-2059$140,000,000
272StanislausCeres UnifiedYProp 39 bond$114,000,000 $60.002057-2058$229,491,250
273StanislausDenair UnifiedZProp 39 bond$34,300,000$60.002059-2060$77,920,000
Sub Total:$546,900,000$1,073,948,250
274SutterSutter Union HighCProp 39 bond$13,800,000$25.002058-2059$29,398,702
275SutterWoodland Joint UnifiedPProp 39 bond$160,000,000$60.002051-2052$275,500,000
Sub Total:$173,800,000$304,898,702
276TehamaCorning Union ElementaryJProp 39 bond$13,700,000$31,510,000
277TehamaLassen View Union ElementaryKProp 39 bond$3,500,000$8,050,000
278TehamaRed Bluff Joint Union HighLProp 39 bond
279TehamaRed Bluff Union ElementaryMProp 39 bond$19,000,000$43,700,000
Sub Total:$36,200,000$83,259,998
280TrinityGreater Hayfork Valley Parks & Recreation DistrictMProp 39 bond$80,000$184,000
Sub Total:$80,000$184,000
281TulareBurton ElementaryGProp 39 bond$7,100,000$16,330,000
282TulareEarlimart ElementaryHProp 39 bond$8,500,000$19,550,000
283TulareExeter UnifiedIProp 39 bond$26,600,000$61,180,000
284TularePleasant View ElementaryJProp 39 bond$3,000,000$6,900,000
285TulareSequoia Union ElementaryLProp 39 bond$3,400,000$7,820,000
286TulareDucor ElementaryMProp 39 bond$2,900,000$6,670,000
Sub Total:$51,500,000$118,449,995
287TuolumneSummerville Union HighBProp 39 bond$13,000,000$29,900,000
Sub Total:$13,000,000$29,899,999
288VenturaOxnard Union HighEProp 39 bond$285,000,000$17.84$655,500,000
289VenturaBriggs ElementaryGProp 39 bond$4,900,000$30.00$11,270,000
290VenturaSanta Paula Unified SFID #1MProp 39 bond$28,400,000$34.00$65,320,000
291VenturaSanta Paula UnifiedNProp 39 bond$36,000,000$24.00$82,800,000
Sub Total:$354,300,000$814,889,999
292YoloWoodland Joint UnifiedPProp 39 bond$160,000,000$60.002051-2052$275,500,000
Sub Total:$160,000,000$275,500,000
293YubaWheatland Union HighAProp 39 bond$9,000,000$20,700,000
294YubaWheatland Union HighBProp 39 bond$19,700,000$45,310,000
295YubaWheatland Union HighCProp 39 bond$20,300,000$46,690,000
296YubaPlumas Lake ElementaryDProp 39 bond$18,000,000$41,400,000
297YubaPlumas Lake ElementaryEProp 39 bond$18,000,000$41,400,000
298YubaPlumas Lake ElementaryFProp 39 bond$18,000,000$41,400,000
Sub Total:$103,000,000$236,900,000

This page contains members-only material that is only viewable by site members who are signed in. Sign up here.


WARNING: Using School Property (Resources) to Promote Bond Measure Is Criminal
October 8, 2024

Before you go calling out the pitchfork brigade and storming the castle, you need to understand the law. It's slightly complex.

Education Code section 7050 begins an article ("Political Activities of School Officers and Employees") that prohibits some kinds of activity and permits others under certain conditions. For the purposes of this discussion, you should understand section 7054 and section 7058.

Our Supreme Court has ruled on the restrictions of section 7054 in relation to a "free speech" challenge. The opening sentence of the opinion is: "Shortly before an election, ..." San Leandro Teachers Assn. v. Governing Bd. of San Leandro Unified School Dist. (2009), 46 Cal.4th 822, 827. That should give you a clue. Right now, we are in that period "shortly before an election."

In general, section 7054 prohibits (with a criminal sanction) the use of "district funds, services, supplies, or equipment." There is, of course, the "information" exception which requires two conditions to be met.

Just as a brief aside. The second requirement for the "information" exception requires "a fair and impartial presentation of relevant facts." What are facts? Words have meaning. Anything that "will" happen in the future is NOT a fact. It's speculation. Almost all of the district's arguments (reasons) for the bond measure and how the proceeds "will be" expended are NOT facts. They are pure speculation. Finally, allegations, claims, conclusions, estimates, generalizations, opinions, predictions, and promises are NOT facts. Facts are specific, like "Room 202 has peeling lead paint because we haven't removed it in 75 years." Answers to fabricated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are also NOT facts. You can take that and run with it to shut down almost all pre-election district activity.

It also doesn't matter what is written in the ballot label, the impartial analysis, the full text of the measure, the arguments, or the tax rate statement. Our courts have also held that a measure is not a contract. (Assoc. Students of N. Peralta v. Bd. of Trustees (1979) 92 Cal.App.3d 672.) District lawyers intentionally write the measures so poorly in order to ensure that they can never be enforced against the district. Six ways from Sunday, the measures are scams.

Section 7058, the focus of this article, states: "Nothing in this article shall prohibit the use of a forum under the control of the governing board of a school district or community college district if the forum is made available to all sides on an equitable basis."

So what do school and college districts do "shortly before an election?" Typically, they do some or all of the following:

ALL of these activities are illegal. Each instance is a separate crime (a misdemeanor) under section 7054(c). Note that corrupt county district attorneys, because they have discretion, will not prosecute the responsible district employees. This is mostly because the public, in general, doesn't know the law and never files complaints.

Each of these instances are also, with high certainty, non-monetary contributions to the campaign, whether or not a primarily formed committee files any paperwork. You must understand that the filing of a Statement of Organization (Form 410) with the Secretary of State is not the criteria for "qualifying" a committee. Receiving contributions or making expenditures over the statutory minimum, automatically "qualifies" the receiver of the contributions or the maker of the expenditures as a committee. In fact, almost every school and college district IS a campaign committee based on the pre-election expenditures that they make. They just never file and never report. Campaign finance is an entire subject. We are always willing to help those who go after the criminals running your district. If you're serious about it, call us.

Note the asterisks in the list above. We contend that those are forums. Most district web sites provide school-related organizations to place links or information on the district's web site. With our guidance, local individuals like yourself have been able to "persuade" the district to take down the "information" when a specific demand is made. (The The Art of War advises us not to disclose the actual tactics in a public article like this.)

Regarding the "meetings on school property," there are two actions that you MUST take. First, find out the schedule for every "meeting" with its time and location. (Hint: Just call the district.) Second, make a request directly to the superintendent/chancellor/president to present "information" at each of those meetings. You must make the request. Complaining after the fact is of no value.

Often times, the superintendent will pass off your request to an underling. In any case, you're likely to get a reply that you may attend the meeting and ask any questions you wish. THIS DOES NOT MEET THE DEFINITION OF "EQUITABLE BASIS." Your request is to speak from the front of the room, answer questions, and distribute materials, just like the district's speakers will do.

Get it? This is not rocket science. The district will either grant your request (rarely), cancel the meeting, or ignore you. In any of these cases, you've won. If the district denies your request or ignores you, go to the meetings (hopefully with a small crew) and greet people entering and offer your sign up sheet, pass out your literature, and record (video if possible) the proceedings. Remember, the district is promoting these meetings. They're doing all the work for you. You'll never get a better chance to connect with voters than this.

Good luck. If you've done the first step (gotten the schedule), send it to us, sign up on the web site, and then call us. We're really only interested in helping people who are willing to help themselves. Tire kickers and people with their own ideas are welcome to do it their way and report back on the results.

Again, we can't discuss all the tactics publicly. That's why you must be willing to sign up at the web site.

# # #


Welcome to the show!

They're coming! They're coming for your money! And they're going to use every trick in the book to get their hands on your money so they can appease their megalomania.

Who are they? Your local school superintendent or community college president, along with her lackeys -- the governing board, who are competing for who can spend your money fastest to satisfy their quest for monuments for their legacy.

This site is very specific to California school and community college construction bonds that are certain to be on ballots all over the state in June and November 2016.

Taxpayers will typically pay 3 to 10 times the face value of the bonds in taxes.

Past history demonstrates that these bonds burden property owners and their tenants with huge debt and very little to show for the taxpayer investment. Taxpayers will typically pay 3 to 10 times the face value of the bonds in taxes. When there is something to show, it is typically ostentatious and extravagant. Taxpayer money should not be spent building grandiose temples when the functional equivalent would serve just as well.

What Can You Do?

Right now you can be a 'listener' -- someone who takes a tiny bit of time and keeps their ear to the ground listening for talk about bonds.

Key words and phrases:

  • 21st century
  • school improvement
  • college and career ready
  • technology
  • leaking roofs
  • asbestos
  • fire alarms
  • safety systems
  • maintaining property values
  • aging facilities
  • facilities master plan

Is a Bond Election in Your Future?

Whether you already have a bond on the June election ballot or are likely to have one in November, I encourage you to join the weekly Wednesday night teleconference.

It's for people that want to learn tactics and strategies to prepare for an all-out ballot fight. Believe me, if the school bonds cartel smells opposition, it will step up its game. We're talking about billions of dollars of easy money, once it gets it past the voters.

To get access to the call, you'll need to sign up. As preparation you should read The Art of War by Sun Tsu to understand how you should approach dealing with the school bonds cartel. My other recommendation is Jeff Olsen's The Slight Edge which will teach you how to accomplish more than you think possible.


Things are going to be happening very quickly. Proposition 39 bonds (55% approval) may only be placed on ballots for regular state and local elections. In California, that means the June 2016 primary and the November 2016 presidential election.

Now through March 11, 2016
Any local measure that will be on the June ballot must have been approved by the Board no later than just prior to the filing deadline in early March.
March 11, 2016 through August 12, 2016
Any local measure that will be on the November ballot must have been approved by the Board no later than August 12, 2016 (88 days before the election).

In order to get a measure on the ballot without opposition, Boards are told by their consultants to wait until the last possible meeting to vote to approve the measure for the ballot. In other words, the Board has already made a decision among themselves to approve it (in violation of the Brown Act), but will wait so as to give opposition no time to do anything about it.

Can You Win?


Measure O (Los Angeles County) -- a $485,000,000 tax, placed on the November 3, 2015 ballot by the Walnut Valley Unified School District failed. This clearinghouse is an extension of that victory by a small group of committed people who had had enough of the lies. Walnut and Diamond Bar High Schools are regularly featured in lists of top performing schools around the state. The people, however, learned that throwing money at schools does not improve student performance.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure K
for $598,000,000 San Joaquin Delta CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Alameda County Measure K for San Joaquin Delta CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $598,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $1,375,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $1,375,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Joaquin Delta CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure K".

San Joaquin Delta CCD, in cahoots with Alameda county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

DELTA COLLEGE JOB TRAINING, REPAIR, AFFORDABLE EDUCATION MEASURE. To improve local community college classrooms/ labs/ access for nursing/ vocational career training, student safety; remove asbestos, lead paint, mold; ensure safe drinking water; repair deteriorating sewers, roofs; acquire, construct, repair classrooms, sites, facilities, equipment; shall San Joaquin Delta Community College District School Facilities Improvement District No. 1's measure authorizing $598,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $16 per $100,000 assessed valuation, generating $34,800,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, requiring local control, oversight, audits, spending disclosure?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure L
for $63,800,000 Albany City Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Alameda County Measure L for Albany City Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $63,800,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $146,740,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $146,740,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Albany City Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure L".

Albany City Unified, in cahoots with Alameda county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve and construct safe, modern classrooms, restrooms, and community and arts facilities; renovate cafeterias/dining areas, and outdoor spaces; replace outdated portables with new classrooms; update aging electrical, heating/cooling systems, and roofs; shall Albany Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $63,800,000 in bonds at legal rates, levy approximately $60 per $100,000 of assessed value, raising approximately $4,210,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight, audits and all funds staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure M
for $919,000,000 Fremont Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Alameda County Measure M for Fremont Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $919,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $2,113,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $2,113,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Fremont Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure M".

Fremont Unified, in cahoots with Alameda county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair/upgrade local schools by updating classrooms/ science labs/ classroom technology/ equipment; replacing leaking roofs; replacing outdated, aging/ deteriorating portables with permanent classrooms; acquiring, constructing, repairing classrooms, facilities, sites/ equipment; and replacing inefficient HVAC, electrical/ plumbing systems with updated sustainable systems; shall Fremont Unified School District's measure authorizing $919,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying 4.9(cents sign)/ $100 assessed value ($63,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, requiring citizen oversight/ audits, and no money for administrators' salaries?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure N
for $272,000,000 New Haven Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Alameda County Measure N for New Haven Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $272,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $625,600,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $625,600,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local New Haven Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure N".

New Haven Unified, in cahoots with Alameda county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

New Haven Unified School District Classroom, Science Lab, Student Safety Measure. To repair/ upgrade local schools, including classrooms/ labs for science, technology, engineering, math, reading/ writing; improving campus safety/ security; replacing aging roofs, heating/ cooling systems, restrooms/ plumbing, shall New Haven Unified School District's measure authorizing $272,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, at average levies of $60 per $100,000 assessed value (approximately $17,200,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight, audits, no funds for administrator salaries, and funds used locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure O
for $205,000,000 Newark Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Alameda County Measure O for Newark Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $205,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $471,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $471,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Newark Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure O".

Newark Unified, in cahoots with Alameda county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To update schools for 21st century learning, classrooms/ labs for science, technology, engineering, arts and math instruction; technology infrastructure, HVAC, electrical/plumbing systems; and school security/ emergency preparedness; shall Newark Unified School District's measure authorizing $205,000,000 in bonds at legal interest rates be adopted, with average levies of $50 per $100,000 assessed valuation while bonds are outstanding, generating approximately $14,000,000 annually, extending not increasing estimated tax rates, with citizen oversight, annual audits and no funds for administrators?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure Q
for $195,000,000 San Lorenzo Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Alameda County Measure Q for San Lorenzo Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $195,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $448,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $448,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Lorenzo Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure Q".

San Lorenzo Unified, in cahoots with Alameda county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To modernize/construct classrooms and school facilities; make health, safety and security improvements; upgrade deteriorating plumbing, sewer, and irrigation systems; upgrade outdated technology infrastructure; and replace aging heating and ventilation systems; shall the measure authorizing San Lorenzo Unified School District to issue $195,000,000 of bonds at legal rates be adopted, generating on average $12,400,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at rates of approximately $60 per $100,000 assessed value, with citizens' oversight, annual audits, and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure RM4
for $20,000,000,000 Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Alameda County Measure RM4 for Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,000,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $48,000,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $48,000,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure RM4".

Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority, in cahoots with Alameda county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

BAY AREA AFFORDABILITY PLAN. To address housing affordability and reduce homelessness by:
  • Providing an estimated 70,000 affordable apartments/homes;
  • Creating homes near transit, jobs, and stores;
  • Converting vacant lots/blighted properties into affordable housing; and
  • Providing first-time homebuyer assistance;
Shall the measure issuing $20,000,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying an estimated $19 per $100,000 of assessed valuation generating $910,976,423 annually while bonds are outstanding, and requiring public reporting, independent audits/citizen oversight, be adopted?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure A
for $16,500,000 Biggs Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Butte County Measure A for Biggs Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $16,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $33,600,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $33,600,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Biggs Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure A".

Biggs Unified, in cahoots with Butte county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of Biggs school facilities; replace leaky roofs; construct/modernize classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; and make health, safety and security improvements; shall the Biggs Unified School District measure be adopted authorizing $16,500,000 of bonds, at legal rates, raising on average $988,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately 6 cents per $100 of assessed valuation, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for administrator salaries and all money spent locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure B
for $24,500,000 Durham Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Butte County Measure B for Durham Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $24,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $48,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $48,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Durham Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure B".

Durham Unified, in cahoots with Butte county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of education; modernize/renovate outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; replace portables with permanent classrooms; and upgrade agriculture career technical education facilities; shall Durham Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $24,500,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $1,400,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding from levies of approximately 6 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries and all funds benefiting Durham Schools?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure C
for $239,000,000 Chico Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Butte County Measure C for Chico Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $239,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $431,565,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $431,565,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Chico Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure C".

Chico Unified, in cahoots with Butte county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve local school classrooms for math, reading, writing, science, workforce training; replace/ repair leaky roofs, windows, plumbing, heating, cooling; update school safety; expand facilities for elementary schools and reading/ literacy programs; shall Chico Unified School District's measure issuing $239,000,000 in bonds at legal interest rates be adopted, levying an average $60 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (approximately $15,400,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizens' oversight, independent audits, no funds for administrator salaries, all funds staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure D
for $6,800,000 Thermalito Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Butte County Measure D for Thermalito Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $6,800,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $14,475,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $14,475,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Thermalito Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure D".

Thermalito Union Elementary, in cahoots with Butte county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms, and school facilities, build classrooms to increase campus capacity, repair/ replace leaky roofs and aging heating/ ventilation/ air-conditioning systems, and make health, safety and security improvements, shall the Thermalito Union Elementary School District measure to issue $6,800,000 of bonds at legal interest rates be adopted, generating on average $467,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at rates of approximately $30 per $100,000 in assessed value, with citizens oversight, annual audits, and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $18,000,000 Oroville City Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Butte County Measure E for Oroville City Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $18,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $37,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $37,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Oroville City Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".

Oroville City Elementary, in cahoots with Butte county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To modernize and construct classrooms, restrooms, and career-tech facilities; repair/ replace leaky roofs/ windows; upgrade inadequate electrical systems; expand Ishi Hills Middle School; and make health/ safety improvements, shall Oroville City Elementary School District's measure authorizing $18,000,000 of bonds at legal interest rates be adopted, levying approximately $21.15 per $100,000 assessed value (generating on average $1,200,00) annually while bonds are outstanding, citizens' oversight, annual audits, and all money staying local, with no projected increase to current tax rates?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure G
for $43,000,000 Paradise Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Butte County Measure G for Paradise Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $43,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $87,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $87,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Paradise Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure G".

Paradise Unified, in cahoots with Butte county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of education for all students by rebuilding Paradise Elementary School; updating safety and security systems; and constructing/modernizing/upgrading classrooms, labs and school facilities to support student achievement and college and career readiness; shall Paradise Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $43,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, levying 5 cents per $100 assessed value ($2.4 million annually) while bonds are outstanding, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO funds for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure O
for $98,000,000 Martinez Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Contra Costa County Measure O for Martinez Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $98,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $225,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $225,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Martinez Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure O".

Martinez Unified, in cahoots with Contra Costa county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To modernize/construct classrooms and school facilities; make health and safety improvements; construct career/technical education classrooms; renovate facilities at Martinez junior/senior high schools and adult education; shall the Martinez Unified School District measure authorizing $90,000,000 in bonds, at legal interest rates, and levying approximately $38.40 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $5,800,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, with a board appointed citizens' oversight committee and annual independent audits to assure proper expenditure of funds?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure P
for $140,000,000 Pittsburg Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Contra Costa County Measure P for Pittsburg Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $140,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $322,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $322,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pittsburg Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure P".

Pittsburg Unified, in cahoots with Contra Costa county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Pittsburg Unified School District Classroom Repair/ Safety Measure. To repair, upgrade and expand local schools; fix leaky roofs; improve safety/ security/ accessibility for students with disabilities; update classrooms/ labs for math, reading, writing, and science; and prevent student overcrowding, shall Pittsburg Unified School District's measure be adopted, authorizing $140,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying a tax averaging $60 per $100,000 assessed value ($9,200,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight, no money for administrators, and all funds used locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure R
for $24,000,000 Byron Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Contra Costa County Measure R for Byron Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $24,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $55,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $55,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Byron Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure R".

Byron Union Elementary, in cahoots with Contra Costa county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Byron Union School District School Repair Measure. To repair / upgrade elementary and middle schools, including replace school well for safe drinking water; upgrade classrooms/ labs for science, technology, engineering, arts, math instruction; repair leaky roofs/ HVAC systems; upgradeschoolsafety/securitysystems; shallByronUnionSchoolDistrict's measure be adopted authorizing $24,000,000 in bonds at legal interest rates, levying $18 per $100,000 of assessed value (averaging $1,520,000 raised annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight, audits, all funds locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure S
for $77,000,000 Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Contra Costa County Measure S for Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $77,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $177,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $177,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure S".

Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District, in cahoots with Contra Costa county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair and improve local parks, trails, and recreation facilities to support health, fitness, and activities for residents of all ages; add restrooms where needed; and improve park safety, children's playground equipment, access for residents with disabilities, shall Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District's measure authorizing $77,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying approximately $4,200,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at average rates of $19 per $100,000 assessed value, with independent citizen oversight and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure RM4
for $20,000,000,000 Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Contra Costa County Measure RM4 for Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,000,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $48,000,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $48,000,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure RM4".

Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority, in cahoots with Contra Costa county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

BAY AREA AFFORDABILITY PLAN. To address housing affordability and reduce homelessness by:
  • Providing an estimated 70,000 affordable apartments/homes;
  • Creating homes near transit, jobs, and stores;
  • Converting vacant lots/blighted properties into affordable housing; and
  • Providing first-time homebuyer assistance;
Shall the measure issuing $20,000,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying an estimated $19 per $100,000 of assessed valuation generating $910,976,423 annually while bonds are outstanding, and requiring public reporting, independent audits/citizen oversight, be adopted?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure H
for $59,000,000 Del Norte Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Del Norte County Measure H for Del Norte Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $59,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $135,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $135,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Del Norte Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure H".

Del Norte Unified, in cahoots with Del Norte county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of education; repair/replace leaky roofs and outdated infrastructure including plumbing, sewer, and electrical; make health, safety and security improvements; modernize classrooms; and renovate career/ technical education facilities; shall the Del Norte Unified School District measure be adopted authorizing $59,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, levying approximately $59 per $100,000 assessed value ($3,100,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight/audits, no money for administrator salaries, and all funds locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure I
for $120,000,000 Redwoods CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Del Norte County Measure I for Redwoods CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $120,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $276,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $276,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Redwoods CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure I".

Redwoods CCD, in cahoots with Del Norte county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

COLLEGE OF THE REDWOODS CAMPUS REPAIR AND UPGRADE MEASURE. To repair and upgrade outdated facilities, classrooms, and labs used for job training and science/technology education, deteriorating roofs, electrical wiring, and plumbing, and aging student housing; and acquire, construct, repair facilities, sites, equipment, shall Redwoods Community College District's measure be adopted authorizing $120,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $25 per $100,000 of assessed valuation, ($8,400,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with audits, independent oversight, and no money for administrator salaries?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure A
for $12,700,000 Black Oak Mine Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on El Dorado County Measure A for Black Oak Mine Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $12,700,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $29,210,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $29,210,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Black Oak Mine Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure A".

Black Oak Mine Unified, in cahoots with El Dorado county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With funds that cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere, shall Black Oak Mine Unified School District's measure to expand classrooms for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM); replace leaky roofs/plumbing; and enhance labs for Coding, Robotics, Woodworking, Circuitry, and Career Training be adopted, authorizing $12.7 million of bonds with average levies below $40 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $1.2 million annually) while outstanding, legal rates, audits, citizen oversight, and full public disclosure of all spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure P
for $11,500,000 Pollock Pines Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on El Dorado County Measure P for Pollock Pines Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $11,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $26,450,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $26,450,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pollock Pines Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure P".

Pollock Pines Elementary, in cahoots with El Dorado county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of education; replace leaky roofs; renovate and modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; replace deteriorating plumbing systems; and make safety and security improvements; shall Pollock Pines Elementary School District's measure be adopted authorizing $11,500,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $693,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding with levies of approximately $30 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure U
for $12,700,000 Lake Tahoe Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on El Dorado County Measure U for Lake Tahoe Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $12,700,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $29,210,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $29,210,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lake Tahoe Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure U".

Lake Tahoe Unified, in cahoots with El Dorado county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Lake Tahoe Unified School District Classroom Repair Measure. To improve quality education by updating classrooms, labs, libraries, and career training facilities; repairing deteriorating roofs, plumbing, heating/cooling and electrical systems; improving fire safety, water quality and school security; and removing hazardous materials like asbestos/ lead, shall Lake Tahoe Unified School District's measure be adopted issuing $127,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, levying 3.5¢ per $100 assessed value (approximately $6,600,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight, audits, and all funds staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure A
for $400,000,000 Clovis Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Fresno County Measure A for Clovis Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $400,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $800,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $800,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Clovis Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure A".

Clovis Unified, in cahoots with Fresno county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With no estimated increase to current tax rates, no money for administrators' salaries, and all funds staying local, shall Clovis Unified School District's measure to maintain neighborhood schools, upgrade security/health measures and avoid overcrowding by: building, modernizing, and repairing school and career/vocational facilities, authorizing $400 million in bonds at legal interest rates, levies averaging less than 5¢/$100 assessed value, raising $32 million annually for bonds through maturity be adopted, with independent audits and citizens' oversight?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure C
for $19,000,000 West Hills CCD SFID #2 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Fresno County Measure C for West Hills CCD SFID #2 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $19,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $32,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $32,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local West Hills CCD SFID #2 schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure C".

West Hills CCD SFID #2, in cahoots with Fresno county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve Coalinga College with funds that cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere, shall West Hills Community College District's measure to expand career training/technical educational classrooms and facilities; renovate outdated classrooms, labs, and student dorms; and improve campus safety be adopted, authorizing $19 million of bonds with estimated average levies below $24 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (approximately $1 million annually) while outstanding, with legal rates, audits, independent oversight and full public disclosure of all spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure D
for $42,000,000 Dinuba Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Fresno County Measure D for Dinuba Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $42,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $87,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $87,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Dinuba Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure D".

Dinuba Unified, in cahoots with Fresno county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

DINUBA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL REPAIR, SAFETY, STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT MEASURE. To repair/update vocational/career, science, engineering, agricultural classrooms/labs; remove asbestos/ mold; provide safe drinking water; acquire, construct, repair facilities, sites, equipment, wiring, gas lines, leaky roofs; upgrade, security, emergency communications systems; shall Dinuba Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $42,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying 6¢ per $100 of assessed valuation ($2,800,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, requiring oversight, public spending disclosure, all funds for local schools?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure F
for $25,000,000 Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Fresno County Measure F for Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $25,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $57,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $57,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure F".

Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified, in cahoots with Fresno county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

FIREBAUGH-LAS DELTAS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT REPAIR, SAFETY MEASURE. To repair/upgrade science, technology, vocational classrooms to help retain/attract quality teachers; address immediate safety needs; improve disabled access, electrical wiring, emergency communication systems; protect drinking water; acquire, construct, repair facilities, sites, equipment, shall Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified School District's measure authorizing $25,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying 6¢ per $100 of assessed valuation, raising on average $1,700,000 annually while bonds are outstanding be adopted, requiring oversight/audits, spending disclosure, funds for local schools?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure H
for $500,000,000 Fresno Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Fresno County Measure H for Fresno Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $500,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,300,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,300,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Fresno Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure H".

Fresno Unified, in cahoots with Fresno county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

FRESNO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SAFETY, CLASSROOM UPGRADE/ REPAIR/ OVERCROWDING MEASURE.\nTo attract/retain qualified teachers; reduce overcrowding; upgrade security/fire safety; remove lead paint/asbestos; provide safe drinking water; repair deteriorating gas lines, heating/air conditioning, leaky roofs; upgrade career education classrooms/labs; shall Fresno Unified School District's measure authorizing $500,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying 6¢ per $100 of assessed valuation, raising $31,000,000 annually while bonds are outstanding be adopted, requiring public spending disclosure, oversight, all funds used locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure K
for $20,000,000 Kingsburg Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Fresno County Measure K for Kingsburg Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $40,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $40,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Kingsburg Joint Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure K".

Kingsburg Joint Union High, in cahoots with Fresno county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of schools; replace outdated HVAC systems; construct/ renovate/ modernize classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; and make health and safety and energy efficiency improvements; shall Kingsburg Joint Union High School District's measure authorizing $20,000,000 of bonds at legal rates be adopted, generating approximately $1,100,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, at average rates of approximately $23.48 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, citizens' oversight, all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure L
for $9,700,000 Laton Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Fresno County Measure L for Laton Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $9,700,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $19,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $19,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Laton Joint Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure L".

Laton Joint Unified, in cahoots with Fresno county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of local schools; make health, safety and security improvements; a modernize/ renovate/ construct classrooms, a kitchen, athletic and other school facilities; shall the Laton Joint Unified School District measure authorizing $9,700,000 of bonds at legal interest rates be adopted, generating on average $565,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at rates of approximately $57 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight committee, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure M
for $175,000,000 Sanger Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Fresno County Measure M for Sanger Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $175,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $411,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $411,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Sanger Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure M".

