Woodland Joint Unified Schools: Vote Yes on Measure O Bonds - Yolo County - 2018 general Election
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Why didn't Woodland Joint Unified tell you specifically what it will do with the $20,200,000 in Measure O?

We Could Really Use Your Help!

Real Grassroots Against Measure O

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  Commentary    Question    Argument in Favor    Rebuttal in Favor    Argument Against    Rebuttal Against    Full Text    Tax Rate    Agenda    Resolution  

Commentary on Measure O

#HonestBallots Movement

Your Yolo County Registrar of Voters printed and circulated ballots for this measure that didn't conform to the law. The registrar ignored our Notice and Demand to follow the law. The legislature makes this a crime. (See: How 25 County Registrars Committed A Crime.)

If you want to get really steamed up about the collusion between your Registrar and Woodland Joint Unified Schools to lie and cheat in order to steal your taxes, you can read the letter for yourself.

Do you want to give this district a Thanksgiving surprise? Please call or text me (with #HonestBalllots, Yolo, 0643080, and your name) at 909-378-5401 right now for details. It's urgent and very time-sensitive.

Are you sure you want vote to support this extravagant measure? It has no accountability.

This campaign was designed by KNN Public Finance. We figured out just the right words to get you to you to open up your checkbook.

We'd also like to introduce you to our partners -- bond lawyers, brokers, wealthy investors, architects, management firms, construction companies, and trade unions. We all stand to make a ton of money on these bonds. Our profits come right off the top, before a penny is actually spent on improving the facilities.

We're not just doing it for the money. We like to show off our work in Architectural Digest and other places where the rich and famous congregate.

Remember, we've taken a lot of risk. We gave money to get your governing board members elected, so they'd be sure to remember us when we came around for a hand-out later.

It's just business-as-usual, here in sunny Corruptifornia.

Please don't read the fine print. That's just put in by the lawyers to make what we're going to do to for you legal.

When you see highlighting in the documents below, it to see the commentary.

  Commentary    Question    Argument in Favor    Rebuttal in Favor    Argument Against    Rebuttal Against    Full Text    Tax Rate    Agenda    Resolution  

Measure O Question

To finance installation of a comprehensive HVAC system at Woodland High School and construction of a new practice gymnasium at Pioneer High School, shall the Woodland Joint Unified School District issue $20,200,000 of bonds with an estimated $4,448,000 in taxes raised annually on average for five years at average projected tax rates of 5.28 cents per $100 of assessed valuation, with citizen oversight, annual audits, no funds for administrator salaries, with all funds staying local?

  Commentary    Question    Argument in Favor    Rebuttal in Favor    Argument Against    Rebuttal Against    Full Text    Tax Rate    Agenda    Resolution  

Argument in Favor of Measure O

Argument in Favor of Measure O

Vote Yes on Measure O! Building for the Future!
Public schools are essential to our community. Most of us know a child who attends or an adult who works in Woodland Public Schools. We are committed to doing everything pos-sible to support quality education for current and future students within a healthy and safe learning environment. Measure O is a prudent, responsible plan to address two vital fa-cility improvement projects at our high schools.

Vital Facility Upgrades to Support Student Learning
• Woodland High School (WHS) Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system ($15.5M)
• Pioneer High School (PHS) 2nd gymnasium ($4.1M)

Measure O Makes Sense Now!
• There is no other source for project funding.
• The longer we wait, the higher the cost!

Why We Need This Bond!

• Was installed during school site construction in 1969.

• Failing electrical parts are becoming increasingly expensive.
• Is essential for ventilation because most classrooms lack windows.

• PHS Gymnasium:

• Was originally planned for the 2002 school site construction.
• Is necessary for safe and effective Physical Education (PE) instruction--will elimi-nate over-crowding.
• Allows PE class participation for all students regardless of weather conditions.
• Provides sufficient practice facilities for student athletes and school activities.

Measure O Guarantees:
• Fiscally conservative financing.

• Five-year repayment cost of $52/year for every $100,000 of assessed property value.

• District transparency and spending accountability.

• By law, bond funds CANNOT be used for school district salaries.
• By law, 100% of bond funds must support ONLY the HVAC and gym projects.
• Annual audits are REQUIRED and must be made public.
• No change orders are allowed, so construction costs are set during the bid process.