Sanger Unified, in cahoots with Fresno county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To continue Sanger Unified student success and reduce overcrowding by building/ completing new schools; providing facilities for college/ career preparation; upgrade vocational/ career/ classrooms/ labs/ athletics/ dual credit pathways and online learning technology; improve health, safety and security systems; shall Sanger Unified School District's measure authorizing $175,000,000 in bonds at legal interest rates, levying $60 per $100,000 assessed valuation, raising $10 million annually for issued bonds through maturity, requiring audits, citizens' oversight, all money used locally, be adopted?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure P
for $14,100,000 Parlier Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Fresno County Measure P for Parlier Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $14,100,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $28,300,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $28,300,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Parlier Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure P".

Parlier Unified, in cahoots with Fresno county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of local schools; modernize/construct classrooms, restrooms, athletic/ sports complex and other facilities; repair leaky roofs; and make health, safety and security improvements; shall the Parlier Unified School District measure authorizing $14,100,000 of bonds at legal interest rates be adopted, generating approximately $786,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at average tax rates of 6¢ per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight committee, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure Q
for $698,000,000 State Center CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Fresno County Measure Q for State Center CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $698,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,413,667,750 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,413,667,750 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local State Center CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure Q".

State Center CCD, in cahoots with Fresno county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

LOCAL COMMUNITY COLLEGES WORKFORCE TRAINING, AFFORDABLE EDUCATION AND CLASSROOM REPAIR MEASURE. To upgrade local colleges/education centers; improve nursing, paramedic, firefighter, police/agriculture/manufacturing and vocational training; fix leaky roofs, asbestos, lead paint; sewer lines; protect drinking water; acquire, construct, repair facilities, sites, equipment; shall State Center Community College District's measure authorizing $698,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying 2¢ per $100 assessed valuation ($42,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding be adopted, with oversight, all funds used locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure U
for $24,150,000 Sierra Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Fresno County Measure U for Sierra Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $24,150,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $55,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $55,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Sierra Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure U".

Sierra Unified, in cahoots with Fresno county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To upgrade/repair/modernize our local high school and alternative education facilities, including repairing heating/air conditioning and leaky roofs, removing asbestos/lead/mold, and making safety improvements, shall Sierra Unified School District's measure authorizing $24,150,000 in bonds, at legal interest rates, and levying approximately $45 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $1.70 million annually) while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, with a board appointed citizens' oversight committee and annual independent audits to assure proper expenditure of funds?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure X
for $109,000,000 Central Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Fresno County Measure X for Central Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $109,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $210,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $210,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Central Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure X".

Central Unified, in cahoots with Fresno county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With funds that cannot be taken by the State, shall Central Unified School District's measure to improve student safety/ school security; rehabilitate/ expand classrooms, including vocational/ career technical education facilities; replace leaky roofs and ensure Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility, authorizing $109 million of bonds with legal rates, audits, average levies below $50 per $100,000 assessed valuation while outstanding (raising $7 million annually) be adopted, with citizen oversight, no increase to estimated tax rates and public disclosure of all spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure I
for $120,000,000 Redwoods Community College District School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Humboldt County Measure I for Redwoods Community College District school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $120,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $276,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $276,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Redwoods Community College District schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure I".

Redwoods Community College District, in cahoots with Humboldt county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair and upgrade outdated facilities, classrooms, and labs used for job training and science/ technology education, deteriorating roofs, electrical wiring, and plumbing, and aging student housing; and acquire, construct, repair facilities, sites, equipment, shall Redwoods Community College District's measure be adopted authorizing $120,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $25 per $100,000 of assessed valuation, ($8,400,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with audits, independent oversight, and no money for administrator salaries?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure J
for $9,800,000 Ferndale Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Humboldt County Measure J for Ferndale Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $9,800,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $19,778,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $19,778,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Ferndale Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure J".

Ferndale Unified, in cahoots with Humboldt county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of education; repair or replace leaky roofs; make health, safety and security improvements; and modernize/renovate outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities: shall Ferndale Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $9,800,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $549,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding from levies of approximately $60 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, no money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure K
for $5,000,000 Cutten Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Humboldt County Measure K for Cutten Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $5,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $10,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $10,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Cutten Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure K".

Cutten Elementary, in cahoots with Humboldt county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; improve technology in schools; replace outdated heating and cooling systems; and make health, safety and security improvements, shall Cutten School District's measure authorizing $5,000,000 in bonds, at legal interest rates, and levying approximately $30 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $318,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, with a board appointed citizens' oversight committee and annual independent audits to assure proper expenditure of funds?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure N
for $18,500,000 McKinleyville Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Humboldt County Measure N for McKinleyville Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $18,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $37,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $37,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local McKinleyville Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure N".

McKinleyville Union Elementary, in cahoots with Humboldt county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of McKinleyville elementary and middle schools; replace leaky roofs; modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms, and school facilities; upgrade deteriorating plumbing and sewer systems; make health and safety improvements; shall McKinleyville Union School District's measure authorizing $18,500,000 of bonds at legal rates be adopted, generating approximately $1,000,000 annually, at average rates of $28.60 per $100,000 assessed value, while bonds are outstanding, with annual audits, citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure R
for $46,300,000 Bishop Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Inyo County Measure R for Bishop Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $46,300,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $71,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $71,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Bishop Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure R".

Bishop Unified, in cahoots with Inyo county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Bishop Union High School and Home Street Middle School Repair Bond. With funds that cannot be taken by the State, shall Bishop Unified School District's measure to repair/ replace deteriorating plumbing, roofs, electrical heating and air- conditioning systems and update career training facilities classrooms, and Bishop Union High School's historic main building be adopted authorizing $46.3 million with legal rates audits, average levies below $52 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $2.9 million annually) while outstanding, independent oversight, no funds for administrator salaries and full disclosure of spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure S
for $14,200,000 Bishop Unified SFID #2024-1 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Inyo County Measure S for Bishop Unified SFID #2024-1 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $14,200,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $21,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $21,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Bishop Unified SFID #2024-1 schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure S".

Bishop Unified SFID #2024-1, in cahoots with Inyo county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Bishop Elementary School Repair Bond. With funds that cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere, shall Bishop Unified School District's measure to replace leaky roofs; repair/replace inefficient heating and air-conditioning systems; renovate classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; and improve student safety be adopted, authorizing $14.2 million with legal rates, audits, average levies below $18 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $873,900 annually) while outstanding, independent oversight, no funds for administrator salaries and full disclosure of all spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure T
for $7,500,000 Owens Valley Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Inyo County Measure T for Owens Valley Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $7,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $17,250,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $17,250,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Owens Valley Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure T".

Owens Valley Unified, in cahoots with Inyo county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To replace leaky roofs; construct/modernize and renovate classrooms, restrooms and school facilities, and make health, safety and security improvements; shall the Owens Valley Unified School District measure be adopted authorizing $7,500,000 of bonds, at legal rates, raising on average $402,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately 4.900 cents per $100 of assessed valuation, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for administrator salaries and all money spent locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure U
for $7,500,000 Lone Pine Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Inyo County Measure U for Lone Pine Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $7,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $17,250,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $17,250,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lone Pine Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure U".

Lone Pine Unified, in cahoots with Inyo county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To replace HVAC systems; modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; replace leaky roofs; and make health, safety and security improvements, shall the Lone Pine Unified School District measure be adopted authorizing $7,500,000 in bonds, at legal rates, raising on average $434,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately $27.50 per $100,000 of assessed valuation, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for administrator salaries and all money spent locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure C
for $398,000,000 Antelope Valley Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Kern County Measure C for Antelope Valley Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $398,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $797,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $797,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Antelope Valley Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure C".

Antelope Valley Union High, in cahoots with Kern county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Antelope Valley High Schools/Job Skills Improvement Measure: To improve local high schools, upgrade vocational classrooms/ labs/ technology for skilled trades, science, engineering, math, aerospace education, practical career skills; fix deteriorating gas/ sewer lines, leaky roofs, ensure safe drinking water; upgrade student/ school safety; attract/retain quality teachers; shall Antelope Valley Union High School District's measure authorizing $398,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying 2 cents per $100 assessed value, raising $25,000,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, with citizen oversight, spending disclosure, local control?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure D
for $35,400,000 Wasco Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Kern County Measure D for Wasco Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $35,400,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $75,434,783 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $75,434,783 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Wasco Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure D".

Wasco Union High, in cahoots with Kern county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Wasco Union High School District Upgrade, Safety, Student Achievement / Teacher Retention Measure
To attract quality teachers and prepare students for careers / college by upgrading school safety, active shooter preparedness, fire systems, vocational job training / gym facilities; provide safe drinking water; acquire, construct, repair facilities, sites, equipment shall Wasco Union High School District's measure authorizing $35,400,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying 3¢ per $100 assessed valuation, raising $2,700,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, requiring oversight / spending disclosures, all funds for Wasco Union High School?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure H
for $59,000,000 Southern Kern Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Kern County Measure H for Southern Kern Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $59,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $136,900,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $136,900,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Southern Kern Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure H".

Southern Kern Unified, in cahoots with Kern county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To upgrade science, technology, engineering, arts and math classrooms, repair leaky roofs, improve student safety/security, build a new school to reduce overcrowding, improve vocational/career classrooms, renovate plumbing, fire safety and electrical systems, remove asbestos and ensure clean drinking water, shall Southern Kern Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $59,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, $60 per $100,000 assessed value, raising $3,910,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, with independent audits, citizen oversight, and all money controlled locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure I
for $4,000,000 Buttonwillow Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Kern County Measure I for Buttonwillow Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $4,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $6,325,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $6,325,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Buttonwillow Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure I".

Buttonwillow Union Elementary, in cahoots with Kern county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To update school facilities with modern technology, repair roofs, make path of travel and play surface improvements, and renovate classrooms and other school facilities, shall the Buttonwillow Union School District measure authorizing $4,000,000 in bonds, at legal interest rates, and levying approximately $15.00 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $301,190 annually) while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, with a board appointed citizens' oversight committee and annual independent audits to assure proper expenditure of funds?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure J
for $0 Delano Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Kern County Measure J for Delano Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $0 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $0 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $0 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Delano Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure J".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure K
for $36,000,000 Fruitvale Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Kern County Measure K for Fruitvale Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $36,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $64,390,824 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $64,390,824 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Fruitvale Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure K".

Fruitvale Elementary, in cahoots with Kern county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair/replace deteriorating roofs/plumbing/electrical systems; improve safety/security systems and disability access; remove asbestos and lead pipes; upgrade older classrooms, labs, school facilities to support student achievement in math, science engineering, arts and technology; shall Fruitvale School District's measure authorizing $36,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying average rates of 3¢ per $100 assessed value (estimated $2,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, annual audits, and all money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure L
for $25,000,000 Greenfield Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Kern County Measure L for Greenfield Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $25,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $52,508,540 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $52,508,540 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Greenfield Union schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure L".

Greenfield Union, in cahoots with Kern county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair/ improve aging neighborhood schools; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical, infrastructure; remove asbestos and lead pipes; improve school safety and security systems; construct/ upgrade school facilities/ classrooms to support student achievement in science, math, literacy, and technology shall the Greenfield Union School District measure authorizing $25,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying approximately 3¢ per $100 assessed value (averaging $2,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, independent audits, and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure M
for $52,000,000 Rosedale Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Kern County Measure M for Rosedale Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $52,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $99,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $99,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Rosedale Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure M".

Rosedale Union Elementary, in cahoots with Kern county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Rosedale Union School District Classroom Repair/Safety Measure. To improve school safety/security systems; repair, modernize, construct classrooms, science labs, and school facilities to reduce overcrowding/ support student achievement in science, technology, engineering, arts, math; replace aging portables, fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, infrastructure/electrical; shall Rosedale Union School District's measure authorizing $52,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying $19 per $100,000 assessed value ($3,200,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, independent audits, and all money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure S
for $15,000,000 McFarland Recreation and Park District School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Kern County Measure S for McFarland Recreation and Park District school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $15,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $34,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $34,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local McFarland Recreation and Park District schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure S".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure AA
for $42,000,000 Sierra Sands Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Kern County Measure AA for Sierra Sands Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $42,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $89,943,939 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $89,943,939 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Sierra Sands Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure AA".

Sierra Sands Unified, in cahoots with Kern county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Sierra Sands Unified School District Repairs/ Safety Measure.
To retain teachers/ maintain quality local schools by upgrading older schools; ensuring school safety/ earthquake preparedness; fixing/ replacing leaky roofs, windows, plumbing; updating science, technology, engineering, math classrooms; qualifying for United States Department of Defense matching funds, shall Sierra Sands Unified School District's measure be adopted issuing $42,000,000 in bonds at limited interest rates, levying 6¢ per $100 assessed valuation ($3,100,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, no money for administrators' salaries, requiring audits/ citizens oversight, all funds staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure A
for $9,000,000 Armona Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Kings County Measure A for Armona Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $9,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $18,090,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $18,090,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Armona Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure A".

Armona Union Elementary, in cahoots with Kings county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of education; construct/ modernize classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; build a new school to reduce overcrowding; and replace portables with permanent classrooms; shall the Armona Union Elementary School District measure authorizing $9,000,000 in bonds at legal interest rates be adopted, generating approximately $532,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at average rates of $29 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizen oversight, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $80,000,000 Tulare Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Kings County Measure E for Tulare Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $80,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $156,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $156,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Tulare Joint Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".

Tulare Joint Union High, in cahoots with Kings county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of education; make health, safety and security improvements; upgrade HVAC systems; and construct/ renovate/ modernize classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; shall Tulare Joint Union High School District's measure authorizing $80,000,000 of bonds at legal rates be adopted, generating on average $5,400,000 annually, at average rates of approximately $29 per $100,000 assessed value, while bonds are outstanding, with annual audits, citizens' oversight, all money staying local, with no projected increase to existing tax rates?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure K
for $20,000,000 Kingsburg Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Kings County Measure K for Kingsburg Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $40,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $40,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Kingsburg Joint Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure K".

Kingsburg Joint Union High, in cahoots with Kings county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of schools; replace outdated HVAC systems; construct/ renovate/ modernize classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; and make health and safety and energy efficiency improvements; shall Kingsburg Joint Union High School District's measure authorizing $20,000,000 of bonds at legal rates be adopted, generating approximately $1,100,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, at average rates of approximately $23.48 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, citizens' oversight, all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure L
for $9,700,000 Laton Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Kings County Measure L for Laton Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $9,700,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $19,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $19,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Laton Joint Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure L".

Laton Joint Unified, in cahoots with Kings county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of local schools; make health, safety and security improvements; modernize/ renovate/ construct classrooms, a kitchen, athletic and other school facilities; shall the Laton Joint Unified School District measure authorizing $9,700,000 of bonds at legal interest rates be adopted, generating on average $565,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at rates of approximately $57 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight committee, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure Q
for $698,000,000 State Center CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Kings County Measure Q for State Center CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $698,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,413,667,750 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,413,667,750 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local State Center CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure Q".

State Center CCD, in cahoots with Kings county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

LOCAL COMMUNITY COLLEGES WORKFORCE TRAINING, AFFORDABLE EDUCATION AND CLASSROOM REPAIR MEASURE. To upgrade local colleges/education centers; improve nursing, paramedic, firefighter, police/agriculture/manufacturing and vocational training; fix leaky roofs, asbestos, lead paint; sewer lines; protect drinking water; acquire, construct, repair facilities, sites, equipment; shall State Center Community College District's measure authorizing $698,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying 2¢ per $100 assessed valuation ($42,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding be adopted, with oversight, all funds used locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure U
for $23,000,000 Hanford Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Kings County Measure U for Hanford Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $23,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $47,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $47,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Hanford Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure U".

Hanford Elementary, in cahoots with Kings county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair and upgrade aging elementary and middle school facilities, make health, safety and security improvements, modernize outdated school facilities, and replace temporary portables with permanent classrooms, shall the Hanford Elementary School District measure authorizing $23,000,000 in bonds, at legal interest rates be adopted, levying on average $18.12 per $100,000 assessed value (generating approximately $1,400,000 annually), while bonds are outstanding, requiring independent audits, citizens' oversight no money for administrators, and all funds for local schools?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure R
for $36,000,000 Kelseyville Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Lake County Measure R for Kelseyville Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $36,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $70,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $70,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Kelseyville Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure R".

Kelseyville Unified, in cahoots with Lake county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve quality of education; repair/ replace leaky roofs; modernize and upgrade outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; replace deteriorating plumbing and sewer systems; shall the Kelseyville Unified School District measure authorizing $36,000,000 of bonds at legal rates be adopted, generating approximately $2,100,000 annually, at projected average rates of approximately $56 per $100,000 assessed value, while bonds are outstanding, with annual audits, citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure S
for $50,000,000 Konocti Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Lake County Measure S for Konocti Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $50,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $105,300,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $105,300,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Konocti Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure S".

Konocti Unified, in cahoots with Lake county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To expand and renovate career technical education classrooms and labs; repair or replace leaky roofs; modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; and make health, safety and security improvements, shall the Konocti Unified School District measure authorizing $50,000,000 of bonds, at legal rates, be adopted, levying approximately 6¢ per $100 of assessed valuation (raising on average $2,900,000 annually) until bonds are repaid, with annual audits, independent oversight, NO money for administrator salaries, and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure C
for $97,000,000 East Whittier City Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure C for East Whittier City Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $97,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $223,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $223,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local East Whittier City Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure C".

East Whittier City Elementary, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To provide neighborhood schools that meet current safety, health, and academic standards; remove asbestos and lead pipes; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical, ventilation; and upgrade classrooms, labs, facilities, and technology to support student achievement in science, math, reading, technology, arts, and engineering; shall East Whittier City School District's measure authorizing $97,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying 3 cents per $100 assessed value ($6,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent citizen oversight, all money locallycontrolled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure J
for $70,600,000 Snowline Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure J for Snowline Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $70,600,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $162,380,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $162,380,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Snowline Joint Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure J".

Snowline Joint Unified, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of local schools, repair or replace leaky roofs; improve school safety and security; replace outdated plumbing, electrical, and sewer systems; renovate, upgrade, and construct science labs, classrooms, and restrooms; shall Snowline Joint Unified School District's measure authorizing $70,600,000 in bonds at legal interest rates be adopted, levying an average 4¢ per $100 assessed value while bonds are outstanding, generating approximately $3,900,000 annually, with annual audits, independent oversight, NO funds for salaries, all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure L
for $284,000,000 Fullerton Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure L for Fullerton Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $284,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $653,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $653,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Fullerton Joint Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure L".

Fullerton Joint Union High, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Local High School Improvement Measure. To repair/upgrade aging classrooms, labs, career technology and facilities at high schools serving Fullerton, Buena Park, and La Habra to support college/career readiness in math, science, technology, and skilled trades and fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, sewer, and electrical systems, shall Fullerton Joint Union High School District's measure authorizing $284,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying $21 per $100,000 assessed value ($18,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure M
for $200,000,000 San Marino Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure M for San Marino Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $200,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $460,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $460,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Marino Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure M".

San Marino Unified, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

San Marino School Safety and Repair Measure. To maintain/ repair local schools with no tax rate increase, including leaky roofs; restrooms, heating/ cooling, security, fire safety, electrical systems; ensure safe drinking water; update technology/ classrooms/ labs that support college/ career readiness, shall San Marino Unified School District's measure authorizing $200,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $60 per $100,000 of assessed value ($11,900,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding be adopted, with independent oversight, annual audits, all funds for San Marino Schools?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure N
for $187,000,000 Saugus Union SFID #2014-1 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure N for Saugus Union SFID #2014-1 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $187,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $430,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $430,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Saugus Union SFID #2014-1 schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure N".

Saugus Union SFID #2014-1, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

SAUGUS UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT EARTHQUAKE PREPAREDNESS, STUDENT SAFETY MEASURE. To retrofit classrooms/ schools, improve preparedness for earthquakes, wildfires, natural disasters; upgrade secured school entries and safety systems; expand early childhood education classrooms; and construct/ repair sites and facilities; shall Saugus Union School District's (SFID 2014-1) measure be adopted, authorizing $187 million in bonds at legal rates, levying $30 per $100,000 of assessed valuation, generating $13 million annually while bonds are outstanding, requiring audits, oversight, and all funds for local schools?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure P
for $54,000,000 Lowell Joint School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure P for Lowell Joint school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $54,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $124,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $124,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lowell Joint schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure P".

Lowell Joint, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To provide safe, modern elementary/intermediate schools; construct, repair/update classrooms, science labs/school facilities to support student achievement and college/career readiness in math, science, technology, arts/engineering; improve disabled student access; replace deteriorating portables with permanent classrooms; shall Lowell Joint School District's measure authorizing $54,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, levying approximately $30 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $4,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, with citizen oversight, annual audits, al/funds used locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure Q
for $190,000,000 Paramount Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure Q for Paramount Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $190,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $437,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $437,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Paramount Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure Q".

Paramount Unified, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Paramount Unified School District Repair/Safety Measure. To improve school safety/ security systems; fix deteriorating infrastructure, roofs, plumbing, electrical; repair, construct and improve classrooms, labs and career-training facilities to support student achievement and college/ career readiness in math, science, technology, arts, and skilled trades, shall Paramount Unified School District's measure authorizing $190,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying $60 per $100,000 of assessed value, generating approximately $10,000,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight and all money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure R
for $900,000,000 Pasadena Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure R for Pasadena Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $900,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $2,070,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $2,070,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pasadena Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure R".

Pasadena Unified, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With funds that cannot be taken by the State, shall Pasadena Unified School District's measure to expand classrooms for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math; upgrade Career Education labs; replace leaky roofs; and repair deteriorating electrical, plumbing, heating, and air-conditioning systems be adopted, authorizing $900 million of bonds with audits, legal rates, average levies below $59 per $100,000 of assessed valuation while outstanding (raising $57 million annually), citizen oversight, state matching funds eligibility and public disclosure of spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure S
for $278,000,000 Redondo Beach Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure S for Redondo Beach Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $278,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $639,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $639,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Redondo Beach Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure S".

Redondo Beach Unified, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Redondo Beach School Repair/Student Safety Measure. To improve quality education and protect student safety by repairing/replacing leaky roofs, deteriorating plumbing/sewer systems, outdated heating/cooling systems, portable classrooms, upgrading classrooms/learning technology, and making student safety/school security improvements, shall Redondo Beach Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $278,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, levying $29.95 per $100,000 assessed value ($14,940,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, requiring independent oversight, audits, spending disclosure and all funds locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure U
for $80,000,000 Lynwood Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure U for Lynwood Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $80,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $184,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $184,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lynwood Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure U".

Lynwood Unified, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair and improve aging neighborhood schools to support student achievement and college/career readiness in math, science, technology, engineering, arts/ skilled trades; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical; improve safety/security systems; repair, construct, and acquire classrooms, labs, sites, facilities/equipment; shall Lynwood Unified School District's measure authorizing $80,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying $50 per $100,000 assessed value ($4,800,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, independent audits, and all money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure V
for $750,000,000 Mt. San Antonio CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure V for Mt. San Antonio CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $750,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $1,725,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $1,725,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Mt. San Antonio CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure V".

Mt. San Antonio CCD, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

MT. SAN ANTONIO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT SAFETY, REPAIR, CAREER TRAINING, AFFORDABLE EDUCATION MEASURE. To maintain quality, affordable education by: improving student safety; upgrading science labs, nursing/healthcare, vocational education classrooms; repairing leaky roofs; removing asbestos, lead paint, mold; providing safe drinking water; retaining quality teachers; shall Mt. San Antonio Community College District's measure authorizing $750,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, averaging $15 per $100,000 of assessed valuation, generating approximately $40,000,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, requiring public spending disclosure, citizens' oversight, independent audits?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure W
for $99,000,000 Whittier City Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure W for Whittier City Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $99,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $227,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $227,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Whittier City Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure W".

Whittier City Elementary, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of local schools; repair or replace leaky roofs; make health, safety and security improvements; improve technology; and construct/modernize classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; shall the Whittier City School District measure authorizing $99,000,000 of bonds at legal interest rates be adopted, generating approximately $5,400,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at average rates of $30 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight committee, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure AC
for $990,000,000 Long Beach CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure AC for Long Beach CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $990,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $2,277,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $2,277,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Long Beach CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure AC".

Long Beach CCD, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

LONG BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT AFFORDABLE EDUCATION, CLASSROOM REPAIR, CAREER AND FIRST RESPONDER TRAINING IMPROVEMENT MEASURE. To renovate labs, nursing/vocational/job training classrooms; remove asbestos/mold; upgrade clean drinking water, electrical/sewer lines, infrastructure; improve safety/security; repair, construct, acquire educational facilities, sites, technology; shall Long Beach Community College District's measure authorizing $990,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, be adopted, levying $25 per $100,000 of assessed valuation, generating $55,000,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, requiring audits, oversight, all funds used locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure AS
for $358,000,000 Arcadia Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure AS for Arcadia Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $358,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $823,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $823,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Arcadia Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure AS".

Arcadia Unified, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

ARCADIA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL SAFETY/REPAIR MEASURE To keep Arcadia schools among California's best and prepare students for college/careers; keep schools safe/clean; provide safe drinking water; improve security/fire safety; repair deteriorating gas lines/leaky roofs; remove asbestos/lead paint, shall Arcadia Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $358,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $60 per $100,000 of assessed valuation, ($23,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, requiring oversight/spending disclosure, audits, all funds for Arcadia schools?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure BC
for $30,000,000 Beach Cities Health District School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure BC for Beach Cities Health District school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $30,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $69,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $69,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Beach Cities Health District schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure BC".

Beach Cities Health District, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

BEACH CITIES HEALTH DISTRICT COMMUNITY HEALTH AND WELLNESS MEASURE: To complete construction of the allcove youth mental health center; install water/energy conservation systems; and remove outdated facilities to create approximately 2 acres of public outdoor space for youth/older adult community wellness programs, shall Beach Cities Health District's measure authorizing $30,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, levying approximately $3.00 per $100,000 of assessed property valuation, generating approximately $1,700,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, with financial accountability requirements, be adopted?"

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure CC
for $200,000,000 Compton CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure CC for Compton CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $200,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $460,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $460,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Compton CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure CC".

Compton CCD, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

COMPTON COLLEGE REP AIR, JOB TRAINING/ EDUCATION IMPROVEMENT MEASURE. To repair, construct, acquire educational facilities, sites, equipment; support career education for students/ workers/ veterans, firefighter/ police training; remove asbestos; upgrade science labs, computer technology, campus/ earthquake safety, handicap accessibility; provide community healthcare services/ training; shall Compton Community College District authorize $200,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $20 per $100,000 of assessed valuation, generating $16,150,000 annually while bonds are outstanding be adopted, requiring audits, oversight, all funds used locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure FP
for $93,350,000 City of Redondo Beach School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure FP for City of Redondo Beach school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $93,350,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $214,705,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $214,705,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local City of Redondo Beach schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure FP".

City of Redondo Beach, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To recruit/retain qualified firefighters/paramedics/police, improve Redondo Beach's ability to provide fire/police protection and 911 response, help keep Redondo Beach safe by repairing/replacing/upgrading deteriorated fire/police stations/facilities, including removing asbestos and mold, shall Redondo Beach's measure authorizing $93,350,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying on average $ 17.45 per $ 100,000 of assessed valuation, generating approximately $ 6,280,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, requiring oversight, spending disclosure, and all funds spent locally, be adopted?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure HV
for $28,700,000 Hermosa Beach City Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure HV for Hermosa Beach City Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $28,700,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $66,010,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $66,010,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Hermosa Beach City Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure HV".

Hermosa Beach City Elementary, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of education; construct new science labs; make safety, security, and ADA improvements; upgrade inadequate electrical systems; and renovate/modernize outdated classrooms and restrooms; shall Hermosa Beach City School District's measure be adopted, authorizing $28,700,000 in bonds, at legal rates, levying on average $13.15 per $100,000 assessed valuation (projecting no increase in current tax rates, raising $2,608,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with annual audits, citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure LP
for $89,000,000 Local Public Schools Funding Authority SFID #2016-1 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure LP for Local Public Schools Funding Authority SFID #2016-1 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $89,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $204,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $204,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Local Public Schools Funding Authority SFID #2016-1 schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure LP".

Local Public Schools Funding Authority SFID #2016-1, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair/ improve classrooms/ facilities; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical infrastructure; remove asbestos, lead, other hazardous materials; paint facilities; improve student safety/ security; construct gymnasiums/ aquatic facilities; install solar panels; and support college/ career readiness in science, technology, engineering, math, skilled trades, shall School Facilities Improvement District No. 2016-1 of the Local Public Schools Funding Authority issue $89,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, at $16.20 per $100,000 assessed value ($6,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with mandatory audits and independent citizens oversight, and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure LS
for $122,100,000 Lancaster Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure LS for Lancaster Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $122,100,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $280,830,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $280,830,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lancaster Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure LS".

Lancaster Elementary, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To retain teachers, provide safe, modern elementary and middle schools by fixing deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical, and infrastructure, and upgrading classrooms, science labs, and school facilities for student achievement in math, science, technology, arts, and engineering, shall Lancaster School District's measure be adopted authorizing $122,100,000 in bonds at legal rates without increasing current tax rates, $30 per $100,000 assessed value, raising $8,300,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, with independent audits, citizen oversight, and all money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure ME
for $105,000,000 El Monte City School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure ME for El Monte City school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $105,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $241,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $241,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local El Monte City schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure ME".

El Monte City, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To upgrade neighborhood elementary schools by modernizing classrooms, expanding outdoor learning and green spaces, improving performing arts facilities, repairing school structures, and enhancing school safety, shall El Monte City School District's measure authorizing $105,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, with an estimated average levy of $30 per $100,000 of assessed value (averaging $6,752,207 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with all funds managed locally with citizen oversight, audits, and public disclosure of all spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure MM
for $395,000,000 Santa Monica-Malibu Unified SFID #2 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure MM for Santa Monica-Malibu Unified SFID #2 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $395,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $908,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $908,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Monica-Malibu Unified SFID #2 schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure MM".

Santa Monica-Malibu Unified SFID #2, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

MALIBU SCHOOLS REPAIR/IMPROVEMENT BOND MEASURE. To remove asbestos/lead/hazardous materials where needed; fix leaky roofs, plumbing, inadequate wiring, safety/security systems; upgrade classrooms, labs, libraries, instructional technology for competitive college and careers; shall School Facilities Improvement District No. 2 (Malibu Schools) of Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $395,000,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, levying 4¢ per $100 assessed value (raising $22 million annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizens' oversight, annual audits, and all funds for Malibu public schools only?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure PL
for $195,000,000 City of Pasadena School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure PL for City of Pasadena school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $195,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $448,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $448,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local City of Pasadena schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure PL".

City of Pasadena, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

PASADENA CENTRAL LIBRARY EARTHQUAKE RETROFIT, REPAIR, UPGRADE MEASURE\nShall the measure to earthquake retrofit the 97-year-old library building; meet current fire safety regulations; replace the leaky roof; remove asbestos/mold/lead paint; update outdated technology; restore Pasadena Central Library services by the City of Pasadena issuing $195,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $28.90 per $100,000 of assessed valuation, generating $12,000,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, requiring independent audits, public spending disclosure, all funds staying local, be adopted?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure QS
for $495,000,000 Santa Monica-Malibu Unified SFID #1 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure QS for Santa Monica-Malibu Unified SFID #1 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $495,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $1,138,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $1,138,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Monica-Malibu Unified SFID #1 schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure QS".

Santa Monica-Malibu Unified SFID #1, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

SANTA MONICA SCHOOLS REPAIR/IMPROVEMENT BOND MEASURE: To repair/replace leaky school roofs, outdated wiring/ plumbing; remove hazardous materials; upgrade classrooms, labs, instructional technology supporting science, math, engineering; improve education for struggling students; and increase student/ school safety; shall Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District's measure for School Facilities Improvement District No.1 (Santa Monica Schools) be adopted authorizing $495,000,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, levying 3¢ per $100 assessed value (raising $28 million annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizens' oversight, annual audits, and all funds for Santa Monica schools only?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure RH
for $442,200,000 Rio Hondo CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure RH for Rio Hondo CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $442,200,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $1,017,060,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $1,017,060,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Rio Hondo CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure RH".

Rio Hondo CCD, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Rio Hondo College Upgrade, Repair, Safety Measure. To prepare students for college transfer/careers by: upgrading classrooms/labs for nursing, police, fire, manufacturing; constructing education facilities; repairing leaky roofs; providing safe, clean drinking water; improving technology, electrical systems, high speed internet, student safety; shall Rio Hondo Community College District's measure be adopted to issue $442,200,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $25 per $100,000 of assessed value, raising approximately $28,262,000 annually through maturity, with audits, public disclosure, all funds benefitting Rio Hondo College?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure RU
for $28,500,000 Los Nietos School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure RU for Los Nietos school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $28,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $65,550,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $65,550,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Los Nietos schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure RU".

Los Nietos, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

LOS NIETOS SCHOOL DISTRICT REPAIR AND UPDATE MEASURE. To improve schools by repairing/updating aging classrooms; repairing leaky roofs/windows; removing asbestos, lead, other hazardous materials; renovating, constructing, and equipping classrooms/facilities/sites; shall Los Nietos School District issue $28,500,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $30 per $100,000 assessed value ($2,100,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, requiring strict accountability, Independent Citizens' Oversight, annual audits, with no funds for administrator salaries or pensions?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure SG
for $178,000,000 San Gabriel Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure SG for San Gabriel Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $178,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $409,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $409,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Gabriel Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure SG".

San Gabriel Unified, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To upgrade classrooms, science labs, career-training facilities, and instructional technology to support college/career readiness in math, science, technology, engineering, arts, and skilled trades; repair deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical, and ventilation; and improve school safety and security systems; shall San Gabriel Unified School District's measure authorizing $178,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying approximately $44 per $100,000 assessed value while bonds are outstanding (averaging $8,300,000 annually), with citizen oversight, independent audits, and all money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure ST
for $26,500,000 Los Nietos School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure ST for Los Nietos school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $26,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $60,950,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $60,950,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Los Nietos schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure ST".

Los Nietos, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

LOS NIETOS SCHOOL DISTRICT SAFETY AND TECHNOLOGY MEASURE. To improve schools by upgrading safety/ security systems, aging learning technology; support student achievement and high school/ college/ career readiness in math, science, engineering/ skilled trades; renovating, constructing, and equipping classrooms/ facilities/ sites; shall Los Nietos School District issue $26,500,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $28 per $100,000 assessed value ($2,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, requiring strict accountability, Independent Citizens' Oversight, annual audits, with no funds for administrator salaries or pensions?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure US
for $9,000,000,000 Los Angeles Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure US for Los Angeles Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $9,000,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $20,700,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $20,700,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Los Angeles Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure US".

Los Angeles Unified, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Local Public Schools Safety and Upgrades Measure: To update school facilities for 21st century student learning and career/college preparedness; improve school facilities for safety, earthquakes and disability access; upgrade plumbing, electrical, HVAC; replace leaky roofs; provide learning technology; and create green outdoor classrooms/schoolyards; shall Los Angeles Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $9,000,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying approximately 2.5¢ per $100 of assessed valuation (generating $456,123,000 annually) until approximately 2059, with audits/citizens' oversight?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure UU
for $385,000,000 Pomona Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure UU for Pomona Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $385,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $885,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $885,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pomona Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure UU".

Pomona Unified, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

POMONA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CLASSROOM REPAIR, SAFETY MEASURE. To upgrade classrooms, labs, vocational/career technical education spaces; repair leaky roofs, deteriorated restrooms, plumbing, gas/electrical/sewer systems; provide safe drinking water, remove asbestos, mold, lead paint; improve school safety/security; shall Pomona Unified School District's measure authorizing $385,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, levying $60 per $100,000 of assessed valuation, raising $22,500,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, be adopted; requiring citizens' oversight, annual audits, spending disclosure, all funds for Pomona Unified schools?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure ABC
for $458,205,000 Burbank Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure ABC for Burbank Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $458,205,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $1,053,871,500 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $1,053,871,500 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Burbank Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure ABC".

Burbank Unified, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of education; make health, safety and security improvements; construct, modernize, and renovate classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; upgrade outdated electrical, plumbing, HVAC, and sewer infrastructure; and replace leaky roofs; shall Burbank Unified School District's measure authorizing $458,205,000 of bonds be adopted at legal rates, generating on average $30,300,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, at approximately $40.69 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, independent oversight, NO money for salaries, and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure AVH
for $398,000,000 Antelope Valley Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure AVH for Antelope Valley Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $398,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $797,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $797,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Antelope Valley Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure AVH".

Antelope Valley Union High, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Antelope Valley High Schools/Job Skills Improvement Measure: To improve local high schools, upgrade vocational classrooms/ labs/ technology for skilled trades, science, engineering, math, aerospace education, practical career skills; fix deteriorating gas/ sewer lines, leaky roofs, ensure safe drinking water; upgrade student/ school safety; attract/retain quality teachers; shall Antelope Valley Union High School District's measure authorizing $398,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying 2 cents per $100 assessed value, raising $25,000,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, with citizen oversight, spending disclosure, local control?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure GCC
for $600,000,000 Glendale CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure GCC for Glendale CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $600,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $1,380,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $1,380,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Glendale CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure GCC".

Glendale CCD, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE AFFORDABLE HIGHER EDUCATION/ CAREER TRAINING MEASURE. To maintain affordable higher education; prepare students for four- year college/ university transfer; repair deteriorating gas/ sewer lines, roofs; provide safe drinking water; improve access for students with disabilities; remove asbestos, mold, lead; upgrade nursing/ career training classrooms, shall Glendale Community College District's measure be adopted authorizing $600,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $25 per $100,000 assessed valuation ($29,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, requiring independent oversight, public spending disclosure?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure RLS
for $200,000,000 Manhattan Beach Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure RLS for Manhattan Beach Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $200,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $460,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $460,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Manhattan Beach Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure RLS".

Manhattan Beach Unified, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

MEASURE REPAIRING MANHATTAN BEACH SCHOOLS WITHOUT INCREASING TAX RATES. To repair/upgrade aging classrooms/labs for quality education; repair leaky roofs/ outdated electrical/deteriorating plumbing for safe drinking water; improve fire/earthquake safety; remove asbestos/lead, keep schools safe/clean; shall Manhattan Beach Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $200,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levies averaging $32 per $100,000 assessed valuation without increasing tax rates ($14,500,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, requiring oversight/spending disclosure, all funds locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure SOS
for $297,800,000 Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure SOS for Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $297,800,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $684,940,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $684,940,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure SOS".

Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified, in cahoots with Los Angeles county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District Classroom Repair/Student Safety Measure. To repair/renovate outdated classrooms/labs/schools for quality education, repair/replace leaky roofs, failing electrical systems, deteriorating plumbing/sewer/gas lines, and make earthquake/fire safety/campus security improvements, shall Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $297,800,000 in bonds, at legal rates, levying approximately $29.49 per $100,000 assessed value ($16,800,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight/audits, no money for administrator salaries, and all funds locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure F
for $25,000,000 Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Madera County Measure F for Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $25,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $57,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $57,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure F".

Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified, in cahoots with Madera county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

FIREBAUGH-LAS DELTAS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT REPAIR, SAFETY MEASURE. To repair/upgrade science, technology, vocational classrooms to help retain/attract quality teachers; address immediate safety needs; improve disabled access, electrical wiring, emergency communication systems; protect drinking water; acquire, construct, repair facilities, sites, equipment, shall Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified School District's measure authorizing $25,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying 6¢ per $100 of assessed valuation, raising on average $1,700,000 annually while bonds are outstanding be adopted, requiring oversight/audits, spending disclosure, funds for local schools?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure Q
for $698,000,000 State Center CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Madera County Measure Q for State Center CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $698,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,413,667,750 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,413,667,750 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local State Center CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure Q".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure B
for $289,000,000 Tamalpais Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Marin County Measure B for Tamalpais Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $289,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $664,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $664,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Tamalpais Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure B".

Tamalpais Union High, in cahoots with Marin county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To complete high priority repairs and upgrades at local high schools, including replacing classrooms/ science labs/ technology; repairing/ replacing leaky roofs and inefficient heating/ cooling/ electrical/ plumbing systems; updating art/ music classrooms/ facilities; and replacing outdated portable classrooms, shall Tamalpais Union High School District's measure be adopted authorizing $289,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $18 per $100,000 assessed value while bonds are outstanding ($20,700,000 annually) with independent oversight, audits, no funds for administrators and all funds locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $48,000,000 Kentfield Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Marin County Measure E for Kentfield Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $48,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $110,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $110,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Kentfield Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".

Kentfield Elementary, in cahoots with Marin county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Kentfield School District Safe, Warm and Dry Schools Measure. To repair and upgrade Bacich Elementary School and Kent Middle School; repair or replace failing roofs; protect safe drinking water; repair deteriorating student restrooms and plumbing; and improve campus fencing, energy and security, shall Kentfield School District's measure be adopted authorizing $48,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $29 per $100,000 of assessed value ($3,600,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, requiring independent oversight, annual audits and all funds locally controlled for Kentfield schools only?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure J
for $18,000,000 Town of Fairfax School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Marin County Measure J for Town of Fairfax school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $18,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $41,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $41,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Town of Fairfax schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure J".

Town of Fairfax, in cahoots with Marin county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair roads/infrastructure; fix potholes; repave streets; repair retaining walls/bridges; address flooding of roads/buildings; improve bike/pedestrian circulation, safe routes to schools, disabled access; and qualify for federal matching funds/grants, shall the Town of Fairfax's measure authorizing $18,000,000 of bonds for up to 30 years for each series, at legal interest rates, levying approximately $30/$100,000 of assessed value, raising on average approximately $1,200,000 annually, requiring audits/citizen oversight, be adopted?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure AA
for $159,000,000 Petaluma Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Marin County Measure AA for Petaluma Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $159,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $365,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $365,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Petaluma Joint Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure AA".

Petaluma Joint Union High, in cahoots with Marin county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Local High/ Junior High School Improvement Measure. To repair/ upgrade local high/ junior high school classrooms, science labs, technology/ job training facilities; improve fire/ earthquake safety/ campus security; remove hazardous materials like lead/ asbestos; repair leaky roofs, outdated portable classrooms, HVAC, electrical, plumbing; shall Petaluma Joint Union High School District's measure be adopted authorizing $159,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, at $30 per $100,000 assessed value while bonds are outstanding ($9,100,000 annually), with independent oversight, and no funds for administrators?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure RM4
for $20,000,000,000 Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Marin County Measure RM4 for Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,000,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $48,000,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $48,000,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure RM4".

Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority, in cahoots with Marin county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

BAY AREA AFFORDABILITY PLAN. To address housing affordability and reduce homelessness by:
  • Providing an estimated 70,000 affordable apartments/homes;
  • Creating homes near transit, jobs, and stores;
  • Converting vacant lots/blighted properties into affordable housing; and
  • Providing first-time homebuyer assistance;
Shall the measure issuing $20,000,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying an estimated $19 per $100,000 of assessed valuation generating $910,976,423 annually while bonds are outstanding, and requiring public reporting, independent audits/citizen oversight, be adopted?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure J
for $17,000,000 Delhi Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Merced County Measure J for Delhi Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $17,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $34,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $34,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Delhi Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure J".

Delhi Unified, in cahoots with Merced county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of education; replace outdated heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems; and improve, modernize, and renovate safety and security operations, classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; shall Delhi Unified School District issue $17,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $990,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately 6 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure K
for $20,000,000 Weaver Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Merced County Measure K for Weaver Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $52,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $52,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Weaver Union schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure K".

Weaver Union, in cahoots with Merced county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair and upgrade local elementary /middle schools; improve school safety/ security, repair electrical systems; replace outdated plumbing to provide safe, clean drinking water; construct a new school to relieve overcrowding; upgrade classrooms to meet modern technology standards; shall Weaver Union School District's measure to issue $20,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, raising approximately $1,500,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, at rates averaging $28 per $100,000 assessed value, with oversight, annual audits, all funds used locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure M
for $43,000,000 Hilmar Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Merced County Measure M for Hilmar Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $43,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $83,900,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $83,900,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Hilmar Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure M".

Hilmar Unified, in cahoots with Merced county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To modernize/construct classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; repair or replace leaky roofs/HVAC systems; make health and safety improvements; and improve physical education facilities and fields, shall the Hilmar Unified School District measure authorizing $43,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, raising on average $2,400,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding at approximately $56 per $100,000 of assessed value, be adopted, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, no money for administrator salaries and all money spent locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure O
for $80,000,000 Merced City Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Merced County Measure O for Merced City Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $80,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $174,216,625 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $174,216,625 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Merced City Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure O".

Merced City Elementary, in cahoots with Merced county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

MERCED CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT CLASSROOM REPAIR, UPGRADE, SAFETY MEASURE. To repair/upgrade neighborhood schools, leaky roofs, outdated electrical systems, plumbing; remove asbestos, lead paint, mold; provide safe drinking water; reduce overcrowding by building school facilities; make security/fire/safety improvements; shall Merced City School District's measure authorizing $80,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, be adopted, levying approximately $30 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $5,500,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, requiring audits, oversight, public spending disclosure, all funds for local schools?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure P
for $46,000,000 Merced CCD SFID #2024-1 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Merced County Measure P for Merced CCD SFID #2024-1 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $46,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $86,529,379 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $86,529,379 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Merced CCD SFID #2024-1 schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure P".

Merced CCD SFID #2024-1, in cahoots with Merced county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Measure Improving College/Job Training in Los Banos Without Increasing Tax Rates. To upgrade/expand classrooms, labs, and career training facilities at the Merced College Los Banos Campus to improve access to affordable, high-quality education/careers in science, healthcare, technology, agriculture, and skilled trades, shall School Facilities Improvement District No. 2024-1 of Merced Community College District's measure be adopted authorizing $46,000,000 in bonds at legal rates (without increasing tax rates), levying $17/$100,000 assessed value ($3,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with oversight/all funds for the Los Banos Campus only?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure A
for $340,000,000 Monterey Peninsula Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Monterey County Measure A for Monterey Peninsula Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $340,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $694,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $694,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Monterey Peninsula Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure A".

Monterey Peninsula Unified, in cahoots with Monterey county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To upgrade/repair schools and classrooms for science, technology, arts, athletics, math and career technology education, create teacher-staff rental housing to attract/ retain highly qualified teachers; improve school safety/ security; update roofs, electrical, plumbing, ventilation systems, shall Monterey Peninsula Unified School District's measure authorizing $340,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted levying approximately 5¢ per $100 assessed value, averaging $19,300,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, audits, no funds for administrators, all for local schools?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure B
for $78,000,000 Pacific Grove Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Monterey County Measure B for Pacific Grove Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $78,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $142,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $142,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pacific Grove Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure B".

Pacific Grove Unified, in cahoots with Monterey county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With no projected increase to current tax rates, shall Pacific Grove Unified School District's measure to renovate existing classrooms; replace deteriorating electrical wiring; expand Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics facilities at Forest Grove Elementary School, Robert Down Elementary School, Pacific Grove Middle School,Pacific Grove Adult Education Center, Pacific Grove Community High School and Pacific Grove High School be adopted, authorizing $78 million of bonds at legal rates, annual audits, average levies below $32 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (approximately $4,700,000 annually) while outstanding, citizens' oversight, and full disclosure of spending with funds that cannot be spent elsewhere?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure C
for $19,000,000 West Hills CCD SFID #2 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Monterey County Measure C for West Hills CCD SFID #2 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $19,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $32,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $32,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local West Hills CCD SFID #2 schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure C".

West Hills CCD SFID #2, in cahoots with Monterey county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve Coalinga College with funds that cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere, shall West Hills Community College District's measure to expand career training/technical educational classrooms and facilities; renovate outdated classrooms, labs, and student dorms; and improve campus safety be adopted, authorizing $19 million of bonds with estimated average levies below $24 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (approximately $1 million annually) while outstanding, with legal rates, audits, independent oversight and full public disclosure of all spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure D
for $44,000,000 Aromas-San Juan Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Monterey County Measure D for Aromas-San Juan Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $44,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $77,900,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $77,900,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Aromas-San Juan Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure D".

Aromas-San Juan Unified, in cahoots with Monterey county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With funds that cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere, shall Aromas-San Juan Unified School District's measure to renovate/modernize classrooms; expand coding, robotics and engineering workshops; replace leaky roofs; and upgrade fire alarms and emergency communication systems at Aromas School, San Juan School, and Anzar High be adopted, authorizing $44 million of bonds with legal rates, audits, average levies below $55 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $2.7 million annually while outstanding), citizens' oversight, and full public disclosure of spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $42,000,000 Soledad Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Monterey County Measure E for Soledad Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $42,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $78,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $78,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Soledad Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".

Soledad Unified, in cahoots with Monterey county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With funds that cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere, shall Soledad Unified School District's measure to renovate, repair and improve all schools throughout the District: ensure Americans with Disability Act (ADA) compliance; and construct a new track and field at Soledad High School be adopted, authorizing $42 million of bonds with average levies below $60 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $2.5 million annually) while outstanding, legal rates, audits, citizen oversight and full public disclosure of all spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure G
for $115,000,000 Salinas Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Monterey County Measure G for Salinas Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $115,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $241,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $241,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Salinas Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure G".

Salinas Union High, in cahoots with Monterey county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

SALINAS UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT REPAIR, STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT, SAFETY MEASURE. To upgrade neighborhood schools, attract/retain quality teachers by repairing deteriorating classrooms, bathrooms, roofs; upgrading classrooms/science labs, school security, fire safety; removing hazardous materials; providing safe drinking water, career/college training; acquiring, constructing, repairing sites, facilities, equipment, shall Salinas Union High School District's measure authorizing $115,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $19/$100,000 assessed value ($7,300,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, requiring annual independent audits/citizens' oversight?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure H
for $35,000,000 South Monterey County Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Monterey County Measure H for South Monterey County Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $35,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $76,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $76,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local South Monterey County Joint Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure H".

South Monterey County Joint Union High, in cahoots with Monterey county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMIC/ JOB TRAINING CLASSROOM IMPROVEMENT MEASURE. To upgrade deteriorating academic/ vocational classrooms; replace outdated science/ technology/ computer labs; provide classrooms for future first responders; remove hazardous materials like asbestos, mold, lead paint; construct, acquire, repair classrooms, facilities, sites, and equipment, shall South Monterey County Joint Union High School District's measure be adopted authorizing $35,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $30 per $100,000 assessed valuation, providing approximately $2,600,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, supporting local schools, requiring citizen oversight/ audits?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure I
for $35,000,000 South Monterey County Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Monterey County Measure I for South Monterey County Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $35,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $76,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $76,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local South Monterey County Joint Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure I".

South Monterey County Joint Union High, in cahoots with Monterey county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT SAFETY/REPAIR MEASURE. To upgrade emergency communication systems, fire alarms/sprinklers, safety door locks, security cameras,; repair deteriorating classrooms, restrooms; replace outdated, unsafe portables, electrical wiring; earthquake retrofit classrooms/ buildings; and construct, acquire, repair classrooms, facilities, sites, and equipment, shall South Monterey County Joint Union High School District's measure be adopted authorizing $35,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $30 per $100,000 assessed valuation, providing approximately $2,600,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, supporting local schools, requiring citizen oversight/audits?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure J
for $5,600,000 Chualar Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Monterey County Measure J for Chualar Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $5,600,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $10,954,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $10,954,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Chualar Union schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure J".

Chualar Union, in cahoots with Monterey county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of education; repair leaky roofs; make safety and security improvements, including fire alarms, fencing, electrical and plumbing; modernize/upgrade classrooms, bathrooms and a new science lab, shall Chualar Union School District's measure be adopted issuing $5,600,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying average rates of $29.79 per $100,000 of assessed value and generating approximately $353,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, with strict accountability, citizen's oversight, annual audits, and no money for administrators' salaries?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure K
for $19,800,000 King City Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Monterey County Measure K for King City Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $19,800,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $38,300,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $38,300,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local King City Union schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure K".

King City Union, in cahoots with Monterey county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Renovations Bond. With funds that cannot be taken by the State, shall King City Union School District's measure to repair leaky roofs and plumbing; replace deteriorating electrical, heating, and air-conditioning systems; and renovate classrooms at Del Rey Elementary, Santa Lucia Elementary, Chalone Peaks Middle, Arts Magnet School and Early Education Center be adopted, authorizing $19.8 million of bonds with legal rates, audits, average levies below $26 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $1,400,000 annually while outstanding), citizen oversight, public disclosure of spending, and no projected increase in taxes?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure L
for $21,600,000 King City Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Monterey County Measure L for King City Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $21,600,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $43,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $43,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local King City Union schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure L".

King City Union, in cahoots with Monterey county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Safety/Classroom Technology Bond. With funds that cannot be taken by the State, shall King City Union School District's measure to improve school safety; ensure accessibility for disabled individuals; and update classroom technology at Del Rey Elementary, Santa Lucia Elementary, Chalone Peaks Middle, Arts Magnet School and Early Education Center be adopted, authorizing $21.6 million of bonds with legal rates, audits, average levies below $29 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $1,500,000 annually while outstanding), citizen oversight, public disclosure of spending and no projected increase in taxes?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure M
for $315,000,000 Pajaro Valley Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Monterey County Measure M for Pajaro Valley Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $315,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $556,452,817 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $556,452,817 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pajaro Valley Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure M".

Pajaro Valley Unified, in cahoots with Monterey county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With funds that cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere, shall Pajaro Valley Unified School District's measure to renovate classrooms; expand career/ technical education programs including robotics and coding; and replace outdated plumbing, leaking pipes and aging electrical wiring be adopted, authorizing $315 million of bonds with levies less than $60 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $18.3 million annually) while outstanding, legal rates, annual audits, independent oversight, eligibility for state matching funds and full public disclosure?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure N
for $1,500,000 Mission Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Monterey County Measure N for Mission Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $1,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $3,415,820 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $3,415,820 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Mission Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure N".

Mission Union Elementary, in cahoots with Monterey county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of local schools; construct, repair, and rehabilitate aging classrooms and student support facilities, including making security, health, and safety improvements; shall Mission Union School District's measure issuing $1,500,000 of bonds at legal rates be adopted, generating approximately $114,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at average rates of 3 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, no money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure O
for $27,000,000 Spreckels Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Monterey County Measure O for Spreckels Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $27,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $53,297,200 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $53,297,200 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Spreckels Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure O".

Spreckels Union Elementary, in cahoots with Monterey county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Spreckels Union School District Classroom Repair, Upgrade, Safety Measure. To repair/upgrade neighborhood schools, retain/attract quality teachers by repairing leaky roofs, plumbing/restrooms, smoke/fire alarms, outdated electrical/ sewer systems; maintaining safety; providing safe drinking water; removing asbestos, lead paint, mold; shall Spreckels Union School District's measure authorizing $27,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying 3¢ per $100 assessed valuation, averaging $5,500,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, requiring citizens oversight, audits, public spending disclosure, funds for local schools?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure P
for $18,200,000 Washington Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Monterey County Measure P for Washington Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $18,200,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $36,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $36,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Washington Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure P".

Washington Union Elementary, in cahoots with Monterey county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

"To improve the quality of education; modernize outdated classrooms and school facilities; replace leaky roofs; and make safety improvements at drop-off and pickup areas; shall the measure authorizing Washington Union School District to issue $18,200,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $1.08 million annually as long as bonds are outstanding at approximately $19 per $100,000 assessed value, be adopted, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight committee, no money for salaries and all money staying local?"

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure U
for $50,000,000 City of Marina School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Monterey County Measure U for City of Marina school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $50,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $98,912,943 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $98,912,943 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local City of Marina schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure U".

City of Marina, in cahoots with Monterey county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

MARINA 911 EMERGENCY RESPONSE, SAFETY, ESSENTIAL SERVICES/ FACILITIES MEASURE. To maintain rapid 911, fire, and emergency response times; ensure Marina's Fire/ Police Departments can respond to emergencies, maintain fire/police services, provide fire/police stations/community center, shall City of Marina's measure authorizing $50,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying on average $54.74 annually per $100,000 of assessed value, generating approximately $3,191,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, requiring public spending disclosure, all funds spent locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure B
for $230,000,000 Napa Valley Unified SFID #1 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Napa County Measure B for Napa Valley Unified SFID #1 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $230,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $508,050,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $508,050,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Napa Valley Unified SFID #1 schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure B".

Napa Valley Unified SFID #1, in cahoots with Napa county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To provide safe, modern schools for all Napa students by upgrading aging classrooms; repairing deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical; removing asbestos/ hazardous materials; and modernizing science, math, technology, engineering, career technical education/ skilled trades labs, shall Napa Valley Unified School District School Facilities Improvement District #1's measure authorizing $230,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying $22/ $100,000 assessed value while bonds are outstanding (averaging $24,700,000 annually that cannot be taken by the State) with citizen oversight, annual audits, and no funds for administrators?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure RM4
for $20,000,000,000 Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Napa County Measure RM4 for Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,000,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $48,000,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $48,000,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure RM4".

Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority, in cahoots with Napa county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

BAY AREA AFFORDABILITY PLAN. To address housing affordability and reduce homelessness by:
  • Providing an estimated 70,000 affordable apartments/homes;
  • Creating homes near transit, jobs, and stores;
  • Converting vacant lots/blighted properties into affordable housing; and
  • Providing first-time homebuyer assistance;
Shall the measure issuing $20,000,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying an estimated $19 per $100,000 of assessed valuation generating $910,976,423 annually while bonds are outstanding, and requiring public reporting, independent audits/citizen oversight, be adopted?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure G
for $720,000,000 Rancho Santiago CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Orange County Measure G for Rancho Santiago CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $720,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,472,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,472,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Rancho Santiago CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure G".

Rancho Santiago CCD, in cahoots with Orange county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

RANCHO SANTIAGO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT AFFORDABLE EDUCATION, CAREER, REPAIR, SAFETY MEASURE. To upgrade classrooms/labs preparing students/veterans for university transfer, jobs including nursing, emergency response, building trades; repair leaky roofs, deteriorating gas, sewer lines; provide clean drinking water; improve safety/security; acquire, construct, repair facilities, sites, equipment; shall Rancho Santiago Community College District's measure authorizing $720,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $25 per $100,000 of assessed valuation, generating $46,000,000 annually while bonds are outstanding be adopted, requiring oversight, public spending disclosure?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure H
for $160,000,000 Brea-Olinda Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Orange County Measure H for Brea-Olinda Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $160,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $332,712,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $332,712,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Brea-Olinda Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure H".

Brea-Olinda Unified, in cahoots with Orange county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Brea Olinda Unified School District Improvement Measure. To upgrade/ repair 108-year-old Brea Junior High/ aging neighborhood schools, fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical, remove asbestos/ lead, modernize/ construct classrooms, science labs, career technology facilities for current academic/ health/ safety standards, improve access for students with disabilities, shall Brea Olinda Unified School District's measure authorizing $160,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying $39/ $100,000 assessed value ($10,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight, audits, all funds for local schools?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure I
for $355,000,000 Santa Ana Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Orange County Measure I for Santa Ana Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $355,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $676,852,843 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $676,852,843 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Ana Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure I".

Santa Ana Unified, in cahoots with Orange county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Santa Ana Unified School District Classroom Improvement Measure. To repair/ upgrade classrooms, science labs, school facilities, and instructional technology for college/ career readiness in math, science, technology, engineering, arts, and skilled trades; make health/ safety upgrades; remove asbestos/ lead; and fix roofs, plumbing, and electrical systems, shall Santa Ana Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $355,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying 3¢ per $100 assessed value ($23,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight, audits, and all money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure J
for $261,000,000 Tustin Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Orange County Measure J for Tustin Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $261,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $539,105,123 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $539,105,123 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Tustin Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure J".

Tustin Unified, in cahoots with Orange county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Tustin Unified School District Classroom Repair/ Safety/ Quality Education Measure. To repair/upgrade aging classrooms, science labs, school and career-training facilities supporting college/career readiness in math, science, technology/skilled trades; fix roofs, plumbing, and electrical; improve school safety/security; remove asbestos/lead; shall Tustin Unified School District's measure authorizing $261,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying 3¢ per $100 assessed value (raising $18,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, audits, and all money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure K
for $496,000,000 Anaheim Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Orange County Measure K for Anaheim Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $496,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,050,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,050,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Anaheim Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure K".

Anaheim Union High, in cahoots with Orange county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair and upgrade older local schools and improve quality education; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical; remove asbestos/ lead pipes; repair, construct, acquire classrooms, science labs, facilities, career technology, sites, equipment; support college/ career readiness in math, science, technology, engineering, arts, skilled trades, shall Anaheim Union High School District's measure be adopted authorizing $496,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying 3¢/ $100 assessed value ($33,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, audits, and all money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure L
for $284,000,000 Fullerton Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Orange County Measure L for Fullerton Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $284,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $538,037,756 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $538,037,756 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Fullerton Joint Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure L".

Fullerton Joint Union High, in cahoots with Orange county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Local High School Improvement Measure. To repair/upgrade aging classrooms, labs, career technology and facilities at high schools serving Fullerton, Buena Park, and La Habra to support college/career readiness in math, science, technology, and skilled trades and fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, sewer, and electrical systems, shall Fullerton Joint Union High School District's measure authorizing $284,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying $21 per $100,000 assessed value ($18,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure M
for $84,000,000 Buena Park Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Orange County Measure M for Buena Park Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $84,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $165,296,629 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $165,296,629 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Buena Park Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure M".

Buena Park Elementary, in cahoots with Orange county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

In order to repair and improve classrooms, labs, school facilities and instructional technology to support student achievement in math, science, technology, arts and engineering; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, ventilation and electrical; and improve school safety and security systems, shall Buena Park School District's measure authorizing $84,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, be adopted, levying approximately 3¢ per $100 of assessed value (averaging $6,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, independent audits, and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure N
for $262,000,000 Fullerton Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Orange County Measure N for Fullerton Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $262,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $516,074,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $516,074,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Fullerton Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure N".

Fullerton Elementary, in cahoots with Orange county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair aging classrooms, labs and facilities at Fullerton elementary/middle schools to support student achievement in math, science, technology, arts and engineering; remove asbestos/lead pipes; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, sewer, electrical; repair, construct, acquire classrooms, sites, facilities and equipment; shall Fullerton School District's measure authorizing $262,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying $30 per $100,000 assessed value ($15,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight and all money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure O
for $73,000,000 La Habra City Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Orange County Measure O for La Habra City Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $73,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $149,785,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $149,785,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local La Habra City Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure O".

La Habra City Elementary, in cahoots with Orange county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To provide safe, modern neighborhood schools; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical, and infrastructure; upgrade classrooms and science labs to support student achievement in math, science, technology, arts, and engineering; repair, construct, acquire classrooms, equipment, sites/ facilities; shall La Habra City School District's measure be adopted authorizing $73,000,000 in bonds at legal rates without increasing current tax rates, levying $25 per $100,000 assessed value ($5,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent audits, citizen oversight, and all money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure P
for $54,000,000 Lowell Joint School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Orange County Measure P for Lowell Joint school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $54,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $105,672,266 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $105,672,266 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lowell Joint schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure P".

Lowell Joint, in cahoots with Orange county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To provide safe, modern elementary/intermediate schools; construct, repair/update classrooms, science labs/school facilities to support student achievement and college/career readiness in math, science, technology, arts/engineering; improve disabled student access; replace deteriorating portables with permanent classrooms; shall Lowell Joint School District's measure authorizing $54,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, levying approximately $30 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $4,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, with citizen oversight, annual audits, all funds used locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure C
for $78,000,000 San Jacinto Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Riverside County Measure C for San Jacinto Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $78,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $179,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $179,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Jacinto Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure C".

San Jacinto Unified, in cahoots with Riverside county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve student safety/security; build classrooms/schools to relieve overcrowding; fix roofs, plumbing/electrical/ventilation systems; and repair/upgrade classrooms, science labs, and school facilities that support instruction in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math; shall San Jacinto Unified School District's measure authorizing $78,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying 6¢ per $100 assessed value (approximately $5,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent citizen oversight, audits, no money for administrators, and all money locally-controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $148,000,000 Beaumont Unified SFID #1 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Riverside County Measure E for Beaumont Unified SFID #1 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $148,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $340,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $340,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Beaumont Unified SFID #1 schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".

Beaumont Unified SFID #1, in cahoots with Riverside county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve student safety/security systems, repair/replace deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical systems, and construct/upgrade/repair classrooms, labs, schools and career technology facilities to relieve overcrowding and support college/career readiness in science, technology, engineering, arts, math and skilled trades, shall Beaumont Unified School District's School Facilities Improvement District No. 1 measure authorizing $148,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $28 per $100,000 assessed value ($10,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, with citizen oversight, independent audits, all money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure H
for $38,000,000 Perris Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Riverside County Measure H for Perris Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $38,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $87,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $87,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Perris Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure H".

Perris Elementary, in cahoots with Riverside county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair, modernize, and construct classrooms, instructional technology, and facilities at neighborhood elementary schools to relieve overcrowding and support student achievement in math, science, technology, arts, and reading; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing and electrical; improve school safety and security systems; shall Perris Elementary School District's measure authorizing $38,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying approximately 3¢ per $100 assessed value (averaging $3,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, audits and all money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure I
for $58,455,000 Romoland Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Riverside County Measure I for Romoland Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $58,455,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $134,446,500 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $134,446,500 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Romoland Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure I".

Romoland Elementary, in cahoots with Riverside county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of schools, student safety and security; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing and electrical; build additional classrooms/school facilities to relieve overcrowding and support student achievement in science, technology, engineering, arts/math, shall Romoland School District's measure authorizing $58,455,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying 3¢ per $100 assessed value (approximately $4.1 million annually) while bonds are outstanding be adopted, with independent citizen oversight, annual audits, no money for administrators, and all money locally-controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure K
for $15,000,000 Nuview Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Riverside County Measure K for Nuview Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $15,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $34,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $34,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Nuview Union schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure K".

Nuview Union, in cahoots with Riverside county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To construct, repair, and improve classrooms, science labs, and school facilities to avoid overcrowding and support student achievement in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math, improve safety and security systems and fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, heating, cooling, and electrical systems, shall Nuview Union School District's measure authorizing $15,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying on average 3¢ per $100 assessed value (approximately $1,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, audits, and money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure O
for $74,000,000 Banning Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Riverside County Measure O for Banning Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $74,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $170,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $170,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Banning Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure O".

Banning Unified, in cahoots with Riverside county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With funds that cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere, shall Banning Unified School District's measure to repair/replace aging roofs, electrical, plumbing, heating, and air-conditioning systems; renovate classrooms and educational facilities; and upgrade school security systems be adopted, authorizing $74 million of bonds with legal rates, average levies below $51 per $100,000 of assessed valuation while outstanding (raising $4.4 million annually), audits, independent oversight, no funds for administrator salaries, and full disclosure of all spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure R
for $205,000,000 Menifee Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Riverside County Measure R for Menifee Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $205,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $471,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $471,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Menifee Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure R".

Menifee Union Elementary, in cahoots with Riverside county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To prevent overcrowding by building three elementary schools and one middle school with technologically advanced designs; improve school safety, security, disability access; repair or replace old roofing, heating, ventilation; remove asbestos, lead paint, mold; provide safe drinking water; shall Menifee Union School District's measure be adopted authorizing $205,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying 3¢ per $100 of assessed value (approximately $12,400,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, requiring independent oversight, audits, assuring all money is for Menifee Union School District schools only?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure S
for $465,000,000 Palm Springs Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Riverside County Measure S for Palm Springs Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $465,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $1,069,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $1,069,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Palm Springs Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure S".

Palm Springs Unified, in cahoots with Riverside county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With no increase in current estimated tax rates, shall Palm Springs Unified School District's measure to expand Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics labs; improve vocational/career technical education classrooms; and replace air-conditioning and security systems be adopted, authorizing $465 million of bonds with legal rates, audits, average levies below $40 per $100,000 of assessed valuation while outstanding (raising $30 million annually), citizen oversight, state matching funds eligibility, public disclosure of spending, and no funds taken by the state?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure T
for $198,000,000 Lake Elsinore Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Riverside County Measure T for Lake Elsinore Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $198,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $455,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $455,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lake Elsinore Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure T".

Lake Elsinore Unified, in cahoots with Riverside county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair and upgrade classrooms/science labs, career technical and school facilities to support college/career readiness in math, science, technology, engineering, arts, and skilled trades; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing/electrical systems; improve school safety/security systems; and remove asbestos/lead pipes, shall Lake Elsinore Unified School District's measure authorizing 198,000,000 dollars in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying $28 per $100,000 assessed value ($11,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure V
for $180,000,000 Jurupa Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Riverside County Measure V for Jurupa Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $180,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $414,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $414,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Jurupa Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure V".

Jurupa Unified, in cahoots with Riverside county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair/ upgrade older schools; fix deteriorating roofs, dry rot, plumbing, electrical; remove asbestos/ lead pipes; improve student safety/ security; and support college/ career readiness in math, science, engineering, technology, arts, and skilled trades by modernizing classrooms, science labs, school facilities, technology, shall Jurupa Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $180,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying 4 cents per $100 assessed value ($12,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight and all money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure X
for $240,000,000 Moreno Valley Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Riverside County Measure X for Moreno Valley Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $240,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $552,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $552,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Moreno Valley Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure X".

Moreno Valley Unified , in cahoots with Riverside county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To provide safe, modern schools; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical/ventilation systems; repair, acquire, construct classrooms, science labs, career technology, equipment, sites and school facilities to support student achievement in math, science, technology, arts, engineering, skilled trades; shall Moreno Valley Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $240,000,000 in bonds at legal rates (without increasing current tax rates), levying $40 per $100,000 assessed value ($16,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, audits and all money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure CC
for $954,000,000 Riverside CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Riverside County Measure CC for Riverside CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $954,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $2,194,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $2,194,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Riverside CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure CC".

Riverside CCD, in cahoots with Riverside county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair/upgrade local community colleges, improve access to affordable higher education for careers/skilled trades/ university transfer; provide safe drinking water; meet earthquake, disability access and safety regulations; upgrade security; acquire, construct, repair facilities, sites, equipment; shall Riverside Community College District's measure be adopted, authorizing $954,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $19 per $100,000 of assessed valuation ($57,000,000 annually while bonds are outstanding), with oversight, audits/ spending disclosure?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure C
for $19,000,000 West Hills CCD SFID #2 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Benito County Measure C for West Hills CCD SFID #2 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $19,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $43,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $43,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local West Hills CCD SFID #2 schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure C".

West Hills CCD SFID #2, in cahoots with San Benito county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve Coalinga College with funds that cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere, shall West Hills Community College District's measure to expand career training/technical educational classroom and facilities; renovate outdated classrooms, labs, and student dorms; and improve campus safety be adopted, authorizing $19 million of bonds with estimated average levies below $24 per $100,00 of assessed valuation (approximately $1 million annually) while outstanding, with legal rates, audits, independent oversight and full public disclosure of all spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure D
for $44,000,000 Aromas/San Juan Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Benito County Measure D for Aromas/San Juan Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $44,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $101,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $101,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Aromas/San Juan Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure D".

Aromas/San Juan Unified, in cahoots with San Benito county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With funds that cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere, shall Aromas-San Juan Unified School District's measure to renovate/modernize classrooms; expand coding, robotics and engineering workshops; replace leaky roofs; and upgrade fire alarms and emergency communication systems at Aromas School, San Juan School, and Anzar High be adopted, authorizing $44 million of bonds with legal rates, audits, average levies below $55 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $2.7 million annually while outstanding), citizens' oversight, and full public disclosure of spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure H
for $35,000,000 South Monterey County Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Benito County Measure H for South Monterey County Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $35,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $76,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $76,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local South Monterey County Joint Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure H".

South Monterey County Joint Union High, in cahoots with San Benito county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

High School Academic/ Job Training Classroom Improvement Measure.\nTo upgrade deteriorating academic/ vocational classrooms; replace outdated science/ technology/ computer labs; provide classrooms for future first responders; remove hazardous materials like asbestos, mold, lead paint; construct, acquire, repair classrooms, facilities, sites, and equipment, shall South Monterey County Joint Union High School District's measure be adopted authorizing $35,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $30 per $100,000 assessed valuation, providing approximately $2,600,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, supporting local schools, requiring citizen oversight/ audits?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure I
for $35,000,000 South Monterey County Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Benito County Measure I for South Monterey County Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $35,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $76,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $76,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local South Monterey County Joint Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure I".

South Monterey County Joint Union High, in cahoots with San Benito county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

High School Student Safety/Repair Measure.
To upgrade emergency communication systems, fire alarms/sprinklers, safety door locks, security cameras,; repair deteriorating classrooms, restrooms; replace outdated, unsafe portables, electrical wiring; earthquake retrofit classrooms/ buildings; and construct, acquire, repair classrooms, facilities, sites, and equipment, shall South Monterey County Joint Union High School District's measure be adopted authorizing $35,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $30 per $100,000 assessed valuation, providing approximately $2,600,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, supporting local schools, requiring citizen oversight/audits?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure L
for $70,000,000 San Benito High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Benito County Measure L for San Benito High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $70,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $161,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $161,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Benito High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure L".

San Benito High, in cahoots with San Benito county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

School Bond: Second High School Vocational, Workforce Readiness, & Job Training Classrooms\nTo relieve overcrowding at Hollister High and provide local high school students access to safe, quality education, including math, science, engineering, technology, other core academics, hands- on job skills, and career/ college readiness; and improve student safety by adding a second local high school, shall San Benito High School District's measure be adopted authorizing $70,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, averaging $19/ $100,000 assessed value ($4,450,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight and all funds staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure M
for $0 San Benito High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Benito County Measure M for San Benito High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $0 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $0 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $0 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Benito High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure M".

San Benito High, in cahoots with San Benito county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

School Bond: Safe, Functional Second High School Measure\nTo provide high-quality education and instructional opportunities for local students at a second high school by creating classrooms and labs for vocational, college readiness and career pathways, agriculture, technology, core academics, and early college/ vocational classes with Gavilan College, shall San Benito High School District's measure be adopted authorizing $70,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, averaging $19/ $100,000 assessed value ($4,450,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight and all funds staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure A
for $180,000,000 Victor Valley Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Bernardino County Measure A for Victor Valley Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $180,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $365,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $365,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Victor Valley Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure A".

Victor Valley Union High, in cahoots with San Bernardino county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To attract quality teachers, reduce high school overcrowding, prepare students for college and careers by: expanding the number of classrooms, including vocational/science/engineering labs; up-to-date school security/safe drinking water systems; shall Victor Valley Union High School District's measure authorizing $180,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $23 per $100,000 of assessed valuation, raising approximately $10,000,000 annually while bonds are outstanding be adopted, requiring oversight, public spending disclosure, all funds be spent locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure C
for $88,300,000 Morongo Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Bernardino County Measure C for Morongo Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $88,300,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $182,300,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $182,300,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Morongo Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure C".

Morongo Unified, in cahoots with San Bernardino county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair or replace aging roofs; modernize/renovate classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; upgrade aging electrical systems; and improve outdated technology; shall the Morongo Unified School District measure authorizing $88,300,000 in bonds, at legal rates, generating on average $5,361,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately $36.19 per $100,000 of assessed value, be adopted, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for teacher or administrator salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure D
for $500,000,000 Redlands Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Bernardino County Measure D for Redlands Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $500,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $987,076,922 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $987,076,922 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Redlands Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure D".

Redlands Unified, in cahoots with San Bernardino county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To retain/attract quality teachers, provide healthy/safe classrooms by protecting students from extreme heat, repairing deteriorating roofs/sewer lines, removing mold/asbestos/lead, providing safe drinking water, upgrading safety, career/vocational, science/engineering classrooms, shall Redlands Unified School District's measure authorizing $500,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $45 per $100,000 of assessed valuation, averaging $25,300,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, requiring oversight, spending disclosure, funds used locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $71,000,000 Rim of the World Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Bernardino County Measure E for Rim of the World Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $71,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $134,901,284 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $134,901,284 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Rim of the World Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".

Rim of the World Unified, in cahoots with San Bernardino county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve school safety and security systems, repair/replace deteriorating roofs, plumbing, heating, cooling/ electrical systems, remove asbestos/ lead pipes and upgrade, acquire, construct classrooms, facilities, sites/equipment to support college and career readiness in science, math, engineering, arts, and skilled trades, shall Rim of the World Unified School District's measure authorizing $71,000,000 bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying 3 cents per $100 assessed value ($4,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, audits and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure G
for $71,000,000 Alta Loma Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Bernardino County Measure G for Alta Loma Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $71,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $141,397,822 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $141,397,822 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Alta Loma Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure G".

Alta Loma Elementary, in cahoots with San Bernardino county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair and upgrade Alta Loma School District classrooms, labs, and school facilities supporting student achievement in math, science, technology, arts, engineering; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, ventilation, electrical systems; update instructional technology; and improve school safety/ security, shall Alta Loma School District's measure be adopted authorizing $71,000,000 in bonds at legal rates (without increasing current tax rates), levying approximately 3¢ per $100 assessed value ($5,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, independent audits, all money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure H
for $56,000,000 Mountain View Elementary SFID #3 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Bernardino County Measure H for Mountain View Elementary SFID #3 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $56,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $114,047,750 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $114,047,750 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Mountain View Elementary SFID #3 schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure H".

Mountain View Elementary SFID #3, in cahoots with San Bernardino county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair and improve aging neighborhood schools, improve fire safety/school security systems, fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical and repair, construct and acquire classrooms, labs, sites, facilities and equipment to support student achievement in math, science, technology, arts, and engineering, shall Mountain View School District's School Facilities Improvement District No. 3 measure authorizing $56,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying $26 per $100,000 assessed value (averaging $3,500,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight, audits, and all money locally-controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure I
for $408,000,000 Fontana Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Bernardino County Measure I for Fontana Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $408,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $724,900,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $724,900,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Fontana Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure I".

Fontana Unified, in cahoots with San Bernardino county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With funds that cannot be taken by the State, shall Fontana Unified School District's measure to expand facilities, career training education programs, labs, including robotics, coding and construction; increase Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math classrooms; and ensure access for individuals with disabilities be adopted, authorizing $408 million of bonds with legal rates, audits, average levies below $52 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $25 million annually), citizen oversight, and public disclosure of all spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure J
for $70,600,000 Snowline Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Bernardino County Measure J for Snowline Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $70,600,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $140,900,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $140,900,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Snowline Joint Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure J".

Snowline Joint Unified, in cahoots with San Bernardino county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of local schools, repair or replace leaky roofs; improve school safety and security; replace outdated plumbing, electrical, and sewer systems; renovate, upgrade, and construct science labs, classrooms, and restrooms; shall Snowline Joint Unified School District's measure authorizing $70,600,000 in bonds at legal interest rates be adopted, levying an average 4¢ per $100 assessed value while bonds are outstanding, generating approximately $3,900,000 annually, with annual audits, independent oversight, NO funds for salaries, all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure X
for $180,000,000 Victor Valley Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Bernardino County Measure X for Victor Valley Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $180,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $365,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $365,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Victor Valley Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure X".

Victor Valley Union High, in cahoots with San Bernardino county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To retain quality teachers, ensure healthy/safe classrooms by: removing asbestos, mold, lead paint; providing safe drinking water; repairing leaky roofs, gas lines; upgrading 911 systems, vocational/career classrooms/labs, shall Victor Valley Union High School District's measure authorizing $180,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $23 per $100,000 of assessed valuation, raising approximately $10,000,000 annually while bonds are outstanding be adopted, requiring oversight, public spending disclosure, all funds be spent locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure AA
for $42,000,000 Sierra Sands Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Bernardino County Measure AA for Sierra Sands Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $42,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $89,943,939 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $89,943,939 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Sierra Sands Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure AA".

Sierra Sands Unified, in cahoots with San Bernardino county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Sierra Sands Unified School District Repairs/ Safety Measure.
To retain teachers/ maintain quality local schools by upgrading older schools; ensuring school safety/ earthquake preparedness; fixing/ replacing leaky roofs, windows, plumbing; updating science, technology, engineering, math classrooms; qualifying for United States Department of Defense matching funds, shall Sierra Sands Unified School District's measure be adopted issuing $42,000,000 in bonds at limited interest rates, levying 6¢ per $100 assessed valuation ($3,100,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, no money for administrators' salaries, requiring audits/ citizens oversight, all funds staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure BB
for $225,000,000 Colton Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Bernardino County Measure BB for Colton Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $225,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $458,130,028 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $458,130,028 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Colton Joint Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure BB".

Colton Joint Unified, in cahoots with San Bernardino county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair and improve aging neighborhood schools; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical; remove asbestos and lead pipes; repair, construct, acquire classrooms, labs, sites, facilities/ equipment; support student achievement and college/career readiness in math, science, technology, engineering, arts and skilled trades; shall Colton Joint Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $225,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying 4 cents per $100 assessed value ($6,300,000 Annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, independent audits, all money locally-controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure U
for $6,300,000 Alpine Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure U for Alpine Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $6,300,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $14,490,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $14,490,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Alpine Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure U".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure V
for $59,000,000 Bonsall Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure V for Bonsall Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $59,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $135,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $135,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Bonsall Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure V".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure W
for $280,000,000 Cajon Valley Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure W for Cajon Valley Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $280,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $644,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $644,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Cajon Valley Union schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure W".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure Y
for $3,300,000 Dehesta Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure Y for Dehesta Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $3,300,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $7,590,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $7,590,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Dehesta Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure Y".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure Z
for $158,300,000 Encinitas Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure Z for Encinitas Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $158,300,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $364,090,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $364,090,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Encinitas Union schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure Z".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure AA
for $360,000,000 Chula Vista Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure AA for Chula Vista Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $360,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $828,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $828,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Chula Vista Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure AA".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure BB
for $56,000,000 Fallbrook Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure BB for Fallbrook Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $56,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $128,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $128,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Fallbrook Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure BB".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure CC
for $30,000,000 Lemon Grove School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure CC for Lemon Grove school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $30,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $69,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $69,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lemon Grove schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure CC".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure EE
for $30,000,000 Lemon Grove School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure EE for Lemon Grove school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $30,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $69,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $69,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lemon Grove schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure EE".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure GG
for $26,700,000 Ramona Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure GG for Ramona Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $26,700,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $61,410,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $61,410,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Ramona Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure GG".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure HH
for $3,500,000,000 San Diego CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure HH for San Diego CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $3,500,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $8,050,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $8,050,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Diego CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure HH".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure JJ
for $324,000,000 San Marcos Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure JJ for San Marcos Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $324,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $745,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $745,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Marcos Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure JJ".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure KK
for $68,500,000 San Ysidro Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure KK for San Ysidro Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $68,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $157,550,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $157,550,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Ysidro Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure KK".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure LL
for $66,500,000 San Ysidro School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure LL for San Ysidro school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $66,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $152,950,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $152,950,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Ysidro schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure LL".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure MM
for $12,900,000 San Ysidro School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure MM for San Ysidro school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $12,900,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $29,670,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $29,670,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Ysidro schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure MM".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure NN
for $30,620,000 Santee School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure NN for Santee school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $30,620,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $70,426,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $70,426,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santee schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure NN".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure PP
for $67,000,000 South Bay Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure PP for South Bay Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $67,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $154,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $154,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local South Bay Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure PP".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure QQ
for $58,000,000 South Bay Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure QQ for South Bay Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $58,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $133,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $133,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local South Bay Union schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure QQ".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure RR
for $647,000,000 Sweetwater Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure RR for Sweetwater Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $647,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $1,488,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $1,488,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Sweetwater Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure RR".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure SS
for $84,600,000 Valley Center-Pauma Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure SS for Valley Center-Pauma Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $84,600,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $194,580,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $194,580,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Valley Center-Pauma Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure SS".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure SW
for $800,000,000 Southwestern Community College District School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure SW for Southwestern Community College District school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $800,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $1,840,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $1,840,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Southwestern Community College District schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure SW".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure TT
for $3,800,000 Warner Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure TT for Warner Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $3,800,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $8,740,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $8,740,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Warner Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure TT".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure A
for $790,000,000 San Francisco Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Francisco County Measure A for San Francisco Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $790,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,298,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,298,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Francisco Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure A".

San Francisco Unified, in cahoots with San Francisco county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve earthquake safety and accessibility at San Francisco public schools; provide reliable internet in classrooms; replace worn-out plumbing, electrical and ventilation systems; improve student nutrition services; and have updated security features; shall San Francisco Unified School District's measure authorizing $790,000,000 in bonds at legal rates levying approximately $12.95 per $100,000 of assessed value, raising approximately $56,400,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight and all funds staying local, be adopted?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure B
for $390,000,000 City of San Francisco School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Francisco County Measure B for City of San Francisco school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $390,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $737,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $737,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local City of San Francisco schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure B".

City of San Francisco, in cahoots with San Francisco county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

HEALTHY, SAFE, AND VIBRANT SAN FRANCISCO BOND. To finance the acquisition or improvement of real property, including: temporary shelters, particularly for families; facilities that deliver healthcare services, including preventive care and behavioral health services, such as the Chinatown Public Health Center; critical repairs, renovations, and seismic upgrades at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center and Laguna Honda Hospital; and pedestrian and street safety improvements, streetscape enhancements, and other public space improvements; and to pay related costs; shall the City and County of San Francisco issue $390,000,000 in general obligation bonds with a duration of up to 30 years from the time of issuance, an estimated average tax rate of $0.0069/$100 of assessed property value, and projected average annual revenues of $31,000,000, subject to independent citizen oversight and regular audits? The City's current debt management policy is to keep the property tax rate for City general obligation bonds below the 2006 rate by issuing new bonds as older ones are retired and the tax base grows, though this property tax rate may vary based on other factors.