• Citizen oversight committee will oversee finances from the initial bid process through project completion.

Please join us and Vote Yes on Measure O! Building for the future together!

/s/ Marlin "Skip" Davies
Woodland City Council and Retired Educator

/s/ Lori Ross
Executive Director, Woodland United Way

/s/ Jesse Ortiz
Yolo County Superintendent of Schools

/s/ Gary Sandy
Community College Trustee

/s/ Ali Khadim
Local Business Owner

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Rebuttal to Argument in Favor of Measure O

Rebuttal to the Argument in Favor of Measure O

Measure O - Proponents' Claims Unsupported.

FACT: HVAC and Gym are NOT "top priority." Projects chosen by trustees during board meeting to:

1. Make an offer the public "cannot refuse"
2. Provide an accomplishment to support board's re-election campaigns in 2020

FACT: PHS 2nd Gym was unfunded project from 1999's bond. In 2018, locals opposed new bond without gym. Board included it. Requested principal write justification letter. Now claimed a "safety issue."

FACT: District claims asking for "what we need." Bond amount is $509,360 above project estimates. No explanation of where that extra money will be spent.

Measure O - Not Fiscally Responsible.

FACT: Board downplayed project estimates preferring to "negotiate price when we get the money."

FACT: 54% of the HVAC estimate ($8,469,641) represents "unknown" (potential) costs and identified duplications.

"Unknowns" increase to 80% ($12,469,641 of total project estimated $15,565,640) by adding unexplained $4,000,000 "Power Upgrade," at nearly double the cost of all HVAC equipment and piping combined.

FACT: 49% of PHS ("bare-bones") 2nd Gym estimate is for "unknown" (potential) costs.

FACT: Larger estimated "unknowns" increase risk leading to larger contractor bids, eliminating potential savings.

Measure O - Offers No "Guarantees." Proponents Offer "Deception."

FACT: School board chooses Citizen Oversight Committee members and defines rules. No guarantees exist, anywhere, ensuring committee involvement during planning or bidding.

FACT: "No change orders allowed" is unsupported by WJUSD Resolution and State Law.

FACT: Other funding? WJUSD Annual State funding increased $25,000,000+. District could pay cash!


/s/ Douglas Reed

/s/ Timothy Blank

/s/ Maria Isabel Isherwood

/s/ John A. Hoover

  Commentary    Question    Argument in Favor    Rebuttal in Favor    Argument Against    Rebuttal Against    Full Text    Tax Rate    Agenda    Resolution  

Argument Against Measure O

Argument Against Measure O

Measure O asks voters to approve a $20 million bond to fund a new secondary gym at Pioneer High ($4,500,000) and replace heating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems at Woodland High ($15,500,000).

 We are a group of local business, and other concerned citizens who support our community, schools, students and taxpayers. We do not question the need for the two project, however we do have concerns with the costs.

FACT: The new heating/air conditioning system at Woodland High is projected to cost $15,500,000, including "soft costs" of $3.5 million, "contingencies" estimated at @2.3 million, a "power upgrade" of $4 million and general contractor "mark-ups" of $1.4 million. Voters need to research meanings of the terms in quotation marks.

FACT: Local contractors estimates of HVAC costs are one half the proposed amount.

FACT: We still owe approximately $30 million on the last school bond.

FACT: Woodland Joint Unified has an annual operating budget of $108,000,000. Could some of these funds be used to cover part of the cost of these projects?

Our group has attended many school board meetings and met with school board staff and we gained the following assurances:

(a) Staff promised that if the projects are completed under budget, the remaining bonds will not be sold. With this promise and a strong oversight committee in place to monitor soft costs and contingencies, we believe we have a strong safety net for these projects.

(b) The school board now realizes that smaller bonds paid back over a shorter period will save the community millions!

We believe the school board has heard what the community has suggested and now it is the voters' responsibility to educate themselves, evaluate the cost/benefit ratio of these two projects and vote accordingly.

/s/ Mark Mezger

/s/ Jess Powell

/s/ Bert Brooks

/s/ Wanda V. Freeman

/s/ John A. Hoover

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Rebuttal to Argument Against Measure O

Rebuttal to the Argument Against Measure O

Measure O is the result of our school district responding to our community, through the crafting of a small revenue bond that funds solutions for two of our highest need projects, while acknowledging voter concerns about project costs and accountability.