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure RM4
for $20,000,000,000 Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Francisco County Measure RM4 for Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,000,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $48,000,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $48,000,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure RM4".

Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority, in cahoots with San Francisco county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

BAY AREA AFFORDABILITY PLAN. To address housing affordability and reduce homelessness by:
  • Providing an estimated 70,000 affordable apartments/homes;
  • Creating homes near transit, jobs, and stores;
  • Converting vacant lots/blighted properties into affordable housing; and
  • Providing first-time homebuyer assistance;
Shall the measure issuing $20,000,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying an estimated $19 per $100,000 of assessed valuation generating $910,976,423 annually while bonds are outstanding, and requiring public reporting, independent audits/citizen oversight, be adopted?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure G
for $105,500,000 Oakdale Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Joaquin County Measure G for Oakdale Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $105,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $242,650,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $242,650,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Oakdale Joint Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure G".

Oakdale Joint Unified, in cahoots with San Joaquin county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve Oakdale schools; expand/renovate career technical education classrooms and labs; replace leaky roofs; upgrade aging electrical, plumbing, and sewer; and modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; shall Oakdale Joint Unified School District's measure authorizing $105,500,000 of bonds at legal interest rates be adopted, generating approximately $6,500,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at average rates of approximately $58.16 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, no money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure H
for $27,000,000 Galt Joint Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Joaquin County Measure H for Galt Joint Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $27,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $62,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $62,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Galt Joint Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure H".

Galt Joint Union Elementary, in cahoots with San Joaquin county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

GALT JOINT UNION ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT CLASSROOM REPAIR MEASURE. To provide a high-quality education for all students by keeping schools safe/clean; repair deteriorating roofs, plumbing, heating, ventilation systems; improve school security/fire safety, upgrade science/engineering/technology classrooms/labs; increase disability access, shall Galt Joint Union Elementary School District's measure authorizing $27,000,000 in bonds at legal interest rates, levying 3¢ per $100 of assessed valuation, raising $1,960,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, requiring audits, independent citizen oversight, and all funds controlled locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure J
for $32,000,000 Ripon Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Joaquin County Measure J for Ripon Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $32,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $73,600,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $73,600,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Ripon Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure J".

Ripon Unified, in cahoots with San Joaquin county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Ripon Unified School District Classroom Improvement Measure
To upgrade aging schools, attract/retain quality teachers, and maintain quality education by repairing/replacing deteriorating roofs, restrooms, plumbing, heating, cooling and electrical systems; improving security/fire safety; and providing up-to-date classrooms, labs, technology; shall Ripon Unified School District's measure, authorizing $32,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, averaging $30 per $100,000 assessed valuation (approximately $2,661,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight, audits, public spending disclosure, and no funds for administrators?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure K
for $598,000,000 San Joaquin Delta CCD SFID #1 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Joaquin County Measure K for San Joaquin Delta CCD SFID #1 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $598,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $1,375,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $1,375,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Joaquin Delta CCD SFID #1 schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure K".

San Joaquin Delta CCD SFID #1, in cahoots with San Joaquin county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

DELTA COLLEGE JOB TRAINING, REPAIR, AFFORDABLE LOCAL EDUCATION MEASURE. To improve local community college classrooms/labs/access for nursing/vocational career training, student safety; remove asbestos, lead paint, mold; ensure safe drinking water, repair deteriorating sewers, roofs; acquire, construct, repair classrooms, sites, facilities, equipment; shall San Joaquin Delta Community College District School Facilities Improvement District No. 1's measure authorizing $598,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $16 per $100,000 assessed valuation, generating $34,800,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, requiring local control, oversight, audits, spending disclosure?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure L
for $27,700,000 Escalon Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Joaquin County Measure L for Escalon Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $27,700,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $63,710,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $63,710,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Escalon Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure L".

Escalon Unified, in cahoots with San Joaquin county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To upgrade classrooms, science labs, and career technical facilities, replace outdated portable classrooms with permanent facilities, provide new technology, improve student safety and security, and make the district eligible to receive matching state grants, shall Escalon Unified School District's measure authorizing $27,700,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying an average of $29 per $100,000 assessed valuation, raising approximately $2,300,000 annually, while bonds are outstanding, with citizens' oversight, annual audits, and no funds for administrators?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure O
for $190,000,000 Tracy Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Joaquin County Measure O for Tracy Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $190,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $437,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $437,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Tracy Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure O".

Tracy Unified, in cahoots with San Joaquin county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Tracy Unified School District Quality Schools Measure. To repair/ upgrade classrooms, science labs, facilities, and technology for quality education in math, science, technology, arts, and engineering; remove hazardous materials like asbestos/ lead; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, and electrical systems; and improve school safety/ security, shall Tracy Unified School District School Facilities Improvement District #3's measure authorizing $190,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying $50 per $100,000 assessed value ($11,700,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight, audits, and all funds for Tracy schools?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure B-24
for $110,000,000 Atascadero Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Luis Obispo County Measure B-24 for Atascadero Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $110,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $253,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $253,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Atascadero Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure B-24".

Atascadero Unified, in cahoots with San Luis Obispo county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With funds that cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere, shall Atascadero Unified School District's measure to renovate vocational and career technical education labs; expand classrooms for Robotics, Coding, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics; and repair leaky roofs, plumbing and classrooms be adopted, authorizing $110 million of bonds with legal rates, average levies below $46 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $6.4 million annually while outstanding), audits, taxpayer oversight and full public disclosure of spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure C-24
for $5,900,000 Cambria Community Health Care District School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Luis Obispo County Measure C-24 for Cambria Community Health Care District school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $5,900,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $13,570,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $13,570,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Cambria Community Health Care District schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure C-24".

Cambria Community Health Care District, in cahoots with San Luis Obispo county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To replace the 67-year-old ambulance station/ healthcare facility to meet current County codes and standards and improve safety and security for residents, emergency responders, and visitors, shall Cambria Community Healthcare District's measure be adopted authorizing $5,900,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $423,300 annually at rates of approximately $7.90 per $100,000 assessed value, while bonds are outstanding, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight committee, NO money for salaries and all funds spent locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure K-24
for $77,000,000 Santa Maria-Bonita School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Luis Obispo County Measure K-24 for Santa Maria-Bonita school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $77,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $165,246,560 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $165,246,560 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Maria-Bonita schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure K-24".

Santa Maria-Bonita, in cahoots with San Luis Obispo county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair, modernize, and construct elementary/junior-high school classrooms, science labs, and facilities that reduce overcrowding and support student achievement in science, technology, reading, writing, arts, and math, improve school safety/security; and fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical, infrastructure, shall Santa Maria-Bonita School District's measure authorizing $77,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, be adopted, levying approximately $30/$100,000 assessed value (averaging $5,700,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, independent audits, and all money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure D-24
for $52,300,000 Templeton Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Luis Obispo County Measure D-24 for Templeton Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $52,300,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $120,290,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $120,290,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Templeton Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure D-24".

Templeton Unified, in cahoots with San Luis Obispo county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With funds that cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere, shall Templeton Unified School District's measure to expand Vocational/Technical Education facilities; repair leaky roofs/plumbing; and update Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics classrooms be adopted, authorizing $52.3 million of bonds with average levies below $60 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $3.1 million annually) while outstanding, legal rates, audits, citizen oversight, State matching funds eligibility, and full public disclosure of all spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure H-24
for $143,220,000 Lucia Mar Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Luis Obispo County Measure H-24 for Lucia Mar Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $143,220,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $329,406,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $329,406,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lucia Mar Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure H-24".

Lucia Mar Unified, in cahoots with San Luis Obispo county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair and improve aging neighborhood schools; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical; remove asbestos/ lead pipes; repair, construct/ acquire classrooms, labs, sites, facilities and equipment; support student achievement and college/career readiness in math, science, technology, engineering, arts and skilled trades; shall Lucia Mar Unified School District's measure authorizing $143,220,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying 2¢ per $100 assessed value ($9,030,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, independent audits, and all money localIy-controllecl?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure J-24
for $194,000,000 Santa Maria Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Luis Obispo County Measure J-24 for Santa Maria Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $194,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $438,139,696 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $438,139,696 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Maria Joint Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure J-24".

Santa Maria Joint Union High, in cahoots with San Luis Obispo county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Santa Maria Joint Union High School District College/Career Preparation Measure. To provide up-to-date classrooms/labs/career training facilities that prepare students for college and in-demand careers in science, engineering, technology, skilled trades; make student safety/school security improvements; replace aging portables; and construct school facilities to relieve overcrowding, shall Santa Maria Joint Union High School District's measure authorizing $194,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, be adopted, levying approximately $24/$100,000 assessed valuation ($13,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight/audits/all funds controlled locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure J
for $95,000,000 Millbrae Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Mateo County Measure J for Millbrae Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $95,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $191,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $191,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Millbrae Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure J".

Millbrae Elementary, in cahoots with San Mateo county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve all local elementary/middle schools by upgrading math, reading and writing classrooms; updating science, technology, and engineering labs; repairing leaking roofs; providing teachers with instructional tools to prepare students for future success; and rebuilding aging school facilities, shall Millbrae Elementary School District's measure be adopted authorizing $95,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $30 per $100,000 assessed value, $6,000,000 annually, while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, audits, no funds for administrators, and funds staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure K
for $153,400,000 Cabrillo Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Mateo County Measure K for Cabrillo Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $153,400,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $269,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $269,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Cabrillo Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure K".

Cabrillo Unified, in cahoots with San Mateo county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With funds the State cannot take and spend elsewhere, shall Cabrillo Unified School District's measure to improve classrooms and ensure disability access at Hatch Elementary, El Granada Elementary, Farallone View Elementary, Kings Mountain Elementary, Cunha Intermediate and Half Moon Bay High and increase competitiveness in attracting/ retaining employees by constructing teacher /staff housing be adopted, authorizing $153.4 million of bonds with average levies below $55 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising: a $8,700,000 annually while outstanding), legal rates, citizen oversight, State matching funds eligibility, audits, and public disclosure of spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure P
for $171,000,000 Belmont-Redwood Shores Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Mateo County Measure P for Belmont-Redwood Shores Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $171,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $366,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $366,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Belmont-Redwood Shores Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure P".

Belmont-Redwood Shores Elementary, in cahoots with San Mateo county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve Belmont-Redwood Shores School District's local elementary and middle schools; replace aging technology infrastructure for 21st century learning in science, engineering and math; repair or replace leaky roofs, heating and cooling systems; provide updated equipment for classrooms; shall Belmont-Redwood Shores School District's measure be adopted authorizing $171,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $29 per $100,000 assessed value while bonds are outstanding ($11,400,000 annually), that cannot be taken away by the State, with citizen oversight, and annual audits?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure Q
for $102,000,000 City of San Bruno School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Mateo County Measure Q for City of San Bruno school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $102,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $234,600,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $234,600,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local City of San Bruno schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure Q".

City of San Bruno, in cahoots with San Mateo county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Shall City of San Bruno measure be adopted to repair deteriorating storm- drains; preventing failure, flooding, water pollution/ sinkholes; repair potholes/ city streets; upgrade fire stations, improving emergency response, accommodate modern firefighting/ lifesaving emergency medical equipment, function during earthquakes/ natural disasters; authorizing $102,000,000 in bonds, at a tax rate of 3¢ per $100 of assessed value, while bonds are outstanding, initially generating $3,300,000 annually, without funds for administrators/ cannot be taken by the State of California, with citizen oversight/ independent audits?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure U
for $123,600,000 Menlo Park City Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Mateo County Measure U for Menlo Park City Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $123,600,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $256,300,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $256,300,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Menlo Park City Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure U".

Menlo Park City Elementary, in cahoots with San Mateo county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Menlo Park City School District Safety Measure. To upgrade Encinal, Laurel, Oak Knoll and Hillview schools, improve campus security, upgrade seismic safety, replace/repair aging buildings, acquire classroom air conditioning, and modernize learning technology, shall Menlo Park City School District's measure authorizing $123.6 million in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying approximately $18.60 per $100,000 of assessed value (raising $8.5 million annually) while bonds are outstanding, with annual audits, citizen oversight committee, no money for administrators, and all funds benefitting local public schools?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure HH
for $12,500,000 Bayshore Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Mateo County Measure HH for Bayshore Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $12,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $25,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $25,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Bayshore Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure HH".

Bayshore Elementary, in cahoots with San Mateo county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of education; upgrade classroom technology; make energy-efficiency improvements; construct and renovate school facilities: and make health, safety and handicapped accessibility improvements; shall Bayshore Elementary School District's measure be adopted authorizing $12,500,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $720,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately $30 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, no money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure RM4
for $20,000,000,000 Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Mateo County Measure RM4 for Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,000,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $48,000,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $48,000,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure RM4".

Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority, in cahoots with San Mateo county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

BAY AREA AFFORDABILITY PLAN. To address housing affordability and reduce homelessness by:
  • Providing an estimated 70,000 affordable apartments/homes;
  • Creating homes near transit, jobs, and stores;
  • Converting vacant lots/blighted properties into affordable housing; and
  • Providing first-time homebuyer assistance;
Shall the measure issuing $20,000,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying an estimated $19 per $100,000 of assessed valuation generating $910,976,423 annually while bonds are outstanding, and requiring public reporting, independent audits/citizen oversight, be adopted?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure Y2024
for $40,300,000 Hope Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Barbara County Measure Y2024 for Hope Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $40,300,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $92,690,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $92,690,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Hope Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure Y2024".

Hope Elementary, in cahoots with Santa Barbara county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms/school facilities; make health, safety/security improvements to improve the quality of education; acquire, construct/equip school sites/facilities, shall Hope Elementary School District's measure be adopted issuing $40,300,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $2,500,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately $18.26 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries and no money taken by the State?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure M2024
for $160,000,000 Lompoc Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Barbara County Measure M2024 for Lompoc Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $160,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $294,729,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $294,729,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lompoc Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure M2024".

Lompoc Unified, in cahoots with Santa Barbara county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Lompoc Unified School District Classroom Repair Measure. To repair/upgrade classrooms, labs, career-training facilities/technology to prepare students for college/careers in science, technology, engineering/ skilled trades; improve student safety/campus security; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical/ventilation; repair, construct, acquire classrooms, facilities, sites/ equipment, shall Lompoc Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $160,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying 5¢ per $100 assessed value ($9,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with oversight, audits, and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure P2024
for $198,000,000 Santa Barbara CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Barbara County Measure P2024 for Santa Barbara CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $198,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $451,555,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $451,555,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Barbara CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure P2024".

Santa Barbara CCD, in cahoots with Santa Barbara county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

SANTA BARBARA CITY COLLEGE MEASURE PRESERVING AFFORDABLE HIGHER EDUCATION/ CAREER TRAINING WITHOUT INCREASING TAX RATES. To repair and update aging classrooms, labs, college/ career-training facilities providing affordable, high-quality education in science, engineering, math, nursing, technology/ skilled trades; and fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing/ electrical, shall Santa Barbara Community College District's measure be adopted authorizing $198,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, without exceeding the previously approved $8.50 per $100,000 assessed value (providing $13,255,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with oversight/ local control?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure J2024
for $194,000,000 Santa Maria Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Barbara County Measure J2024 for Santa Maria Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $194,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $438,139,696 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $438,139,696 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Maria Joint Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure J2024".

Santa Maria Joint Union High, in cahoots with Santa Barbara county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Santa Maria Joint Union High School District College/Career Preparation Measure. To provide up-to-date classrooms/labs/career training facilities that prepare students for college and in-demand careers in science, engineering, technology, skilled trades; make student safety/school security improvements; replace aging portables; and construct school facilities to relieve overcrowding, shall Santa Maria Joint Union High School District's measure authorizing $194,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, be adopted, levying approximately $24/$100,000 assessed valuation ($13,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight/audits/all funds controlled locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure K2024
for $77,000,000 Santa Maria-Bonita School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Barbara County Measure K2024 for Santa Maria-Bonita school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $77,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $165,246,560 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $165,246,560 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Maria-Bonita schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure K2024".

Santa Maria-Bonita, in cahoots with Santa Barbara county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair, modernize, and construct elementary/junior-high school classrooms, science labs, and facilities that reduce overcrowding and support student achievement in science, technology, reading, writing, arts, and math, improve school safety/security; and fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical, infrastructure, shall Santa Maria-Bonita School District's measure authorizing $77,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, be adopted, levying approximately $30/$100,000 assessed value (averaging $5,700,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, independent audits, and all money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure L2024
for $18,000,000 College Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Barbara County Measure L2024 for College Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $18,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $36,900,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $36,900,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local College Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure L2024".

College Elementary, in cahoots with Santa Barbara county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair aging classrooms/school facilities to meet health and safety codes; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing and electrical; remove asbestos/lead pipes; and upgrade, construct and equip classrooms, labs, facilities to support student achievement in science, math, technology, engineering, and arts; shall the College School District measure authorizing $18,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying $19 per $100,000 assessed value ($1 million annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $290,000,000 City of Sunnyvale School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure E for City of Sunnyvale school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $290,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $667,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $667,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local City of Sunnyvale schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".

City of Sunnyvale, in cahoots with Santa Clara county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Sunnyvale Main Library Measure. To provide residents an accessible modern, sustainable, earthquake-safe library; expand spaces for: collections, events, educational programs for children, teens and seniors; replace deteriorating plumbing, electrical, roofing; shall the measure of the City of Sunnyvale to issue $290,000,000 in bonds at legal interest rates with a maximum levy of $27.47 per $100,000 of assessed value while bonds are outstanding, generating approximately $18,600,000 annually, with audits, citizen's oversight, all funds used locally, be adopted?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure I
for $400,000,000 City of Santa Clara School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure I for City of Santa Clara school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $400,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $920,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $920,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local City of Santa Clara schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure I".

City of Santa Clara, in cahoots with Santa Clara county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve 911 emergency response; fix streets to reduce potholes and provide safer roads and routes for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists; upgrade stormdrains/pipes to prevent flooding/sinkholes; and renovate/replace recreation, library and other community facilities; shall the City of Santa Clara's measure authorizing $400,000,000 in bonds, funded by levying an estimated $19 per $100,000 of assessed value while bonds are outstanding, generating approximately $21,674,000 annually, with annual audits and citizen oversight of spending, be adopted?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure L
for $0 San Benito High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure L for San Benito High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $0 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $0 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $0 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Benito High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure L".

San Benito High, in cahoots with Santa Clara county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To provide high-quality education and instructional opportunities for local students at a second high school by creating classrooms and labs for vocational, college readiness and career pathways, agriculture, technology, core academics, and early college/ vocational classes with Gavilan College, shall San Benito High School District's measure be adopted authorizing $70,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, averaging $19/ $100,000 assessed value ($4,450,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight and all funds staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure M
for $0 San Benito High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure M for San Benito High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $0 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $0 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $0 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Benito High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure M".

San Benito High, in cahoots with Santa Clara county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To relieve overcrowding at Hollister High and provide local high school students access to safe, quality education, Including math, science, engineering, technology, other core academics, hands-on job skills, and career/ college readiness; and improve student safety by adding a second local high school, shall San Benito High School District's measure be adopted authorizing $70,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, averaging $19/ $100,000 assessed value ($4,450,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight and all funds staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure P
for $474,000,000 Campbell Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure P for Campbell Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $474,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $1,090,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $1,090,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Campbell Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure P".

Campbell Union High, in cahoots with Santa Clara county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair/ upgrade high school classrooms, science labs, career-training facilities, and instructional technology to support college/ career readiness in math, science, technology, engineering, arts, and skilled trades; modernize older facilities; and improve security systems, fire alarms, access for students with disabilities, shall Campbell Union High School District's measure authorizing $474,000,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying $24 per $100,000 assessed value (raising $27,500,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizen oversight, annual audits and all money locally-controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure R
for $1,150,000,000 San Jose Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure R for San Jose Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $1,150,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $2,645,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $2,645,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Jose Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure R".

San Jose Unified, in cahoots with Santa Clara county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve school safety, upgrade neighborhood schools and classrooms for science, technology, engineering, math, athletics and multipurpose use; update electrical, roofing, ventilation, and plumbing systems, and provide affordable housing to attract and retain high-quality teachers/ staff, shall San Jose Unified School District's measure be adopted issuing $1,150,000,000 in bonds at legal interest rates, levying $60 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (approximately $81,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent citizens' oversight, annual audits, and all funds staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure S
for $28,000,000 Mount Pleasant Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure S for Mount Pleasant Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $28,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $64,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $64,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Mount Pleasant Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure S".

Mount Pleasant Elementary, in cahoots with Santa Clara county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Science & Technology. With funds that cannot be taken by the State, shall Mount Pleasant Elementary School District's measure to expand Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics classrooms; and update classroom technology and emergency communication systems at August Boeger Middle, Ida Jew Academy, Mount Pleasant Elementary, Robert Sanders Elementary, and Valle Vista Elementary be adopted, authorizing $28 million of bonds with legal rates, audits, average levies below $29 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (generating $1.7 million annually) while outstanding, citizen oversight, and full public disclosure of all spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure T
for $24,000,000 Mount Pleasant Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure T for Mount Pleasant Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $24,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $55,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $55,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Mount Pleasant Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure T".

Mount Pleasant Elementary, in cahoots with Santa Clara county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

School Renovations. With funds that cannot be taken by the State, shall Mount Pleasant Elementary School District's measure to expand student counseling/ mental health facilities; ensure access for disabled individuals; renovate outdated libraries; and repair leaky roofs at August Boeger Middle, Ida Jew Academy, Mount Pleasant Elementary, Robert Sanders Elementary, and Valle Vista Elementary be adopted, authorizing $24 million of bonds with legal rates, average levies below $26 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (generating $1.45 million annually) while outstanding, citizen oversight, and full public disclosure of all spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure Z
for $347,000,000 Cupertino Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure Z for Cupertino Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $347,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $798,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $798,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Cupertino Union schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure Z".

Cupertino Union, in cahoots with Santa Clara county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With funds the State cannot take and no projected increase in current tax rates, shall Cupertino Union School District's measure to replace leaky roofs/ plumbing and expand CUSD's Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math classrooms in Cupertino, Los Altos, San Jose, Santa Clara, Saratoga and Sunnyvale be adopted, authorizing $347 million of bonds with average levies below $21 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (generating $23,300,000 annually) while outstanding, audits, legal rates, independent oversight, State matching funds eligibility, and full disclosure of spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure CC
for $163,000,000 Los Gatos Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure CC for Los Gatos Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $163,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $374,900,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $374,900,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Los Gatos Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure CC".

Los Gatos Union Elementary, in cahoots with Santa Clara county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve local elementary and middle schools by upgrading classrooms for literacy programs, science, technology, engineering, arts and math; updating school safety/ security systems; and replacing outdated heating, cooling, electrical, and ventilation systems; shall Los Gatos Union School District's measure be adopted, authorizing $163 million in bonds at legal Interest rates, levying $30 per $100,000 of assessed value (averaging $11.5 million annually) while bonds are outstanding, with audits, independent oversight, no money for administrators, and all funds used locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure EE
for $350,000,000 Los Altos Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure EE for Los Altos Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $350,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $805,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $805,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Los Altos Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure EE".

Los Altos Elementary, in cahoots with Santa Clara county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To upgrade aging neighborhood schools, enhance science, technology, engineering, and math classrooms/labs, fix leaky roofs/windows, improve school traffic safety, update aging heating, cooling/plumbing, and construct facilities needed to preserve small neighborhood schools; shall Los Altos School District's measure authorizing $350,000,000 of bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying an average $30 per $100,000 assessed value (approximately $20,300,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with citizens' oversight, annual audits, all funds for local elementary/junior high schools?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure GG
for $30,000,000 Orchard Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure GG for Orchard Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $30,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $69,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $69,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Orchard Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure GG".

Orchard Elementary, in cahoots with Santa Clara county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To provide a safe, modern neighborhood school; fix deteriorating roofs, plumbing, electrical, heating and cooling systems; upgrade classrooms; improve student safety and security systems; repair, construct, acquire classrooms, equipment, sites and facilities; shall Orchard School District's measure be adopted authorizing $30,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $12 per $100,000 assessed value ($2,800,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent audits, citizen oversight, public disclosure of all spending and all money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure RM4
for $20,000,000,000 Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure RM4 for Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,000,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $48,000,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $48,000,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure RM4".

Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority, in cahoots with Santa Clara county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

BAY AREA AFFORDABILITY PLAN. To address housing affordability and reduce homelessness by:
  • Providing an estimated 70,000 affordable apartments/homes;
  • Creating homes near transit, jobs, and stores;
  • Converting vacant lots/blighted properties into affordable housing; and
  • Providing first-time homebuyer assistance;
Shall the measure issuing $20,000,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying an estimated $19 per $100,000 of assessed valuation generating $910,976,423 annually while bonds are outstanding, and requiring public reporting, independent audits/citizen oversight, be adopted?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure D
for $44,000,000 Aromas/San Juan Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Cruz County Measure D for Aromas/San Juan Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $44,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $77,900,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $77,900,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Aromas/San Juan Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure D".

Aromas/San Juan Unified, in cahoots with Santa Cruz county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With funds that cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere, shall Aromas-San Juan Unified School District's measure to renovate/modernize classrooms; expand coding, robotics and engineering workshops; replace leaky roofs; and upgrade fire alarms and emergency communication systems at Aromas School, San Juan School, and Anzar High be adopted, authorizing $44 million of bonds with legal rates, audits, average levies below $55 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $2.7 million annually while outstanding), citizens' oversight, and full public disclosure of spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure L
for $7,000,000 Bonny Doon Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Cruz County Measure L for Bonny Doon Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $7,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $16,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $16,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Bonny Doon Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure L".

Bonny Doon Union Elementary, in cahoots with Santa Cruz county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To modernize outdated classrooms/restrooms/school facilities to improve the quality of education; make security improvements; replace deteriorating plumbing and sewer systems; acquire, construct, improve sites/facilities/equipment, shall Bonny Doon Union Elementary School District's measure to issue $7,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $456,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding at approximately 3 cents per $100 assessed value, be adopted, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight committee, NO money for salaries, all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure M
for $315,000,000 Pajaro Valley Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Cruz County Measure M for Pajaro Valley Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $315,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $556,452,817 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $556,452,817 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pajaro Valley Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure M".

Pajaro Valley Unified, in cahoots with Santa Cruz county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With funds that cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere, shall Pajaro Valley Unified School District's measure to renovate classrooms; expand career/ technical education programs including robotics and coding; and replace outdated plumbing, leaking pipes and aging electrical wiring be adopted, authorizing $315 million of bonds with levies less than $60 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $18.3 million annually) while outstanding, legal rates, annual audits, independent oversight, eligibility for state matching funds and full public disclosure?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure N
for $45,000,000 Live Oak Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Cruz County Measure N for Live Oak Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $45,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $102,760,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $102,760,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Live Oak Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure N".

Live Oak Elementary, in cahoots with Santa Cruz county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To design and construct rental housing units for Live Oak School District teachers and staff including amenities and facilities, acquire, real property for housing and school use; and make school facility improvements; shall the Live Oak School District measure authorizing $45,000,000 in bonds be adopted, levying on average $30 per $100,000 assessed value, generating approximately $3,300,000 annually, while bonds are outstanding, with annual audits, independent citizen oversight and no funds used for administrator salaries or pensions?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure O
for $85,000,000 Scotts Valley Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Cruz County Measure O for Scotts Valley Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $85,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $170,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $170,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Scotts Valley Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure O".

Scotts Valley Unified, in cahoots with Santa Cruz county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve education quality; repair leaky roofs; install energy-efficient HVAC; construct multi-purpose rooms and safer playgrounds at elementary schools; provide all-weather track and field at Scotts Valley High School; and make essential safety improvements; shall Scotts Vailey Unified School District's measure be adopted issuing $85,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $5,000,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately $49 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, money staying local and none for salaries?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure P
for $73,000,000 Soquel Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Cruz County Measure P for Soquel Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $73,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $147,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $147,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Soquel Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure P".