Why Bond Funds and Not Annual Budget Funds?
• 79% of the budget goes to salaries and benefits, leaving $22.7 million to maintain 17 separate school sites AND pay for operating expenses and supplies.
• When school funding was cut over the past few decades, cuts were made "as far from the kids as possible." In Woodland this meant maintenance was deferred to avoid cutting music or athletics. The annual budget cannot cover regular operating costs AND also accomplish multi-million dollar deferred maintenance tasks.

Why Does the HVAC at Woodland Cost So Much?
• $15.5 million is based on an architect's estimate so the district can ensure they have funds IF NEEDED. Actual costs will be determined when official bids are solicited from approved vendors. Bonds will be sold to cover ONLY these costs.
• The system MAY cost a lot less than estimated. Fewer bonds sold means lower cost for taxpayers.
• WHS' HVAC is already 15+ years past life expectancy—we can't wait another 10 years to repay the Pioneer bond before addressing this issue!

We all agree that schools are a vital part of our community. Measure O was crafted to protect taxpayers from paying more money than is absolutely necessary, while still benefitting our students. Please see www.yeswoodland.com for more information.

/s/ Carol Souza Cole
Community Member

/s/ Garth Lewis
Yolo County Superintendent - Elect

/s/ Evelia Genera
Retired Educator

/s/ Meg Stallard
Woodland School Board, 1991-2003

/s/ Cirenio Rodriguez

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Full Text of Measure O

Exhibit A
Page 1




Projects to be funded by the bond measure include:

  • ? Installation of a comprehensive HVAC system at Woodland High School
  • ? Construction of a new practice gymnasium at Pioneer High School

The listed projects will be completed as needed. Each project is assumed to include its share of furniture, equipment, architectural, engineering, and similar planning costs, program management, staff training expenses and a customary contingency, and escalation for unforeseen design and construction costs. In addition to the listed projects stated above, the Project List also includes the acquisition of a variety of maintenance and operational equipment, including the payment of the costs of preparation of all facility planning, facility studies, assessment reviews, environmental studies (including environmental investigation, remediation and monitoring), design and construction documentation, and temporary housing of dislocated District activities caused by bond projects.

The budget for each project is an estimation and may be affected by factors beyond the District's control. The final cost of each project will be determined as plans are finalized, construction bids are awarded and projects are completed. Based on the final costs of each project, certain of the projects described above may be delayed or may not be completed. Demolition of existing facilities and reconstruction of facilities scheduled for repair and upgrade may occur, if the Board determines that such an approach would be more cost-effective in creating enhanced and operationally efficient campuses. Necessary site preparation/restoration and landscaping, may occur in connection with new construction, renovation or remodeling, or installation or removal of relocatable classrooms, including ingress and egress, removing, replacing, or installing irrigation, utility lines, trees and landscaping, redirecting fire access, and acquiring any necessary easements, licenses, or rights of way to the property.

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Measure O Tax Rate Statement

Exhibit B



An election will be held in the Woodland Joint Unified School District (the "District") on November 6, 2018, to authorize the sale of up to $20,200,000 in bonds of the District for the specific school facilities projects listed in the Bond Project List established by the District, as described in the proposition. If the bonds are authorized and a State bonding capacity waiver is received, the District expects to sell the bonds in two or more series. Principal and interest on the bonds will be payable from the proceeds of tax levies made upon the taxable property in the District. The following information is provided in compliance with Sections 9400-9404 of the Elections Code of the State of California.

  1. 1. The best estimate from official sources of the average annual tax rate that would be required to be levied to fund that bond issue over the entire duration of the bond debt service, based on assessed valuations available at the time of the election or a projection based on experience within the same jurisdiction or other demonstrable factors is 5.28 cents per $100 of assessed valuation ($52.80 per $100,000 of assessed valuation) of all property to be taxed. The best estimate of the final fiscal year in which the tax is anticipated to be collected is 2023-24.
  2. 2. The best estimate from official sources of the highest tax rate that would be required to be levied to fund that bond issue, and an estimate of the year in which that rate will apply, based on assessed valuations available at the time of the election or a projection based on experience within the same jurisdiction or other demonstrable factors is 5.282 cents per $100 of assessed valuation ($52.82 per $100,000 of assessed valuation) of all property to be taxed. The best estimate of the year in which the highest tax rate will apply is anticipated to be 2019-20.
  3. 3. The best estimate from official sources of the total debt service, including the principal and interest, that would be required to be repaid if all the bonds are issued and sold is $22,239,492.