Soquel Union Elementary, in cahoots with Santa Cruz county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of education; repair or replace leaky roofs; make health, safety and security improvements; and modernize/renovate outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; shall Soquel Union Elementary School District's measure be adopted authorizing $73,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $4,000,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding from levies of approximately 3 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for administrative salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure R
for $221,000,000 Central Fire District of Santa Cruz County School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Cruz County Measure R for Central Fire District of Santa Cruz County school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $221,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $470,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $470,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Central Fire District of Santa Cruz County schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure R".

Central Fire District of Santa Cruz County, in cahoots with Santa Cruz county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Central Fire District 911 Medical Emergency Response and Fire Protection Measure. To maintain 911 response times; protect local medical emergency and fire protection services; and prepare for wildfires, floods, and earthquakes by upgrading and repairing aging lifesaving equipment and stations, shall Central Fire District of Santa Cruz County's measure authorizing $221,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $29/$100,000 of assessed valuation, generating $11,600,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, be approved, requiring citizens' oversight, public spending disclosure, audits and all funds spent locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure S
for $24,500,000 Scotts Valley Fire Protection District School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Cruz County Measure S for Scotts Valley Fire Protection District school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $24,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $51,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $51,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Scotts Valley Fire Protection District schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure S".

Scotts Valley Fire Protection District, in cahoots with Santa Cruz county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Scotts Valley Fire and Life Safety Investment Measure - To improve 911 response times, maintain lifesaving emergency medical services, strengthen wildfire protection and prevention, and construct a seismically safe and strategically located station to ensure operations during a disaster; shall the Scotts Valley Fire Protection District measure issuing $24,500,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying approximately $17 per $100,000 of assessed valuation, generating $1,700,000 annually while bonds are outstanding be authorized, requiring citizens' oversight, and all funds spent locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $9,600,000 Cottonwood Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Shasta County Measure E for Cottonwood Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $9,600,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $22,080,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $22,080,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Cottonwood Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".

Cottonwood Union Elementary, in cahoots with Shasta county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of schools; replace leaky roofs; modernize/construct/renovate classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; replace HVAC and plumbing systems; make health, safety and security improvements; and upgrade inadequate electrical and communication systems; shall Cottonwood Union School District's measure be adopted authorizing $9,600,000 of bonds, at legal rates, generating on average $604,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, at rates of approximately $30 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, citizens' oversight, all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure G
for $4,400,000 Bella Vista Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Shasta County Measure G for Bella Vista Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $4,400,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $10,120,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $10,120,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Bella Vista Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure G".

Bella Vista Elementary, in cahoots with Shasta county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve Bella Vista Elementary School; repair/replace leaky roofs; renovate plumbing, sewer, electrical, and HVAC systems; improve safety/security; upgrade and modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and facilities; replace temporary portables with permanent classrooms; shall Bella Vista Elementary School District's measure authorizing $4,400,000 of bonds at legal rates be adopted, generating on average $273,230 annually while bonds are outstanding at rates of approximately $29.12 per $100,000 assessed value, annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure H
for $6,100,000 Junction Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Shasta County Measure H for Junction Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $6,100,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $14,030,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $14,030,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Junction Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure H".

Junction Elementary, in cahoots with Shasta county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve Junction Elementary School and Junction Middle School; replace old temporary portables with permanent classrooms; upgrade inadequate electrical systems; modernize/renovate/upgrade outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; and make health, safety and handicapped accessibility improvements; shall Junction Elementary School District's measure to issue $6,100,000 of bonds at legal interest rates be adopted, generating on average $339,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at rates of approximately $23.30 per $100,000 assessed value, with citizens oversight, annual audits, and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure I
for $16,500,000 Cascade Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Shasta County Measure I for Cascade Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $16,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $37,950,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $37,950,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Cascade Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure I".

Cascade Union Elementary, in cahoots with Shasta county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of education; modernize and renovate outdated classrooms, restrooms, and school facilities; replace/upgrade plumbing, sewer, and electrical systems; make health, safety, and handicapped accessibility improvements; replace portables; shall Cascade Union Elementary School District's measure authorizing $16,500,000 of bonds at legal rates be adopted, generating approximately $945,100 annually while bonds are outstanding at rates of approximately $28.54 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure J
for $65,000,000 Gateway Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Shasta County Measure J for Gateway Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $65,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $149,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $149,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Gateway Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure J".

Gateway Unified, in cahoots with Shasta county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of schools; expand and renovate career technical education classrooms and labs; repair/replace leaky roofs; construct/upgrade classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; and replace HVAC systems, shall Gateway Unified School District's measure authorizing $65,000,000 in bonds, at legal rates, and levying approximately $49 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $3,700,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, with a board appointed citizens' oversight committee and annual independent audits to assure proper expenditure of funds?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure K
for $12,900,000 Columbia Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Shasta County Measure K for Columbia Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $12,900,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $29,670,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $29,670,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Columbia Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure K".

Columbia Elementary, in cahoots with Shasta county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve Columbia Elementary and Mountain View Middle School; repair or replace leaky roofs; upgrade inadequate electrical systems; replace deteriorating plumbing and sewer systems, and make health, safety and security improvements; shall Columbia Elementary School District's measure to issue $12,900,000 of bonds at legal interest rates be adopted, generating on average $716,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at rates of approximately $30 per $100,000 in assessed value, with citizens oversight, annual audits, and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure L
for $0 Red Bluff Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Shasta County Measure L for Red Bluff Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $0 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $0 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $0 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Red Bluff Joint Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure L".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure M
for $56,600,000 Shasta Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Shasta County Measure M for Shasta Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $56,600,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $130,180,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $130,180,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Shasta Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure M".

Shasta Union High, in cahoots with Shasta county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of education at local high schools; replace leaky roofs; construct, upgrade, and modernize classrooms, restrooms, and career technical labs; upgrade electrical, plumbing, HVAC systems; make safety/security improvements; shall Shasta Union High School District's measure be adopted authorizing $56,600,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating average $4,100,000 annually, while bonds are outstanding, at average rates of $14.39 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure N
for $14,500,000 Pacheco Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Shasta County Measure N for Pacheco Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $14,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $33,350,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $33,350,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pacheco Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure N".

Pacheco Union Elementary, in cahoots with Shasta county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of local schools; repair/ replace leaky roofs; construct/ modernize and renovate classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; and make safety and security improvements; shall Pacheco Union School District's measure be adopted issuing $14,500,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating approximately $843,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding at average rates of 3 cents per $100 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure O
for $14,700,000 Pacheco Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Shasta County Measure O for Pacheco Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $14,700,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $33,810,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $33,810,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pacheco Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure O".

Pacheco Union Elementary, in cahoots with Shasta county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To reduce student overcrowding and address health and safety issues by building a new pre-kindergarten to eighth grade school, shall the Pacheco Union School District's measure be adopted issuing $14,700,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating approximately $860,000 annually as long as bonds are outstanding at average rates of 3 cents per $100_assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $317,000,000 Vacaville Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Solano County Measure E for Vacaville Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $317,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $729,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $729,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Vacaville Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".

Vacaville Unified, in cahoots with Solano county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of education/ student safety; construct/ renovate science, technology, engineering, math and career technical education classrooms/ labs; modernize classrooms; and construct a new school; shall Vacaville Unified School District's measure be approved authorizing $317,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $17,425,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at a rate of approximately $48.00 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight committee, NO money for teacher salaries and all funds staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure R
for $65,000,000 Travis Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Solano County Measure R for Travis Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $65,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $149,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $149,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Travis Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure R".

Travis Unified, in cahoots with Solano county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To repair aging schools, including replacing aging plumbing, electrical, lighting/ HVAC systems; repairing/ adding classrooms for science, technology, engineering, and math instruction; and improving campus security with fencing, cameras and lighting; shall the Travis Unified School District measure be adopted authorizing $65,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying 6¢ per $100 of assessed value, averaging $4,700,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, with independent citizen oversight, audits, no funds for administrators, and all funds for Travis Unified School District schools only?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure RM4
for $20,000,000,000 Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Solano County Measure RM4 for Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,000,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $48,000,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $48,000,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure RM4".

Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority, in cahoots with Solano county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

BAY AREA AFFORDABILITY PLAN. To address housing affordability and reduce homelessness by:
  • Providing an estimated 70,000 affordable apartments/homes;
  • Creating homes near transit, jobs, and stores;
  • Converting vacant lots/blighted properties into affordable housing; and
  • Providing first-time homebuyer assistance;
Shall the measure issuing $20,000,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying an estimated $19 per $100,000 of assessed valuation generating $910,976,423 annually while bonds are outstanding, and requiring public reporting, independent audits/citizen oversight, be adopted?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure K
for $29,500,000 Piner-Olivet Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Sonoma County Measure K for Piner-Olivet Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $29,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $59,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $59,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Piner-Olivet Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure K".

Piner-Olivet Union Elementary, in cahoots with Sonoma county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; repair/replace leaky roofs,· replace outdated heating and cooling systems; upgrade inadequate electrical systems; and make health, safety and security improvements, shall Piner-Olivet Union School District's measure authorizing $29,500,000 in bonds, at legal interest rates, and levying approximately $30 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $1,700,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, with a board appointed citizens' oversight committee and annual independent audits to assure proper expenditure of funds?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure M
for $12,000,000 Roseland School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Sonoma County Measure M for Roseland school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $12,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $25,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $25,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Roseland schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure M".

Roseland, in cahoots with Sonoma county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; repair/replace leaky roofs; replace outdated HVAC systems; make health, safety, security and energy-efficiency improvements; replace deteriorating portables with permanent classrooms; and improve playgrounds/playfields, shall the Roseland Elementary School District measure authorizing $12,000,000 in bonds, at legal interest rates, and levying approximately $30 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $700,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, with citizen oversight, independent audits, and all funds locally- controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure N
for $24,000,000 Sebastopol Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Sonoma County Measure N for Sebastopol Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $24,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $46,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $46,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Sebastopol Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure N".

Sebastopol Union Elementary, in cahoots with Sonoma county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve local Sebastopol TK-8 schools; modernize and renovate classrooms, restrooms and other school facilities, make health, safety and security improvements; and replace aging portables with permanent classrooms; shall the Sebastopol Union School District measure authorizing $24,000,000 of bonds at legal rates be adopted, generating approximately $1,400,000 annually, while bonds are outstanding, at average rates of approximately $28 per $100,000 assessed value, with independent citizens' oversight, annual audits, No money for salaries and all money locally controlled?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure P
for $38,500,000 Bellevue Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Sonoma County Measure P for Bellevue Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $38,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $78,600,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $78,600,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Bellevue Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure P".

Bellevue Union Elementary, in cahoots with Sonoma county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of education; repair/ replace leaky roofs; upgrade inadequate electrical and deteriorating plumbing systems; replace inefficient HVAC systems; and modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; shall Bellevue Union School District's measure authorizing $38,500,000 of bonds at legal rates be adopted, raising approximately $2,200,000 annually with projected average rates of approximately $29 per $100,000 assessed value while bonds are outstanding, with annual audits, citizens' oversight, no money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure R
for $49,500,000 Healdsburg Unified SFID #1 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Sonoma County Measure R for Healdsburg Unified SFID #1 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $49,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $106,300,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $106,300,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Healdsburg Unified SFID #1 schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure R".

Healdsburg Unified SFID #1, in cahoots with Sonoma county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of Healdsburg elementary schools with no estimated increase to current tax rates; replace leaky roofs; upgrade inadequate electrical systems; make health/ safety improvements; and construct/ modernize classrooms and restrooms; shall Healdsburg Unified School District School Facilities Improvement District No. 1's measure authorizing $49,500,000 of bonds at legal rates be adopted, raising approximately $3,000,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, levying $29 per $100,000 assessed value, with audits, citizens' oversight, no money for salaries, and all money for local schools?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure V
for $98,000,000 Windsor Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Sonoma County Measure V for Windsor Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $98,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $197,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $197,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Windsor Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure V".

Windsor Unified, in cahoots with Sonoma county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of Windsor schools; replace leaky roofs; make health, safety and security improvements; modernize or renovate outdated classrooms, restrooms, and school facilities; and improve technology and energy-efficiency, shall Windsor Unified School District's measure authorizing $98,000,000 of bonds at legal rates be adopted, generating approximately $5,400,000 annually, while bonds are outstanding, at average rates of approximately $46 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, citizens' oversight, NO salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure X
for $29,200,000 Wright Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Sonoma County Measure X for Wright Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $29,200,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $60,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $60,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Wright Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure X".

Wright Elementary, in cahoots with Sonoma county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of schools; modernize and renovate classrooms, restrooms, and education facilities; improve student access to technology; and make health, safety and security improvements; shall Wright Elementary School District's measure authorizing $29,200,000 of bonds at legal interest rates be adopted, generating approximately $1,700,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at average rates of approximately $29 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, money for salaries and no money taken by the State?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure Z
for $70,000,000 Petaluma City Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Sonoma County Measure Z for Petaluma City Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $70,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $140,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $140,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Petaluma City Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure Z".

Petaluma City Elementary, in cahoots with Sonoma county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Petaluma Elementary School Improvement Measure. To repair/ upgrade local elementary school classrooms, science labs, learning technology, art/ music facilities; improve fire/ earthquake safety/ campus security; remove hazardous materials like lead/ asbestos; repair/ replace leaky roofs, outdated portable classrooms, HVAC, electrical/ plumbing systems; shall Petaluma City Elementary School District's measure be adopted authorizing $70,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, at $30 per $100,000 assessed value while bonds are outstanding ($4,000,000 annually), with independent oversight, and no funds for administrators?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure AA
for $159,000,000 Petaluma Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Sonoma County Measure AA for Petaluma Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $159,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $320,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $320,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Petaluma Joint Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure AA".

Petaluma Joint Union High, in cahoots with Sonoma county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Local High/ Junior High School improvement Measure. To repair/ upgrade local high/ junior high school classrooms, science labs, technology/ job training facilities; improve fire/ earthquake safety/ campus security; remove hazardous materials like lead/ asbestos; repair leaky roofs, outdated portable classrooms, HVAC, electrical, plumbing; shall Petaluma Joint Union High School District's measure be adopted authorizing $159,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, at $30 per $100,000 assessed value while bonds are outstanding ($9,100,000 annually), with independent oversight, and no funds for administrators?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure BB
for $91,500,000 Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Sonoma County Measure BB for Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $91,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $189,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $189,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure BB".

Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified, in cahoots with Sonoma county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Repair Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District Schools Without Increasing Tax Rates. To repair/ upgrade local schools without increasing projected tax rates by replacing leaky roofs, aging plumbing/ HVAC; removing hazardous materials including asbestos/ lead; upgrading science, technology, engineering, math classrooms/ labs; and replacing deteriorating portable classrooms; shall Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District's measure authorizing $91,500,000 in bonds at legal rates be adopted, levying approximately $35 per $100,000 assessed value while bonds are outstanding ($5,400,000 annually) with independent oversight, audits, no funds for administrators?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure RM4
for $20,000,000,000 Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Sonoma County Measure RM4 for Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,000,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $48,000,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $48,000,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure RM4".

Bay Area Regional Housing Finance Authority, in cahoots with Sonoma county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

BAY AREA AFFORDABILITY PLAN. To address housing affordability and reduce homelessness by:
  • Providing an estimated 70,000 affordable apartments/homes;
  • Creating homes near transit, jobs, and stores;
  • Converting vacant lots/blighted properties into affordable housing; and
  • Providing first-time homebuyer assistance;
Shall the measure issuing $20,000,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying an estimated $19 per $100,000 of assessed valuation generating $910,976,423 annually while bonds are outstanding, and requiring public reporting, independent audits/citizen oversight, be adopted?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure B
for $46,000,000 Hughson Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure B for Hughson Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $46,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $93,577,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $93,577,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Hughson Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure B".

Hughson Unified, in cahoots with Stanislaus county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Hughson Unified School District Repair Measure. To repair/ replace leaking roofs/ and outdated heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical systems; improve student safety/ security; add classrooms to prevent overcrowding; renovate science labs; and replace the over 100-year-old agricultural science/ shop building at Hughson High School; shall Hughson Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $46,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, with levies averaging $60 per $100,000 assessed value while bonds are outstanding (approximately $2,900,000 annually) with independent oversight/ audits, no funds for administrators?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $21,600,000 Riverbank Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure E for Riverbank Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $21,600,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $42,940,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $42,940,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Riverbank Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".

Riverbank Unified, in cahoots with Stanislaus county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With no increase in current estimated tax rates, shall Riverbank Unified School District's measure to expand Career and Technical Education classrooms; replace aging restrooms and drinking fountains; and update security and emergency communication systems be adopted, authorizing $21.6 million of bonds with legal rates, audits, average levies below $53 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $1.5 million annually while outstanding), citizen oversight, full public disclosure of all spending, and no funds taken by the State and spent elsewhere?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure G
for $105,500,000 Oakdale Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure G for Oakdale Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $105,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $227,720,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $227,720,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Oakdale Joint Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure G".

Oakdale Joint Unified, in cahoots with Stanislaus county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve Oakdale schools; expand/renovate career technical education classrooms and labs; replace leaky roofs; upgrade aging electrical, plumbing, and sewer; and modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; shall Oakdale Joint Unified School District's measure authorizing $105,500,000 of bonds at legal interest rates be adopted, generating approximately $6,500,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at average rates of approximately $58.16 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, no money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure H
for $7,000,000 Keyes Fire Protection District School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure H for Keyes Fire Protection District school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $7,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $14,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $14,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Keyes Fire Protection District schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure H".

Keyes Fire Protection District, in cahoots with Stanislaus county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

FIRE PROTECTION AND PUBLIC SAFETY MEASURE. To maintain necessary fire protection and emergency response services to safeguard lives and protect property in the growing Keyes community, by constructing a fire station to house essential emergency vehicles and firefighters, shall Keyes Fire Protection District's measure issuing $7,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $29 per $100,000 of assessed valuation on average, generating $485,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, be adopted, requiring citizens oversight, audits, and all funds spent locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure Q
for $16,000,000 Salida Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure Q for Salida Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $16,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $29,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $29,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Salida Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure Q".

Salida Union Elementary, in cahoots with Stanislaus county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With funds that cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere, shall Salida Union School District's measure to replace leaky roofs; update security and emergency communication systems; and ensure disabled access at Dena Boer, Mildred Perkins, Salida, and Sisk Elementary Schools be adopted, authorizing $16 million of bonds with average levies below $19 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (raising $1,039,000 annually) while outstanding, legal rates, citizen oversight, audits, full public disclosure of spending and no projected increase in current tax rates?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure R
for $45,000,000 Stanislaus Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure R for Stanislaus Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $45,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $90,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $90,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Stanislaus Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure R".

Stanislaus Union Elementary, in cahoots with Stanislaus county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

With funds that cannot be taken by the State, shall Stanislaus Union School District's measure to replace inefficient heating and air-conditioning systems; modernize classrooms for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics programs; and improve student safety at Agnes Baptist Elementary, Eisenhut Elementary, Josephine Chrysler Elementary, Mary Lou Dieterich Elementary, Stanislaus Elementary, and Prescott Junior High be adopted authorizing $45 million of bonds with legal rates, average levies below $29 per $100,000 of assessed valuation while outstanding (raising $2,580,000 annually), audits, citizen oversight and full public disclosure of all spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure S
for $30,000,000 Newman-Crows Landing Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure S for Newman-Crows Landing Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $30,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $52,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $52,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Newman-Crows Landing Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure S".

Newman-Crows Landing Unified, in cahoots with Stanislaus county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Classroom Improvement Bond. With funds that cannot be taken by the State, shall Newman-Crows Landing Unified School District's measure expanding vocational and career training, special education, and counseling classrooms/ facilities at Bonita Elementary, Hunt Elementary, Hurd Barrington Elementary, Von Renner Elementary, Foothill Community Day, Yolo Jr. High, Orestimba High, and West Side Valley High be adopted, authorizing $30 million of bonds with legal rates, average levies below $45 per $100,000 assessed valuation (raising $1.7 million annually) while bonds are outstanding, audits, citizen oversight, State matching funds eligibility and full public disclosure of spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure T
for $27,000,000 Newman-Crows Landing Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure T for Newman-Crows Landing Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $27,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $44,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $44,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Newman-Crows Landing Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure T".

Newman-Crows Landing Unified, in cahoots with Stanislaus county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

School Repair Bond. With funds that cannot be taken by the State, shall Newman-Crows Landing Unified School District's measure to repair or replace leaky roofs, deteriorating classrooms and PE facilities at Bonita Elementary, Hunt Elementary, Hurd Barrington Elementary, Von Renner Elementary, Foothill Community Day, Yolo Jr. High, Orestimba High and West Side Valley High be adopted, authorizing $27 million of bonds with legal rates, average levies below $43 per $100,000 assessed valuation (raising $1.5 million annually) while bonds are outstanding, audits, citizen oversight, State matching funds eligibility and full public disclosure of spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure U
for $8,500,000 Keyes Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure U for Keyes Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $8,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $17,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $17,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Keyes Union schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure U".

Keyes Union, in cahoots with Stanislaus county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To modernize outdated classrooms, restrooms, and school facilities, build classrooms to replace outdated portables, repair and replace leaky roofs, and make health, safety and security improvements, shall the Keyes Union School District measure to issue $8,500,000 of bonds at legal interest rates be adopted, generating on average $515,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at rates of approximately $29 per $100,000 in assessed value, with citizens oversight, annual audits, and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure W
for $14,000,000 Waterford Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure W for Waterford Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $14,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $28,600,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $28,600,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Waterford Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure W".

Waterford Unified, in cahoots with Stanislaus county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve Waterford Schools; modernize, upgrade and construct classrooms/restrooms/school facilities; replace outdated heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems; make health, safety/security improvements; acquire, construct, improve sites/facilities/equipment, shall the Waterford Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $14,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, levying approximately $42.70 per $100,000 of assessed value, generating on average $841,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries, all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure X
for $85,000,000 Modesto City Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure X for Modesto City Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $85,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $140,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $140,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Modesto City Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure X".

Modesto City Elementary, in cahoots with Stanislaus county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Modesto City Elementary School District Safe and Modern Schools Measure. To repair/ upgrade local elementary/ junior high schools; upgrade cafeterias/ multi-purpose rooms to fix leaking roofs, deteriorating plumbing/ restrooms; and provide instructional space for music, art, science, technology and engineering, shall Modesto City Elementary School District's measure be adopted authorizing $85,000,000 in bonds at legal rates ($4,500,000 annually) at $29 per $100,000 assessed value while bonds are outstanding, requiring citizen oversight, annual audits, no funds for administrator salaries, and all funds used locally?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure Y
for $114,000,000 Ceres Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure Y for Ceres Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $114,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $229,491,250 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $229,491,250 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Ceres Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure Y".

Ceres Unified, in cahoots with Stanislaus county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Ceres Unified School District Campus Safety / Classroom Repair Measure. To repair/ upgrade local elementary, middle and high schools; improve campus safety/ security systems; repair/ replace leaky roofs, outdated heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical systems and deteriorating portables; and update classroom equipment/ learning technology, shall Ceres Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $114,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying $60 per $100,000 of assessed value ($7,000,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, requiring independent audits/ oversight and all funds for Ceres schools only?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure Z
for $34,300,000 Denair Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure Z for Denair Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $34,300,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $77,920,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $77,920,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Denair Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure Z".

Denair Unified, in cahoots with Stanislaus county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Measure to Upgrade Denair Unified School District Without Increasing Tax Rates. To repair/ upgrade local schools; replace deteriorating roofs, heating/ cooling systems; improve student safety/ security; and update/ construct classrooms/ labs for science, technology, engineering, and math instruction, shall Denair Unified School District's measure be adopted authorizing $34,300,000 in bonds at legal rates, levying up to $60/ $100,000 assessed value without exceeding current tax rates ($2,390,000 annually) while bonds are outstanding, with independent oversight, annual audits, and no funds for administrators?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure C
for $13,800,000 Sutter Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Sutter County Measure C for Sutter Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $13,800,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $29,398,702 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $29,398,702 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Sutter Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure C".

Sutter Union High, in cahoots with Sutter county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To modernize district's athletic stadium including football field, track, bleachers, restrooms, snack bar and paved parking; rebuild unstable tennis/pickleball courts; shall the Sutter Union High School District measure authorizing $13,800,000 of bonds at legal rates be adopted, generating approximately $840,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at average rates of approximately $25 per $100,000 assessed value, with annual audits, independent citizens' oversight, NO money for salaries and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure P
for $160,000,000 Woodland Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Sutter County Measure P for Woodland Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $160,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $275,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $275,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Woodland Joint Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure P".

Woodland Joint Unified, in cahoots with Sutter county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve local schools with funds that cannot be taken by the State, shall Woodland Joint Unified School District's measure to remodel/ create Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics classrooms; and replace aging roofs, wiring, heating/ cooling systems be adopted authorizing $160 million of bonds with legal rates, levies averaging below $58 assessed valuation (raising $9 million annually) while bonds are outstanding, annual audits, citizen oversight, full public disclosure of spending and no funds for administrator salaries or benefits?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $285,000,000 Oxnard Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Ventura County Measure E for Oxnard Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $285,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $655,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $655,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Oxnard Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".

Oxnard Union High, in cahoots with Ventura county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of education at local high schools; modernize/expand/construct career technical education facilities; make health, safety and security improvements; and replace HVAC and deteriorating plumbing/sewer systems; shall Oxnard Union High School District's measure be adopted authorizing $285,000,000 of bonds at legal rates, generating on average $21,780,000 annually while bonds are outstanding, with annual audits, citizens' oversight, all money staying local, at rates of approximately $17.84 per $100,000 assessed value, with no projected increase to existing tax rates?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure G
for $4,900,000 Briggs Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Ventura County Measure G for Briggs Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $4,900,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $11,270,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $11,270,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Briggs Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure G".

Briggs Elementary, in cahoots with Ventura county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve the quality of education; repair and replace leaky roofs, plumbing, electrical, and HVAC systems; modernize, upgrade, and renovate classrooms and restrooms; and update security and safety; shall the Briggs Elementary School District measure to issue $4,900,000 of bonds at legal interest rates be adopted, generating on average $314,000 annually while bonds are outstanding at rates of approximately $30 per $100,000 in assessed value, with strict accountability, including citizens oversight, annual audits, and all money staying local?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure M
for $28,400,000 Santa Paula Unified SFID #1 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Ventura County Measure M for Santa Paula Unified SFID #1 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $28,400,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $65,320,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $65,320,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Paula Unified SFID #1 schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure M".

Santa Paula Unified SFID #1, in cahoots with Ventura county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

Middle School Modernization Bond. With no projected increase in current estimated tax rates, shall Santa Paula Unified School District's measure to construct, upgrade and modernize elementary and middle school classrooms, libraries, cafeterias and restrooms be approved, authorizing $28.4 million of bonds with average levies below $34 per $100,000 of assessed valuation while outstanding (approximately $2.1 million annually), legal rates, citizen oversight, audits, full public disclosure of all spending and no funds taken by the State and spent elsewhere?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure N
for $36,000,000 Santa Paula Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Ventura County Measure N for Santa Paula Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $36,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $82,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $82,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Paula Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure N".

Santa Paula Unified, in cahoots with Ventura county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

High School Modernization Bond. With funds that cannot be taken by the State and spent elsewhere, shall Santa Paula Unified School District's measure to rebuild and upgrade Bryden Gym; construct performing arts, vocational/ career training facilities and a community pool be adopted, authorizing $36 million of bonds with estimated average levies of $24 per $100,000 of assessed valuation (approximately $2.1 million annually) while outstanding, legal rates, audits, citizen oversight, State matching funds eligibility and full disclosure of all spending?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure P
for $160,000,000 Woodland Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Yolo County Measure P for Woodland Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $160,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $275,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $275,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Woodland Joint Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure P".

Woodland Joint Unified, in cahoots with Yolo county elections officials, is lying and cheating to win this election. They are using your tax dollars to take sides in the election by printing this on the ballot. It's completely biased in favor of the government.

To improve local schools with funds that cannot be taken by the State, shall Woodland Joint Unified School District's measure to remodel/ create Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics classrooms; and replace aging roofs, wiring, heating/ cooling systems be adopted authorizing $160 million of bonds with legal rates, levies averaging below $58 assessed valuation (raising $9 million annually) while bonds are outstanding, annual audits, citizen oversight, full public disclosure of spending and no funds for administrator salaries or benefits?

They're relying on the voters being too stupid to know that they are violating the law and committing crimes to boot.


DON'T Vote YES on Measure G
for $800,000,000 Peralta CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Alameda County Measure G for Peralta CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $800,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,720,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,720,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Peralta CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure G".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure H
for $381,700,000 Hayward Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Alameda County Measure H for Hayward Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $381,700,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $854,067,102 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $854,067,102 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Hayward Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure H".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure B
for $4,950,000 Alpine County Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Alpine County Measure B for Alpine County Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $4,950,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $8,860,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $8,860,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Alpine County Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure B".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure A
for $78,000,000 Amador County Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Amador County Measure A for Amador County Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $78,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $140,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $140,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Amador County Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure A".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure W
for $9,500,000 Biggs Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Butte County Measure W for Biggs Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $9,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $19,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $19,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Biggs Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure W".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure X
for $19,700,000 Durham Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Butte County Measure X for Durham Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $19,700,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $41,300,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $41,300,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Durham Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure X".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure Y
for $61,000,000 Paradise Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Butte County Measure Y for Paradise Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $61,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $125,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $125,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Paradise Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure Y".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure Z
for $4,500,000 Thermalito Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Butte County Measure Z for Thermalito Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $4,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $9,150,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $9,150,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Thermalito Union schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure Z".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $11,000,000 Vallecito Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Calaveras County Measure E for Vallecito Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $11,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $14,837,312 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $14,837,312 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Vallecito Union schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $50,000,000 Orinda Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Contra Costa County Measure E for Orinda Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $50,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $94,350,044.80 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $94,350,044.80 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Orinda Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure I
for $55,000,000 Orinda Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Contra Costa County Measure I for Orinda Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $55,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $103,654,244.35 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $103,654,244.35 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Orinda Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure I".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure J
for $150,000,000 Mt. Diablo Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Contra Costa County Measure J for Mt. Diablo Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $150,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $217,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $217,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Mt. Diablo Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure J".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure P
for $100,000,000 Pittsburg Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Contra Costa County Measure P for Pittsburg Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $100,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $230,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $230,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pittsburg Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure P".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure B
for $70,000,000 Sanger Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Fresno County Measure B for Sanger Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $70,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $157,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $157,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Sanger Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure B".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure D
for $1,000,000 Monroe Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Fresno County Measure D for Monroe Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $1,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $2,422,959 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $2,422,959 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Monroe Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure D".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $5,300,000 Pine Ridge Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Fresno County Measure E for Pine Ridge Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $5,300,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $11,300,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $11,300,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pine Ridge Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure G
for $3,500,000 Westside Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Fresno County Measure G for Westside Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $3,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $6,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $6,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Westside Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure G".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure H
for $9,000,000 Parlier Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Fresno County Measure H for Parlier Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $9,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $18,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $18,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Parlier Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure H".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure F
for $7,000,000 Hamilton Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Glenn County Measure F for Hamilton Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $7,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $16,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $16,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Hamilton Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure F".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure L
for $4,000,000 Cutten Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Humboldt County Measure L for Cutten Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $4,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $9,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $9,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Cutten Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure L".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure N
for $24,000,000 Northern Humboldt Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Humboldt County Measure N for Northern Humboldt Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $24,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $55,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $55,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Northern Humboldt Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure N".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure A
for $4,000,000 Heber Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Imperial County Measure A for Heber Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $4,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $9,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $9,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Heber Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure A".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure B
for $10,000,000 Westmorland Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Imperial County Measure B for Westmorland Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $10,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $22,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $22,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Westmorland Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure B".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure C
for $18,700,000 Brawley Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Imperial County Measure C for Brawley Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $18,700,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $38,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $38,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Brawley Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure C".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure G
for $10,000,000 Holtville Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Imperial County Measure G for Holtville Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $10,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $20,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $20,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Holtville Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure G".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $40,000,000 Wasco Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Kern County Measure E for Wasco Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $40,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $79,504,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $79,504,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Wasco Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure G
for $15,000,000 Arvin Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Kern County Measure G for Arvin Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $15,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $28,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $28,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Arvin Union schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure G".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure H
for $90,000,000 Panama-Buena Vista Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Kern County Measure H for Panama-Buena Vista Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $90,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $126,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $126,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Panama-Buena Vista Union schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure H".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure H
for $28,000,000 Middletown Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Lake County Measure H for Middletown Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $28,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $58,427,655 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $58,427,655 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Middletown Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure H".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure I
for $10,000,000 Upper Lake Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Lake County Measure I for Upper Lake Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $10,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $22,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $22,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Upper Lake Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure I".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure J
for $12,000,000 Upper Lake Unified SFID #1 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Lake County Measure J for Upper Lake Unified SFID #1 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $12,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $25,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $25,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Upper Lake Unified SFID #1 schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure J".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure M
for $195,000,000 Santa Monica-Malibu Unified SFID #2 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure M for Santa Monica-Malibu Unified SFID #2 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $195,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $391,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $391,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Monica-Malibu Unified SFID #2 schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure M".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure AE
for $69,000,000 Baldwin Park Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure AE for Baldwin Park Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $69,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $144,235,300 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $144,235,300 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Baldwin Park Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure AE".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure BB
for $258,000,000 ABC Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure BB for ABC Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $258,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $449,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $449,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local ABC Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure BB".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure CK
for $7,500,000 Acton-Agua Dulce Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure CK for Acton-Agua Dulce Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $7,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $15,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $15,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Acton-Agua Dulce Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure CK".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure ES
for $92,000,000 El Segundo Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure ES for El Segundo Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $92,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $193,428,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $193,428,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local El Segundo Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure ES".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure GO
for $750,000,000 Mt. San Antonio CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure GO for Mt. San Antonio CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $750,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,455,662,029 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,455,662,029 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Mt. San Antonio CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure GO".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure HS
for $190,000,000 El Monte Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure HS for El Monte Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $190,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $373,250,850 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $373,250,850 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local El Monte Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure HS".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure LL
for $48,000,000 Lowell Joint School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure LL for Lowell Joint school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $48,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $95,661,874 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $95,661,874 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lowell Joint schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure LL".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure WE
for $6,500,000 Wilsona Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure WE for Wilsona Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $6,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $13,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $13,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Wilsona Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure WE".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure SMS
for $485,000,000 Santa Monica-Malibu Unified SFID #1 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure SMS for Santa Monica-Malibu Unified SFID #1 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $485,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $987,900,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $987,900,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Monica-Malibu Unified SFID #1 schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure SMS".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure M
for $120,000,000 Madera Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Madera County Measure M for Madera Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $120,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $245,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $245,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Madera Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure M".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure I
for $19,500,000 Shoreline Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Marin County Measure I for Shoreline Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $19,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $37,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $37,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Shoreline Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure I".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure K
for $4,500,000 Round Valley Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Mendocino County Measure K for Round Valley Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $4,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $8,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $8,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Round Valley Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure K".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $20,000,000 Atwater Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Merced County Measure E for Atwater Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $25,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $25,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Atwater Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure G
for $31,000,000 Hilmar Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Merced County Measure G for Hilmar Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $31,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $62,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $62,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Hilmar Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure G".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure Q
for $20,000,000 South Monterey County Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Monterey County Measure Q for South Monterey County Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $44,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $44,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local South Monterey County Joint Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure Q".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure R
for $20,000,000 South Monterey County Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Monterey County Measure R for South Monterey County Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $44,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $44,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local South Monterey County Joint Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure R".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure G
for $97,000,000 Los Alamitos Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Orange County Measure G for Los Alamitos Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $97,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $209,745,500 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $209,745,500 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Los Alamitos Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure G".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure I
for $232,000,000 Santa Ana Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Orange County Measure I for Santa Ana Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $232,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $450,425,374 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $450,425,374 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Ana Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure I".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure D
for $40,300,000 Placer Union High SFID #2 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Placer County Measure D for Placer Union High SFID #2 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $40,300,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $72,582,646 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $72,582,646 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Placer Union High SFID #2 schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure D".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure G
for $42,100,000 Placer Union High SFID #1 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Placer County Measure G for Placer Union High SFID #1 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $42,100,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $75,847,303 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $75,847,303 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Placer Union High SFID #1 schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure G".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure H
for $60,000,000 Western Placer Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Placer County Measure H for Western Placer Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $60,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $115,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $115,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Western Placer Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure H".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $24,800,000 Palo Verde Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Riverside County Measure E for Palo Verde Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $24,800,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $50,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $50,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Palo Verde Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure W
for $148,000,000 Perris Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Riverside County Measure W for Perris Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $148,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $297,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $297,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Perris Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure W".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure X
for $150,000,000 Hemet Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Riverside County Measure X for Hemet Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $150,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $290,594,839 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $290,594,839 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Hemet Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure X".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure H
for $46,200,000 Robla Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Sacramento County Measure H for Robla Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $46,200,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $106,260,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $106,260,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Robla Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure H".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure L
for $172,000,000 Natomas Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Sacramento County Measure L for Natomas Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $172,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $353,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $353,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Natomas Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure L".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure O
for $62,000,000 Morongo Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Bernardino County Measure O for Morongo Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $62,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $133,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $133,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Morongo Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure O".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure P
for $700,000,000 Chaffey CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Bernardino County Measure P for Chaffey CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $700,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,419,576,325 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,419,576,325 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Chaffey CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure P".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure CC
for $470,000,000 San Bernardino CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Bernardino County Measure CC for San Bernardino CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $470,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $827,285,534 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $827,285,534 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Bernardino CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure CC".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure S
for $15,370,000 Santee School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure S for Santee school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $15,370,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $17,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $17,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santee schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure S".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure DD
for $403,000,000 Sweetwater Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure DD for Sweetwater Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $403,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $786,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $786,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Sweetwater Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure DD".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure EE
for $38,000,000 Bonsall Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure EE for Bonsall Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $38,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $77,300,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $77,300,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Bonsall Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure EE".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure GG
for $8,600,000 Borrego Springs Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure GG for Borrego Springs Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $8,600,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $17,900,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $17,900,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Borrego Springs Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure GG".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure HH
for $265,000,000 Carlsbad Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure HH for Carlsbad Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $265,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $456,813,940 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $456,813,940 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Carlsbad Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure HH".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure JJ
for $15,000,000 Mountain Empire Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure JJ for Mountain Empire Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $15,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $30,274,822 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $30,274,822 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Mountain Empire Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure JJ".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure LL
for $247,000,000 Vista Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure LL for Vista Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $247,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $506,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $506,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Vista Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure LL".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure MM
for $186,000,000 Del Mar Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure MM for Del Mar Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $186,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $334,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $334,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Del Mar Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure MM".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure NN
for $18,000,000 South Bay Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure NN for South Bay Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $18,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $31,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $31,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local South Bay Union schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure NN".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure VV
for $150,000,000 Chula Vista Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure VV for Chula Vista Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $150,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $200,727,600 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $200,727,600 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Chula Vista Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure VV".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure YY
for $3,500,000,000 San Diego Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Diego County Measure YY for San Diego Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $3,500,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $7,503,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $7,503,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Diego Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure YY".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $25,000,000 Escalon Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Joaquin County Measure E for Escalon Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $25,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $50,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $50,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Escalon Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure G
for $31,200,000 Linden Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Joaquin County Measure G for Linden Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $31,200,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $71,933,842 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $71,933,842 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Linden Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure G".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure I
for $38,500,000 Ripon Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Joaquin County Measure I for Ripon Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $38,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $88,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $88,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Ripon Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure I".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure U
for $30,000,000 Jefferson Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Mateo County Measure U for Jefferson Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $30,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $61,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $61,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Jefferson Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure U".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure X
for $79,000,000 San Bruno Park Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Mateo County Measure X for San Bruno Park Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $79,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $163,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $163,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Bruno Park Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure X".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure Z
for $49,500,000 Portola Valley Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on San Mateo County Measure Z for Portola Valley Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $49,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $97,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $97,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Portola Valley Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure Z".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E2018
for $79,000,000 Lompoc Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Barbara County Measure E2018 for Lompoc Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $79,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $175,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $175,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lompoc Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E2018".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure Y2018
for $75,000,000 Allan Hancock Joint CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Barbara County Measure Y2018 for Allan Hancock Joint CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $75,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $142,543,028 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $142,543,028 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Allan Hancock Joint CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure Y2018".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure W
for $698,000,000 West Valley-Mission CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure W for West Valley-Mission CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $698,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,287,907,440 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,287,907,440 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local West Valley-Mission CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure W".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure X
for $248,000,000 Gavilan CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure X for Gavilan CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $248,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $472,870,026 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $472,870,026 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Gavilan CCD schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure X".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure Z
for $460,000,000 Palo Alto Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure Z for Palo Alto Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $460,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $805,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $805,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Palo Alto Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure Z".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure AA
for $284,000,000 Milpitas Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure AA for Milpitas Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $284,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $499,899,807 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $499,899,807 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Milpitas Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure AA".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure BB
for $720,000,000 Santa Clara Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure BB for Santa Clara Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $720,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,448,643,639 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,448,643,639 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Clara Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure BB".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure CC
for $275,000,000 Fremont Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure CC for Fremont Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $275,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $560,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $560,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Fremont Union High schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure CC".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure GG
for $100,000,000 Sunnyvale School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure GG for Sunnyvale school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $100,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $192,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $192,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Sunnyvale schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure GG".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure HH
for $10,000,000 Luther Burbank School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure HH for Luther Burbank school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $10,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $20,530,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $20,530,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Luther Burbank schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure HH".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure JJ
for $27,500,000 Mount Pleasant Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure JJ for Mount Pleasant Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $27,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $57,885,100 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $57,885,100 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Mount Pleasant Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure JJ".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $26,000,000 Enterprise Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Shasta County Measure E for Enterprise Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $26,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $53,900,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $53,900,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Enterprise Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure S
for $194,000,000 Vallejo City Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Solano County Measure S for Vallejo City Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $194,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $343,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $343,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Vallejo City Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure S".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure H
for $46,000,000 Cloverdale Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Sonoma County Measure H for Cloverdale Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $46,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $97,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $97,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Cloverdale Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure H".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure J
for $3,300,000 Monte Rio Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Sonoma County Measure J for Monte Rio Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $3,300,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $7,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $7,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Monte Rio Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure J".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure K
for $9,500,000 Oak Grove Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Sonoma County Measure K for Oak Grove Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $9,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $19,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $19,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Oak Grove Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure K".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure L
for $38,500,000 Old Adobe Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Sonoma County Measure L for Old Adobe Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $38,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $79,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $79,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Old Adobe Union schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure L".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure A
for $2,500,000 Salida Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure A for Salida Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $2,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $4,823,858 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $4,823,858 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Salida Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure A".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure D
for $74,000,000 Modesto City Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure D for Modesto City Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $74,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $148,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $148,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Modesto City Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure D".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $57,000,000 Modesto City Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure E for Modesto City Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $57,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $114,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $114,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Modesto City Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure G
for $19,100,000 Riverbank Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure G for Riverbank Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $19,100,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $38,947,872 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $38,947,872 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Riverbank Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure G".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure C
for $12,000,000 Red Bluff Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Tehama County Measure C for Red Bluff Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $12,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $24,539,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $24,539,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Red Bluff Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure C".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure D
for $6,500,000 Gerber Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Tehama County Measure D for Gerber Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $6,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $14,950,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $14,950,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Gerber Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure D".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure A
for $105,300,000 Visalia Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Tulare County Measure A for Visalia Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $105,300,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $234,345,298 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $234,345,298 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Visalia Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure A".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure B
for $2,100,000 Ducor Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Tulare County Measure B for Ducor Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $2,100,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $4,250,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $4,250,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Ducor Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure B".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure C
for $750,000 Stone Corral Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Tulare County Measure C for Stone Corral Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $750,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Stone Corral Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure C".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure E
for $4,000,000 Three Rivers Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Tulare County Measure E for Three Rivers Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $4,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $8,300,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $8,300,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Three Rivers Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure E".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure L
for $59,200,000 Rio Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Ventura County Measure L for Rio Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $59,200,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $118,300,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $118,300,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Rio Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure L".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure O
for $9,875,000 Mesa Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Ventura County Measure O for Mesa Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $9,875,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $22,712,500 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $22,712,500 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Mesa Union Elementary schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure O".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure M
for $150,900,000 Davis Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Yolo County Measure M for Davis Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $150,900,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $317,927,072 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $317,927,072 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Davis Joint Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure M".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure O
for $20,200,000 Woodland Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Yolo County Measure O for Woodland Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,200,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $22,239,492 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $22,239,492 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Woodland Joint Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure O".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure P
for $20,000,000 Winters Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Yolo County Measure P for Winters Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $39,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $39,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Winters Joint Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure P".


DON'T Vote YES on Measure J
for $74,000,000 Marysville Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you MUST NOT vote yes on Yuba County Measure J for Marysville Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $74,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $150,748,926 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $150,748,926 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Marysville Joint Unified schools and DON'T Vote YES on Measure J".


for $130,000,000 San Lorenzo Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Alameda County Measure B for San Lorenzo Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $130,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $264,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $264,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Lorenzo Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE B".


for $7,000,000 Laton Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Fresno County Measure B for Laton Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $7,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $14,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $14,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Laton Joint Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE B".


for $2,100,000 Freshwater Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Humboldt County Measure C for Freshwater Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $2,100,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $5,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $5,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Freshwater Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE C".


for $1,600,000 Rio Dell Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Humboldt County Measure D for Rio Dell Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $1,600,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $3,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $3,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Rio Dell Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE D".


for $5,600,000 Pacific Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Humboldt County Measure E for Pacific Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $5,600,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $11,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $11,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pacific Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE E".


for $10,000,000 Fortuna Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Humboldt County Measure G for Fortuna Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $10,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $22,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $22,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Fortuna Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE G".


for $10,000,000 Westmorland Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Imperial County Measure Z for Westmorland Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $10,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $21,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $21,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Westmorland Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE Z".


for $6,000,000 Lone Pine Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Inyo County Measure K for Lone Pine Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $6,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $11,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $11,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lone Pine Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE K".


for $4,800,000 Owens Valley Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Inyo County Measure L for Owens Valley Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $4,800,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $9,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $9,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Owens Valley Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE L".


for $16,000,000 El Tejon Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kern County Measure _E for El Tejon Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $16,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $31,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $31,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local El Tejon Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE _E".


for $50,000,000 West Kern CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kern County Measure _W for West Kern CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $50,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $100,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $100,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local West Kern CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE _W".


for $29,000,000 Wiseburn Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure W for Wiseburn Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $29,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $49,862,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $49,862,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Wiseburn Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE W".


for $385,000,000 Beverly Hills Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure BH for Beverly Hills Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $385,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $885,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $885,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Beverly Hills Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE BH".


for $59,000,000 Hawthorne School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure HSD for Hawthorne school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $59,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $114,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $114,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Hawthorne schools and Vote YES on MEASURE HSD".


for $65,000,000 Los Banos Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Merced County Measure X for Los Banos Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $65,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $131,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $131,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Los Banos Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE X".


for $63,100,000 Mammoth Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Mono County Measure A for Mammoth Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $63,100,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $121,288,059 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $121,288,059 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Mammoth Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE A".


for $25,210,000 Soledad Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Monterey County Measure G for Soledad Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $25,210,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $45,163,067 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $45,163,067 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Soledad Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE G".


for $213,000,000 Monterey Peninsula Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Monterey County Measure I for Monterey Peninsula Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $213,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $436,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $436,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Monterey Peninsula Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE I".


for $18,800,000 Grass Valley Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Nevada County Measure D for Grass Valley Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $18,800,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $34,300,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $34,300,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Grass Valley Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE D".


for $350,000,000 Sierra Joint CCD SFID No. 4 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Placer County Measure E for Sierra Joint CCD SFID No. 4 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $350,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $805,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $805,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Sierra Joint CCD SFID No. 4 schools and Vote YES on MEASURE E".


for $156,380,000 Stockton Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Joaquin County Measure C for Stockton Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $156,380,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $301,112,115 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $301,112,115 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Stockton Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE C".


for $33,000,000 Jefferson Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Mateo County Measure J for Jefferson Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $33,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $54,269,153 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $54,269,153 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Jefferson Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE J".


for $99,000,000 Cabrillo Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Mateo County Measure M for Cabrillo Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $99,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $194,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $194,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Cabrillo Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE M".


for $55,000,000 Pacifica School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Mateo County Measure O for Pacifica school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $55,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $113,850,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $113,850,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pacifica schools and Vote YES on MEASURE O".


for $70,000,000 Las Lomitas Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Mateo County Measure R for Las Lomitas Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $70,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $123,912,338 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $123,912,338 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Las Lomitas Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE R".


for $70,000,000 Ravenswood City Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Mateo County Measure S for Ravenswood City Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $70,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $126,510,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $126,510,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Ravenswood City Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE S".


Vote YES on MEASURE Q2018
for $79,000,000 Lompoc Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Barbara County Measure Q2018 for Lompoc Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $79,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $181,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $181,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lompoc Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE Q2018".


for $295,000,000 Mountain View-Los Altos Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure E for Mountain View-Los Altos Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $295,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $379,880,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $379,880,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Mountain View-Los Altos Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE E".


for $2,300,000 Mountain Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Cruz County Measure P for Mountain Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $2,300,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $4,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $4,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Mountain Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE P".


for $10,600,000 Loma Prieta Joint Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Cruz County Measure R for Loma Prieta Joint Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $10,600,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $22,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $22,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Loma Prieta Joint Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE R".


for $28,000,000 Redding Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Shasta County Measure B for Redding Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $28,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $58,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $58,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Redding Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE B".


for $89,000,000 West Sonoma County Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Sonoma County Measure A for West Sonoma County Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $89,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $184,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $184,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local West Sonoma County Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE A".


for $5,000,000 Alexander Valley Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Sonoma County Measure B for Alexander Valley Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $5,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $10,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $10,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Alexander Valley Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE B".


for $9,600,000 Harmony Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Sonoma County Measure C for Harmony Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $9,600,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $20,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $20,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Harmony Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE C".


for $33,852,058.10 Patterson Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure V for Patterson Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $33,852,058.10 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $77,859,733.63 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $77,859,733.63 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Patterson Joint Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE V".


for $4,000,000 Brittan Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Sutter County Measure Y for Brittan Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $4,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $8,900,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $8,900,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Brittan Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE Y".


for $350,000,000 Oxnard Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Ventura County Measure A for Oxnard Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $350,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $625,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $625,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Oxnard Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE A".


for $34,200,000 Hueneme Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Ventura County Measure B for Hueneme Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $34,200,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $62,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $62,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Hueneme Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE B".


for $119,000,000 Pleasant Valley School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Ventura County Measure C for Pleasant Valley school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $119,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $219,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $219,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pleasant Valley schools and Vote YES on MEASURE C".


for $20,000,000 Plumas Lake Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Yuba County Measure G for Plumas Lake Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $37,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $37,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Plumas Lake Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE G".


for $20,000,000 McFarland Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kern County Measure D for McFarland Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $41,170,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $41,170,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local McFarland Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE D".


for $98,000,000 Glendora Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure GG for Glendora Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $98,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $178,532,415 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $178,532,415 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Glendora Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE GG".


for $149,000,000 La Canada Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure LCF for La Canada Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $149,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $268,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $268,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local La Canada Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE LCF".


for $36,000,000 North Monterey County Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Monterey County Measure E for North Monterey County Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $36,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $72,457,500 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $72,457,500 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local North Monterey County Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE E".


for $40,000,000 North Monterey County Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Monterey County Measure F for North Monterey County Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $40,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $82,163,800 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $82,163,800 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local North Monterey County Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE F".


for $5,950,000 Mountain Valley Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Trinity County Measure J for Mountain Valley Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $5,950,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $11,868,786 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $11,868,786 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Mountain Valley Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE J".


for $66,000,000 Piedmont City Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Alameda County Measure H1 for Piedmont City Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $66,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $118,729,017 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $118,729,017 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Piedmont City Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE H1".


for $270,000,000 Pleasanton Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Alameda County Measure I1 for Pleasanton Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $270,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $540,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $540,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pleasanton Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE I1".


for $104,000,000 San Leandro Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Alameda County Measure J1 for San Leandro Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $104,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $225,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $225,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Leandro Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE J1".


for $190,000,000 Butte-Glenn CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Butte County Measure J for Butte-Glenn CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $190,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $332,099,100 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $332,099,100 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Butte-Glenn CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE J".


for $152,000,000 Chico Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Butte County Measure K for Chico Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $152,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $270,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $270,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Chico Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE K".


for $15,000,000 Pierce Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Colusa County Measure B for Pierce Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $15,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $30,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $30,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pierce Joint Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE B".


for $11,000,000 Williams Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Colusa County Measure C for Williams Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $11,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $23,300,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $23,300,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Williams Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE C".


for $40,200,000 John Swett Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Contra Costa County Measure P for John Swett Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $40,200,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $71,407,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $71,407,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local John Swett Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE P".


for $22,000,000 John Swett Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Contra Costa County Measure Q for John Swett Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $22,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $37,368,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $37,368,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local John Swett Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE Q".


for $120,000,000 Martinez Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Contra Costa County Measure R for Martinez Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $120,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $252,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $252,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Martinez Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE R".


for $122,000,000 Liberty Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Contra Costa County Measure U for Liberty Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $122,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $265,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $265,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Liberty Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE U".


for $33,000,000 Moraga Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Contra Costa County Measure V for Moraga Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $33,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $68,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $68,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Moraga Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE V".


for $31,000,000 Oakley Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Contra Costa County Measure W for Oakley Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $31,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $50,261,459 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $50,261,459 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Oakley Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE W".


for $60,000,000 Sanger Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Fresno County Measure A for Sanger Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $60,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $140,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $140,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Sanger Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE A".


for $87,300,000 Central Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Fresno County Measure C for Central Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $87,300,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $166,425,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $166,425,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Central Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE C".


for $15,000,000 Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Fresno County Measure H for Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $15,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $29,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $29,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE H".


for $42,000,000 Fowler Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Fresno County Measure J for Fowler Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $42,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $73,109,341 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $73,109,341 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Fowler Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE J".


for $27,000,000 Kerman Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Fresno County Measure K for Kerman Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $27,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $48,520,379 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $48,520,379 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Kerman Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE K".


for $30,800,000 Selma Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Fresno County Measure O for Selma Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $30,800,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $64,150,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $64,150,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Selma Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE O".


for $39,000,000 Coalinga-Huron Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Fresno County Measure R for Coalinga-Huron Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $39,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $86,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $86,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Coalinga-Huron Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE R".


for $6,000,000 Caruthers Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Fresno County Measure V for Caruthers Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $6,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $12,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $12,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Caruthers Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE V".


for $225,000,000 Fresno Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Fresno County Measure X for Fresno Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $225,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $588,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $588,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Fresno Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE X".


for $8,000,000 Willows Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Glenn County Measure B for Willows Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $8,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $14,353,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $14,353,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Willows Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE B".


for $3,400,000 Arcata Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Humboldt County Measure I for Arcata Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $3,400,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $7,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $7,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Arcata Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE I".


for $2,700,000 Jacoby Creek Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Humboldt County Measure K for Jacoby Creek Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $2,700,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $6,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $6,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Jacoby Creek Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE K".


for $4,800,000 Ferndale Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Humboldt County Measure L for Ferndale Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $4,800,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $9,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $9,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Ferndale Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE L".


for $2,000,000 Mattole Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Humboldt County Measure M for Mattole Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $2,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $4,300,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $4,300,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Mattole Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE M".


for $4,000,000 South Bay Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Humboldt County Measure N for South Bay Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $4,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $8,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $8,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local South Bay Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE N".


for $22,100,000 El Centro Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Imperial County Measure L for El Centro Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $22,100,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $48,346,418 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $48,346,418 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local El Centro Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE L".


for $14,000,000 Brawley Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Imperial County Measure M for Brawley Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $14,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $29,600,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $29,600,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Brawley Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE M".


for $40,000,000 Imperial Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Imperial County Measure O for Imperial Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $40,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $84,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $84,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Imperial Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE O".


for $6,000,000 Meadows Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Imperial County Measure R for Meadows Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $6,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $14,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $14,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Meadows Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE R".


for $6,000,000 Seeley Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Imperial County Measure S for Seeley Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $6,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $15,250,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $15,250,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Seeley Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE S".


for $8,000,000 San Pasqual Valley Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Imperial County Measure T for San Pasqual Valley Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $8,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $16,350,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $16,350,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Pasqual Valley Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE T".


for $45,000,000 Calexico Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Imperial County Measure V for Calexico Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $45,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $99,750,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $99,750,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Calexico Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE V".


for $577,860,000 Desert CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Imperial County Measure CC for Desert CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $577,860,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,075,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,075,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Desert CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE CC".


for $502,821,000 Kern CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kern County Measure J for Kern CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $502,821,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $536,807,464 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $536,807,464 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Kern CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE J".


for $280,000,000 Kern High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kern County Measure K for Kern High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $280,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $354,706,021 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $354,706,021 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Kern High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE K".


for $110,000,000 McFarland Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kern County Measure L for McFarland Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $110,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $230,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $230,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local McFarland Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE L".


for $21,000,000 Muroc Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kern County Measure M for Muroc Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $21,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $46,900,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $46,900,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Muroc Joint Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE M".


for $110,000,000 Bakersfield City School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kern County Measure N for Bakersfield City school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $110,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $209,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $209,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Bakersfield City schools and Vote YES on MEASURE N".


for $23,000,000 Fruitvale Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kern County Measure O for Fruitvale Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $23,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $46,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $46,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Fruitvale Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE O".


for $7,500,000 General Shafter Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kern County Measure P for General Shafter Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $7,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $17,250,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $17,250,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local General Shafter Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE P".


for $19,000,000 Greenfield Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kern County Measure Q for Greenfield Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $19,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $38,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $38,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Greenfield Union schools and Vote YES on MEASURE Q".