Voters should note that such estimated tax rates are specific to the repayment of bonds issued under this authorization and are and will be in addition to tax rates levied in connection with other bond authorizations approved or to be approved by the District or any other overlapping public agency.

Voters should note that estimated tax rate is based on the ASSESSED VALUE of taxable property on Yolo County's official tax rolls, not on the property's market value. Property owners should consult their own property tax bills to determine their property's assessed value and any applicable tax exemptions.

Attention of all voters is directed to the fact that the foregoing information is based upon the District's projections and estimates only, which are not binding upon the District. The actual tax rates and the years in which they will apply may vary from those presently estimated, due to variations from these estimates in the timing of bond sales, the amount of bonds sold and market interest rates at the time of each sale, and actual assessed valuations over the term of repayment of the bonds. The dates of sale and the amount of bonds sold at any given time will be determined by the District based on need for construction funds and other factors. The actual interest rates at which the bonds will be sold will depend on the bond market at the time of each sale. Actual future assessed valuation will depend upon the amount and value of taxable property within the District as determined by the Yolo County Assessor in the annual assessment and the equalization process.

Exhibit B

Dated: July 12, 2018.

Woodland Joint Unified School District

  Commentary    Question    Argument in Favor    Rebuttal in Favor    Argument Against    Rebuttal Against    Full Text    Tax Rate    Agenda    Resolution  

Measure O Agenda Description

Agenda of July 12, 2018 (complete item)

Regular Board Meeting
Woodland Joint USD
July 12, 2018 5:00PM

E.3. PUBLIC COMMENT TO THE BOARD FOR ITEM E.4. (Please fill out the Public Participation Form)
E.4. BOARD ACTION - Approve Resolution 1-19: Ordering A School Bond Election, and Authorizing Necessary Actions in Connection Therewith
Lewis Wiley/Tom Pritchard


The attached resolution will allow the District to place a General Obligation Bond Measure on the November 2018 ballot.  The deadline to file this resolution with the Yolo County Elections Department is August 10, 2018.                                                     


  • Fiscal: If passed, the bond will provide the District with approximately $20 million for construction.
  • Personnel: None
  • Program: To provide funds for an HVAC and practice gymnasium for Woodland High School and Pioneer High School respectively.
  • Legal: Attached documents have been prepared by the District's legal counsel.


The Board has the option to approve, modify, deny approval of this item, or request additional information regarding this item.


Administration recommends that the Board approve this item.  
Resolution 1-19 Ordering a School Bond Election

  Commentary    Question    Argument in Favor    Rebuttal in Favor    Argument Against    Rebuttal Against    Full Text    Tax Rate    Agenda    Resolution  

Measure O Resolution





WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees (the "Board") of the Woodland Joint Unified School District (the "District"), within Yolo County, California ("Yolo County"), and partially in within Sutter County ("Sutter County" and, with Yolo County, the "Counties"), is authorized to order elections within the District and to designate the specifications thereof, pursuant to sections 5304 and 5322 of the California Education Code (the "Education Code");

WHEREAS, the Board is specifically authorized to order elections for the purpose of submitting to the electors the question of whether bonds of the District shall be issued and sold for the purpose of raising money for the purposes hereinafter specified, pursuant to section 15100 et seq. of the California Education Code;

WHEREAS, pursuant to section 18 of Article XVI and section 1 of Article XIII A of the California Constitution, and section 15266 of the California Education Code, school districts may seek approval of general obligation bonds and levy an ad valorem tax to repay those bonds upon a 55% vote of those voting on a proposition for the purpose, provided certain accountability measures are included in the proposition;

WHEREAS, such a bond election must be conducted concurrent with a statewide primary election, general election or special election, or at a regularly scheduled local election, as required by section 15266 of the California Education Code;

WHEREAS, on November 6, 2018, a general election is scheduled to occur throughout the District;

WHEREAS, pursuant to section 15270 California Education Code, based upon a projection of assessed property valuation, the Board has determined that, if approved by voters, the tax rate levied to meet the debt service requirements of the bonds proposed to be issued will not exceed the legal limit of $60 per year per $100,000 of assessed valuation of taxable property;