for $7,000,000 Lost Hills Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kern County Measure R for Lost Hills Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $7,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $16,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $16,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lost Hills Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE R".


for $33,000,000 Standard Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kern County Measure S for Standard Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $33,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $66,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $66,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Standard Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE S".


for $24,000,000 Lemoore Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kings County Measure L for Lemoore Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $24,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $41,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $41,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lemoore Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE L".


for $12,000,000 Reef-Sunset Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kings County Measure S for Reef-Sunset Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $12,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $23,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $23,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Reef-Sunset Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE S".


for $24,000,000 Hanford Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kings County Measure U for Hanford Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $24,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $52,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $52,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Hanford Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE U".


for $6,500,000 Armona Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kings County Measure V for Armona Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $6,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $12,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $12,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Armona Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE V".


for $33,000,000 Hanford Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kings County Measure W for Hanford Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $33,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $53,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $53,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Hanford Joint Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE W".


for $7,000,000 Pioneer Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kings County Measure Y for Pioneer Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $7,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $16,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $16,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pioneer Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE Y".


for $4,000,000 Lucerne Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Lake County Measure A for Lucerne Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $4,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $9,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $9,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lucerne Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE A".


for $29,600,000 Konocti Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Lake County Measure Y for Konocti Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $29,600,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $62,860,527 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $62,860,527 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Konocti Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE Y".


for $114,000,000 Manhattan Beach Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure C for Manhattan Beach Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $114,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $185,534,218 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $185,534,218 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Manhattan Beach Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE C".


for $1,500,000,000 Long Beach Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure E for Long Beach Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $1,500,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $3,800,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $3,800,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Long Beach Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE E".


for $58,000,000 Claremont Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure G for Claremont Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $58,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $105,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $105,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Claremont Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE G".


for $106,000,000 Paramount Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure I for Paramount Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $106,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $209,450,342 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $209,450,342 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Paramount Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE I".


for $27,000,000 Lawndale Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure L for Lawndale Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $27,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $55,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $55,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lawndale Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE L".


for $65,000,000 Lynwood Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure N for Lynwood Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $65,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $124,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $124,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lynwood Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE N".


for $300,000,000 Pomona Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure P for Pomona Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $300,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $494,779,001 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $494,779,001 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pomona Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE P".


for $25,000,000 Lennox School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure Q for Lennox school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $25,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $67,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $67,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lennox schools and Vote YES on MEASURE Q".


for $70,000,000 East Whittier City Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure R for East Whittier City Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $70,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $140,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $140,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local East Whittier City Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE R".


for $345,000,000 Santa Monica CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure V for Santa Monica CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $345,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $722,483,675 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $722,483,675 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Monica CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE V".


for $260,000,000 Beverly Hills Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure Y for Beverly Hills Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $260,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $550,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $550,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Beverly Hills Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE Y".


for $24,000,000 East Whittier City Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure Z for East Whittier City Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $24,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $48,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $48,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local East Whittier City Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE Z".


for $110,000,000 Alhambra Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure AE for Alhambra Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $110,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $207,675,788 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $207,675,788 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Alhambra Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE AE".


for $350,000,000 Antelope Valley CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure AV for Antelope Valley CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $350,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $695,541,300 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $695,541,300 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Antelope Valley CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE AV".


for $148,000,000 Hacienda La Puente Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure BB for Hacienda La Puente Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $148,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $293,864,200 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $293,864,200 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Hacienda La Puente Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE BB".


for $3,300,000,000 Los Angeles CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure CC for Los Angeles CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $3,300,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $5,520,035,813 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $5,520,035,813 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Los Angeles CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE CC".


for $39,000,000 Manhattan Beach Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure EE for Manhattan Beach Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $39,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $61,571,192 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $61,571,192 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Manhattan Beach Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE EE".


for $200,000,000 El Rancho Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure ER for El Rancho Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $200,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $382,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $382,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local El Rancho Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE ER".


for $143,000,000 West Covina Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure ES for West Covina Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $143,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $257,507,200 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $257,507,200 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local West Covina Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE ES".


for $40,000,000 Garvey Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure GA for Garvey Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $40,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $77,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $77,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Garvey Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE GA".


for $325,000,000 Glendale CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure GC for Glendale CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $325,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $577,925,488 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $577,925,488 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Glendale CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE GC".


for $149,000,000 Alhambra Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure HS for Alhambra Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $149,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $280,717,513 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $280,717,513 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Alhambra Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE HS".


for $110,000,000 Centinela Valley Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure LP for Centinela Valley Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $110,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $308,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $308,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Centinela Valley Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE LP".


for $29,000,000 South Whittier Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure QS for South Whittier Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $29,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $59,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $59,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local South Whittier Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE QS".


for $98,000,000 South Pasadena Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure SP for South Pasadena Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $98,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $174,092,800 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $174,092,800 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local South Pasadena Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE SP".


for $57,000,000 Mountain View Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure SS for Mountain View Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $57,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $116,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $116,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Mountain View Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE SS".


for $152,880,000 Walnut Valley Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure WV for Walnut Valley Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $152,880,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $305,911,275 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $305,911,275 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Walnut Valley Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE WV".


for $80,000,000 Palmdale Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure PSD for Palmdale Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $80,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $164,155,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $164,155,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Palmdale Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE PSD".


for $13,000,000 Chowchilla Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Madera County Measure J for Chowchilla Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $13,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $27,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $27,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Chowchilla Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE J".


for $222,000,000 Novato Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Marin County Measure G for Novato Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $222,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $431,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $431,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Novato Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE G".


for $24,000,000 Mariposa County Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Mariposa County Measure L for Mariposa County Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $24,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $55,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $55,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Mariposa County Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE L".


for $12,000,000 Delhi Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Merced County Measure W for Delhi Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $12,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $27,600,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $27,600,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Delhi Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE W".


for $70,000,000 Alisal Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Monterey County Measure M for Alisal Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $70,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $161,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $161,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Alisal Union schools and Vote YES on MEASURE M".


for $6,800,000 San Ardo Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Monterey County Measure N for San Ardo Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $6,800,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $15,640,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $15,640,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Ardo Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE N".


for $167,000,000 Hartnell Joint CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Monterey County Measure T for Hartnell Joint CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $167,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $339,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $339,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Hartnell Joint CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE T".


for $47,000,000 Nevada Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Nevada County Measure B for Nevada Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $47,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $108,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $108,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Nevada Joint Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE B".


for $318,000,000 Anaheim City School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Orange County Measure J for Anaheim City school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $318,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $611,556,500 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $611,556,500 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Anaheim City schools and Vote YES on MEASURE J".


for $148,000,000 Brea-Olinda Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Orange County Measure K for Brea-Olinda Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $148,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $288,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $288,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Brea-Olinda Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE K".


for $889,000,000 Capistrano Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Orange County Measure M for Capistrano Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $889,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,839,767,626 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,839,767,626 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Capistrano Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE M".


for $49,000,000 Centralia Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Orange County Measure N for Centralia Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $49,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $92,043,200 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $92,043,200 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Centralia Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE N".


for $63,000,000 Fountain Valley Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Orange County Measure O for Fountain Valley Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $63,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $108,910,103 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $108,910,103 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Fountain Valley Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE O".


for $311,000,000 Garden Grove Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Orange County Measure P for Garden Grove Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $311,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $575,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $575,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Garden Grove Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE P".


for $159,850,000 Huntington Beach City Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Orange County Measure Q for Huntington Beach City Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $159,850,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $310,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $310,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Huntington Beach City Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE Q".


for $169,000,000 Ocean View School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Orange County Measure R for Ocean View school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $169,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $319,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $319,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Ocean View schools and Vote YES on MEASURE R".


for $288,000,000 Orange Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Orange County Measure S for Orange Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $288,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $590,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $590,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Orange Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE S".


for $76,000,000 Westminster School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Orange County Measure T for Westminster school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $76,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $164,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $164,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Westminster schools and Vote YES on MEASURE T".


for $96,000,000 Roseville Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Placer County Measure D for Roseville Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $96,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $208,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $208,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Roseville Joint Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE D".


for $98,000,000 Placer Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Placer County Measure L for Placer Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $98,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $128,267,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $128,267,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Placer Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE L".


for $60,000,000 Western Placer Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Placer County Measure N for Western Placer Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $60,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $110,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $110,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Western Placer Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE N".


for $50,000,000 Plumas Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Plumas County Measure B for Plumas Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $50,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $87,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $87,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Plumas Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE B".


for $216,460,000 Palm Springs Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Riverside County Measure I for Palm Springs Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $216,460,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $249,635,500 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $249,635,500 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Palm Springs Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE I".


for $25,500,000 Banning Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Riverside County Measure M for Banning Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $25,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $41,672,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $41,672,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Banning Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE M".


for $392,000,000 Riverside Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Riverside County Measure O for Riverside Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $392,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $705,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $705,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Riverside Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE O".


for $135,000,000 Menifee Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Riverside County Measure Q for Menifee Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $135,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $211,479,769 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $211,479,769 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Menifee Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE Q".


for $105,000,000 Lake Elsinore Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Riverside County Measure V for Lake Elsinore Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $105,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $170,968,160 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $170,968,160 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lake Elsinore Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE V".


for $44,900,000 San Jacinto Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Riverside County Measure Y for San Jacinto Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $44,900,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $98,780,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $98,780,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Jacinto Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE Y".


for $36,000,000 Galt Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Sacramento County Measure E for Galt Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $36,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $71,600,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $71,600,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Galt Joint Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE E".


for $19,700,000 Galt Joint Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Sacramento County Measure K for Galt Joint Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $19,700,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $40,561,463 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $40,561,463 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Galt Joint Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE K".


for $476,000,000 Elk Grove Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Sacramento County Measure M for Elk Grove Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $476,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $974,404,182 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $974,404,182 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Elk Grove Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE M".


for $750,000,000 San Juan Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Sacramento County Measure P for San Juan Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $750,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,230,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,230,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Juan Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE P".


for $60,000,000 San Benito High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Benito County Measure U for San Benito High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $60,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $135,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $135,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Benito High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE U".


for $36,000,000 Hollister School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Benito County Measure V for Hollister school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $36,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $80,670,990 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $80,670,990 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Hollister schools and Vote YES on MEASURE V".


for $39,000,000 Barstow Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Bernardino County Measure F for Barstow Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $39,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $78,712,300 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $78,712,300 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Barstow Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE F".


for $750,000,000 Chino Valley Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Bernardino County Measure G for Chino Valley Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $750,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,677,522,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,677,522,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Chino Valley Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE G".


for $58,000,000 Alta Loma Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Bernardino County Measure H for Alta Loma Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $58,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $110,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $110,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Alta Loma Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE H".


for $137,000,000 Etiwanda Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Bernardino County Measure I for Etiwanda Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $137,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $293,993,721 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $293,993,721 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Etiwanda Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE I".


for $150,000,000 Ontario-Montclair School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Bernardino County Measure K for Ontario-Montclair school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $150,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $300,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $300,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Ontario-Montclair schools and Vote YES on MEASURE K".


for $348,000,000 Grossmont-Cuyamaca CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Diego County Measure X for Grossmont-Cuyamaca CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $348,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $651,232,875 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $651,232,875 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Grossmont-Cuyamaca CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE X".


for $400,000,000 Southwestern CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Diego County Measure Z for Southwestern CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $400,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $777,677,155 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $777,677,155 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Southwestern CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE Z".


for $45,000,000 Fallbrook Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Diego County Measure AA for Fallbrook Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $45,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $85,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $85,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Fallbrook Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE AA".


for $128,000,000 Grossmont Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Diego County Measure BB for Grossmont Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $128,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $256,162,445 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $256,162,445 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Grossmont Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE BB".


for $58,000,000 Bonsall Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Diego County Measure DD for Bonsall Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $58,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $105,752,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $105,752,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Bonsall Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE DD".


for $20,000,000 Cajon Valley Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Diego County Measure EE for Cajon Valley Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $21,221,386 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $21,221,386 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Cajon Valley Union schools and Vote YES on MEASURE EE".


for $22,000,000 Cardiff Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Diego County Measure GG for Cardiff Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $22,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $45,952,885 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $45,952,885 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Cardiff Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE GG".


for $30,000,000 National Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Diego County Measure HH for National Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $30,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $38,685,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $38,685,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local National Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE HH".


for $105,000,000 Solana Beach Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Diego County Measure JJ for Solana Beach Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $105,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $196,490,231 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $196,490,231 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Solana Beach Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE JJ".


for $455,000,000 MiraCosta CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Diego County Measure MM for MiraCosta CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $455,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $777,089,013 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $777,089,013 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local MiraCosta CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE MM".


for $744,250,000 San Francisco Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Francisco County Measure A for San Francisco Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $744,250,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,210,845,028 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,210,845,028 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Francisco Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE A".


for $281,000,000 Lodi Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Joaquin County Measure U for Lodi Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $281,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $560,823,795 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $560,823,795 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lodi Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE U".


for $5,900,000 San Miguel Joint Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Luis Obispo County Measure D16 for San Miguel Joint Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $5,900,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $10,530,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $10,530,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Miguel Joint Union schools and Vote YES on MEASURE D16".


for $170,000,000 Lucia Mar Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Luis Obispo County Measure I16 for Lucia Mar Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $170,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $396,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $396,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lucia Mar Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE I16".


for $3,150,000 Shandon Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Luis Obispo County Measure K16 for Shandon Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $3,150,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $5,304,178 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $5,304,178 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Shandon Joint Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE K16".


for $95,000,000 Paso Robles Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Luis Obispo County Measure M16 for Paso Robles Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $95,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $163,477,337 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $163,477,337 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Paso Robles Joint Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE M16".


for $56,000,000 Burlingame Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Mateo County Measure M for Burlingame Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $56,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $102,571,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $102,571,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Burlingame Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE M".


for $7,000,000 Bayshore Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Mateo County Measure S for Bayshore Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $7,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $14,600,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $14,600,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Bayshore Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE S".


Vote YES on MEASURE G2016
for $60,000,000 Orcutt Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Barbara County Measure G2016 for Orcutt Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $60,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $140,444,010 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $140,444,010 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Orcutt Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE G2016".


Vote YES on MEASURE H2016
for $114,000,000 Santa Maria Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Barbara County Measure H2016 for Santa Maria Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $114,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $193,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $193,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Maria Joint Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE H2016".


Vote YES on MEASURE I2016
for $135,000,000 Santa Barbara Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Barbara County Measure I2016 for Santa Barbara Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $135,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $253,230,906 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $253,230,906 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Barbara Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE I2016".


Vote YES on MEASURE K2016
for $14,700,000 Santa Ynez Valley Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Barbara County Measure K2016 for Santa Ynez Valley Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $14,700,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $18,753,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $18,753,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Ynez Valley Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE K2016".


Vote YES on MEASURE L2016
for $65,000,000 Lompoc Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Barbara County Measure L2016 for Lompoc Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $65,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $162,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $162,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lompoc Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE L2016".


Vote YES on MEASURE M2016
for $5,800,000 Guadalupe Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Barbara County Measure M2016 for Guadalupe Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $5,800,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $12,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $12,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Guadalupe Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE M2016".


Vote YES on MEASURE N2016
for $5,650,000 Guadalupe Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Barbara County Measure N2016 for Guadalupe Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $5,650,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $11,950,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $11,950,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Guadalupe Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE N2016".


Vote YES on MEASURE J2016
for $58,000,000 Santa Barbara Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Barbara (SFID) County Measure J2016 for Santa Barbara Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $58,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $108,046,519 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $108,046,519 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Barbara Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE J2016".


for $748,000,000 San Jose-Evergreen CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure X for San Jose-Evergreen CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $748,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,540,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,540,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Jose-Evergreen CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE X".


for $510,000,000 East Side Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure Z for East Side Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $510,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $608,530,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $608,530,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local East Side Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE Z".


for $275,000,000 Campbell Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure AA for Campbell Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $275,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $301,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $301,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Campbell Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE AA".


for $72,000,000 Campbell Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure CC for Campbell Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $72,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $162,011,312 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $162,011,312 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Campbell Union schools and Vote YES on MEASURE CC".


for $140,000,000 Santa Cruz City High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Cruz County Measure A for Santa Cruz City High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $140,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $233,968,400 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $233,968,400 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Cruz City High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE A".


for $68,000,000 Santa Cruz City Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Cruz County Measure B for Santa Cruz City Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $68,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $115,225,300 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $115,225,300 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Cruz City Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE B".


for $42,000,000 Soquel Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Cruz County Measure C for Soquel Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $42,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $93,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $93,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Soquel Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE C".


for $8,900,000 Cascade Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Shasta County Measure G for Cascade Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $8,900,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $18,900,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $18,900,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Cascade Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE G".


for $139,000,000 Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Shasta County Measure H for Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $139,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $240,900,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $240,900,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE H".


for $56,900,000 Shasta Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Shasta County Measure I for Shasta Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $56,900,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $118,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $118,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Shasta Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE I".


for $30,400,000 Dixon Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Solano County Measure Q for Dixon Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $30,400,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $50,458,634 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $50,458,634 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Dixon Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE Q".


for $80,000,000 Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Sonoma County Measure C for Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $80,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $164,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $164,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE C".


for $67,000,000 Healdsburg Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Sonoma County Measure D for Healdsburg Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $67,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $139,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $139,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Healdsburg Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE D".


for $120,000,000 Sonoma Valley Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Sonoma County Measure E for Sonoma Valley Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $120,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $242,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $242,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Sonoma Valley Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE E".


for $62,000,000 Windsor Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Sonoma County Measure F for Windsor Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $62,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $125,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $125,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Windsor Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE F".


for $7,000,000 Guerneville Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Sonoma County Measure G for Guerneville Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $7,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $15,300,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $15,300,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Guerneville Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE G".


for $4,000,000 Waugh Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Sonoma County Measure X for Waugh Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $4,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $8,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $8,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Waugh Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE X".


for $10,650,000 Waterford Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure K for Waterford Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $10,650,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $23,524,018 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $23,524,018 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Waterford Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE K".


for $40,800,000 Turlock Unified (SFID) School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure N for Turlock Unified (SFID) school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $40,800,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $83,918,823 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $83,918,823 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Turlock Unified (SFID) schools and Vote YES on MEASURE N".


for $48,000,000 Turlock Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure O for Turlock Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $48,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $98,725,047 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $98,725,047 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Turlock Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE O".


for $11,090,000 Newman-Crows Landing Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure P for Newman-Crows Landing Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $11,090,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $18,854,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $18,854,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Newman-Crows Landing Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE P".


for $3,200,000 Hughson Unified (SFID) School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure Q for Hughson Unified (SFID) school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $3,200,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $5,787,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $5,787,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Hughson Unified (SFID) schools and Vote YES on MEASURE Q".


for $2,200,000 Hughson Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Stanislaus County Measure R for Hughson Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $2,200,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $3,965,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $3,965,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Hughson Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE R".


for $33,565,000 Yuba CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Sutter County Measure Q for Yuba CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $33,565,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $42,823,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $42,823,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Yuba CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE Q".


for $14,000,000 Live Oak Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Sutter County Measure X for Live Oak Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $14,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $32,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $32,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Live Oak Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE X".


for $26,000,000 Red Bluff Joint Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Tehama County Measure J for Red Bluff Joint Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $26,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $53,134,879 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $53,134,879 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Red Bluff Joint Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE J".


for $8,300,000 Corning Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Tehama County Measure K for Corning Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $8,300,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $16,900,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $16,900,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Corning Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE K".


for $12,000,000 Evergreen Union School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Tehama County Measure L for Evergreen Union school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $12,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $19,900,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $19,900,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Evergreen Union schools and Vote YES on MEASURE L".


for $18,000,000 Exeter Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Tulare County Measure K for Exeter Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $18,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $35,300,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $35,300,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Exeter Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE K".


for $6,500,000 Burton Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Tulare County Measure L for Burton Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $6,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $14,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $14,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Burton Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE L".


for $6,700,000 Earlimart Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Tulare County Measure M for Earlimart Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $6,700,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $13,950,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $13,950,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Earlimart Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE M".


for $142,500,000 Oxnard School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Ventura County Measure D for Oxnard school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $142,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $478,680,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $478,680,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Oxnard schools and Vote YES on MEASURE D".


for $60,000,000 Oak Park Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Ventura County Measure S for Oak Park Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $60,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $136,111,963 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $136,111,963 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Oak Park Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE S".


for $35,000,000 Fillmore Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Ventura County Measure V for Fillmore Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $35,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $52,955,700 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $52,955,700 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Fillmore Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE V".


for $239,000,000 Simi Valley Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Ventura County Measure X for Simi Valley Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $239,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $485,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $485,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Simi Valley Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE X".


for $17,000,000 Winters Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Yolo County Measure D for Winters Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $17,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $37,200,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $37,200,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Winters Joint Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE D".


for $20,000,000 Plumas Lake Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Yuba County Measure D for Plumas Lake Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $20,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $31,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $31,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Plumas Lake Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE D".


for $175,000,000 Western Placer Unified SFID #1 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Placer County Measure A for Western Placer Unified SFID #1 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $175,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $402,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $402,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Western Placer Unified SFID #1 schools and Vote YES on MEASURE A".


for $215,000,000 Western Placer Unified SFID #2 School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Placer County Measure B for Western Placer Unified SFID #2 school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $215,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $494,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $494,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Western Placer Unified SFID #2 schools and Vote YES on MEASURE B".


for $950,000,000 Chabot-Las Positas CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Alameda County Measure A for Chabot-Las Positas CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $950,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,824,385,975 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,824,385,975 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Chabot-Las Positas CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE A".


for $70,000,000 Albany City Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Alameda County Measure B for Albany City Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $70,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $161,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $161,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Albany City Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE B".


for $25,000,000 Albany City Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Alameda County Measure E for Albany City Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $25,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $37,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $37,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Albany City Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE E".


for $123,000,000 Castro Valley Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Alameda County Measure G for Castro Valley Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $123,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $209,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $209,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Castro Valley Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE G".


for $283,000,000 Dublin Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Alameda County Measure H for Dublin Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $283,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $552,734,750 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $552,734,750 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Dublin Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE H".


for $245,000,000 Livermore Valley Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Alameda County Measure J for Livermore Valley Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $245,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $520,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $520,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Livermore Valley Joint Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE J".


for $158,000,000 Brentwood Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Contra Costa County Measure B for Brentwood Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $158,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $393,288,851 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $393,288,851 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Brentwood Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE B".


for $70,000,000 Lafayette Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Contra Costa County Measure C for Lafayette Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $70,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $157,362,590 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $157,362,590 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lafayette Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE C".


for $60,000,000 Walnut Creek Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Contra Costa County Measure D for Walnut Creek Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $60,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $132,354,136 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $132,354,136 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Walnut Creek Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE D".


for $25,000,000 City of Orinda - Road and Storm Drain Repair School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Contra Costa County Measure L for City of Orinda - Road and Storm Drain Repair school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $25,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $57,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $57,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local City of Orinda - Road and Storm Drain Repair schools and Vote YES on MEASURE L".


for $7,500,000 Mother Lode Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on El Dorado County Measure C for Mother Lode Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $7,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $15,864,508 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $15,864,508 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Mother Lode Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE C".


for $4,000,000 Camino Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on El Dorado County Measure H for Camino Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $4,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $8,202,330 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $8,202,330 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Camino Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE H".


for $10,000,000 Kingsburg Elementary Charter School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Fresno County Measure A for Kingsburg Elementary Charter school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $10,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $23,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $23,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Kingsburg Elementary Charter schools and Vote YES on MEASURE A".


for $485,000,000 State Center CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Fresno County Measure C for State Center CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $485,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $1,115,500,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $1,115,500,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local State Center CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE C".


for $6,500,000 Klamath-Trinity Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Humboldt County Measure D for Klamath-Trinity Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $6,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $13,400,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $13,400,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Klamath-Trinity Joint Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE D".


for $30,000,000 Central Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Imperial County Measure K for Central Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $30,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $54,580,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $54,580,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Central Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE K".


for $12,000,000 Beardsley Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kern County Measure A for Beardsley Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $12,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $21,864,811 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $21,864,811 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Beardsley Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE A".


for $19,000,000 Fairfax Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kern County Measure B for Fairfax Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $19,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $42,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $42,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Fairfax Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE B".


for $40,000,000 General Shafter Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kern County Measure C for General Shafter Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $40,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $113,159,833 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $113,159,833 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local General Shafter Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE C".


for $9,700,000 Wasco Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kern County Measure D for Wasco Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $9,700,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $21,142,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $21,142,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Wasco Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE D".


for $9,400,000 Wasco Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kern County Measure E for Wasco Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $9,400,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $20,830,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $20,830,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Wasco Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE E".


for $7,000,000 Pioneer Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Kings County Measure P for Pioneer Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $7,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $16,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $16,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pioneer Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE P".


for $24,000,000 Kelseyville Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Lake County Measure U for Kelseyville Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $24,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $51,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $51,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Kelseyville Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE U".


for $230,000,000 Santa Clarita CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure E for Santa Clarita CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $230,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $483,423,125 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $483,423,125 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Clarita CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE E".


for $59,000,000 Hermosa Beach City Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure S for Hermosa Beach City Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $59,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $127,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $127,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Hermosa Beach City Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE S".


for $300,000,000 Montebello Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure GS for Montebello Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $300,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $564,770,375 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $564,770,375 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Montebello Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE GS".


for $850,000,000 Long Beach CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Los Angeles County Measure LB for Long Beach CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $850,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $1,916,744,231 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $1,916,744,231 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Long Beach CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE LB".


for $265,000,000 Marin CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Marin County Measure B for Marin CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $265,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $420,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $420,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Marin CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE B".


for $6,500,000 Ballico-Cressey Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Merced County Measure U for Ballico-Cressey Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $6,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $14,950,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $14,950,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Ballico-Cressey Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE U".


for $2,100,000 San Antonio Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Monterey County Measure A for San Antonio Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $2,100,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $4,830,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $4,830,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local San Antonio Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE A".


for $4,000,000 Pope Valley Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Napa County Measure A for Pope Valley Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $4,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $10,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $10,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Pope Valley Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE A".


for $269,000,000 Napa Valley Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Napa County Measure H for Napa Valley Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $269,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $484,819,013 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $484,819,013 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Napa Valley Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE H".


for $319,000,000 Irvine Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Orange County Measure E for Irvine Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $319,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $662,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $662,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Irvine Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE E".


for $135,000,000 Placer Union High School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Placer County Measure C for Placer Union High school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $135,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $270,671,993 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $270,671,993 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Placer Union High schools and Vote YES on MEASURE C".


for $350,000,000 Public Health and Safety School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Francisco County Measure A for Public Health and Safety school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $350,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $805,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $805,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Public Health and Safety schools and Vote YES on MEASURE A".


for $56,000,000 Lammersville Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Joaquin County Measure L for Lammersville Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $56,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $107,600,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $107,600,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Lammersville Joint Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE L".


for $26,000,000 Ravenswood City Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on San Mateo County Measure H for Ravenswood City Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $26,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $44,151,950 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $44,151,950 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Ravenswood City Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE H".


Vote YES on MEASURE A2016
for $6,000,000 Cuyama Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Barbara County Measure A2016 for Cuyama Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $6,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $13,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $13,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Cuyama Joint Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE A2016".


for $170,000,000 Gilroy Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure E for Gilroy Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $170,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $391,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $391,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Gilroy Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE E".


for $67,400,000 Franklin-McKinley Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure H for Franklin-McKinley Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $67,400,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $155,020,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $155,020,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Franklin-McKinley Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE H".


for $139,999,672 Alum Rock Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Clara County Measure I for Alum Rock Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $139,999,672 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $321,999,245.60 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $321,999,245.60 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Alum Rock Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE I".


for $310,000,000 Cabrillo CCD School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Cruz County Measure Q for Cabrillo CCD school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $310,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $623,034,495 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $623,034,495 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Cabrillo CCD schools and Vote YES on MEASURE Q".


for $67,400,000 Santa Cruz Libraries Facilities Financing Authority School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Santa Cruz County Measure S for Santa Cruz Libraries Facilities Financing Authority school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $67,400,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $155,020,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $155,020,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Cruz Libraries Facilities Financing Authority schools and Vote YES on MEASURE S".


for $3,500,000 Junction Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Shasta County Measure A for Junction Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $3,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $8,300,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $8,300,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Junction Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE A".


for $4,000,000 Black Butte Union Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Shasta County Measure B for Black Butte Union Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $4,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $9,700,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $9,700,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Black Butte Union Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE B".


for $249,000,000 Fairfield-Suisun Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Solano County Measure J for Fairfield-Suisun Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $249,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $550,000,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $550,000,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Fairfield-Suisun Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE J".


for $6,500,000 Burton Elementary School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Tulare County Measure B for Burton Elementary school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $6,500,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only $14,100,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend $14,100,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Burton Elementary schools and Vote YES on MEASURE B".


for $16,000,000 Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Tulare County Measure E for Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $16,000,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $36,800,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $36,800,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE E".


for $39,600,000 Santa Paula Unified School Bonds

Learn everything you need to know about why you should vote yes on Ventura County Measure P for Santa Paula Unified school improvement bonds. The district is only asking for $39,600,000 which it will use for your precious children and NOT for things that benefit its administration. The best part is that it will cost you only about $91,080,000 to pay back the wealthy investors who will buy the bonds. Aren't your children worth it? Could you think of anything better to spend about $91,080,000 on? Neither can we. We're the parents, teachers, and community leaders. Our partners in the school facility bond cartel are paying for this campaign because they really care about your kids too. We don't mind paying for their fancy cars and offices, because it's for our kids, after all. For full details, click "Support our outstanding local Santa Paula Unified schools and Vote YES on MEASURE P".


Copyright © 2015-2024, Richard Michael. All Rights Reserved.