WHEREAS, section 9400 et seq. of the California Elections Code requires that a tax rate statement be contained in all official materials, including any ballot pamphlet prepared, sponsored or distributed by the District, relating to the election; and


NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved, determined and ordered by the Board of Trustees of the Woodland Joint Unified School District as follows:

Section 1. Specifications of Election Order. Pursuant to sections 5304, 5322, 15100 et seq., and section 15266 of the California Education Code, an election shall be held within the boundaries of the District on November 6, 2018, for the purpose of submitting to the registered voters of the District the following proposition:


By approval of this proposition by at least 55% of the registered voters voting on the proposition, the District shall be authorized to issue and sell bonds of up to $20,200,000 in aggregate principal amount to provide financing for the specific school facilities projects listed in the Bond Project List attached hereto as Exhibit A, subject to all of the accountability safeguards specified below. Bonds will be issued in one or more series.


The provisions in this section are specifically included in this proposition in order that the voters and taxpayers of the District may be assured that their money will be spent to address the specific facilities needs of the District, in compliance with the requirements of Article XIII A, section 1(b)(3) of the State Constitution, and the Strict Accountability in Local School Construction Bonds Act of 2000 (codified at section 15264 et seq. of the California Education Code).

Evaluation of Needs. The Board hereby certifies that it has evaluated safety, health, information technology and other needs in developing the Bond Project List contained in Exhibit A.

Independent Citizens' Oversight Committee. The Board shall establish an independent Citizens' Oversight Committee (section 15278 et seq. of the California Education Code), to ensure bond proceeds are expended only for the school facilities projects listed in Exhibit A. The committee shall be established within 60 days of the date when the results of the election appear in the minutes of the Board.

Annual Performance Audits. The Board shall cause an annual, independent performance audit to be conducted to ensure that the bond proceeds have been expended only on the school facilities projects listed in Exhibit A.

Annual Financial Audits. The Board shall cause an annual, independent financial audit of the bond proceeds to be conducted until all of those proceeds have been spent for the school facilities projects listed in Exhibit A.



The Bond Project List attached to this resolution as Exhibit A shall be considered a part of the ballot proposition, and shall be reproduced in any official document required to contain the full statement of the bond proposition.

The Bond Project List, which is an integral part of this proposition, lists the specific projects the District proposes to finance with proceeds of the Bonds. Each project is assumed to include its share of costs of the election and bond issuance, architectural, engineering, and similar planning costs, construction management, and a customary contingency for unforeseen design and construction costs. The final cost of each project will be determined as plans are finalized, construction bids are awarded, and projects are completed.


No Administrator Salaries. Proceeds from the sale of bonds authorized by this proposition shall be used only for the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or replacement of school facilities, including the furnishing and equipping of school facilities, or the acquisition or lease of real property for school facilities, and not for any other purpose, including teacher and administrator salaries and other school operating expenses.

Single Purpose. All of the purposes enumerated in this proposition shall be united and voted upon as one single proposition, pursuant to section 15100 of the California Education Code, and all the purposes shall constitute the specific single purpose of the bonds, and proceeds of the bonds shall be spent only for such purpose, pursuant to section 53410 of the California Government Code.

Section 2. Brief Statement of Proposition. Pursuant to section 13247 of the California Elections Code and section 15122 of the California Education Code, the Board hereby directs the Registrar of Voters to use the following abbreviation of the bond proposition on the ballot:

"To finance installation of a comprehensive HVAC system at Woodland High School and construction of a new practice gymnasium at Pioneer High School, shall the Woodland Joint Unified School District issue $20,200,000 of bonds with an estimated $4,448,000 in taxes raised annually on average for five years at average projected tax rates of 5.28 cents per $100 of assessed valuation, with citizen oversight, annual audits, no funds for administrator salaries, with all funds staying local?"

Section 3. Voter Pamphlets. The Registrar of Voters of Yolo County is hereby requested to reprint Section 1 hereof (including Exhibit A hereto) in its entirety in the voter information pamphlets to be distributed to voters pursuant to section 13307 of the California Elections Code. In the event Section 1 is not reprinted in the voter information pamphlets in its entirety, the Registrar of Voters of Yolo County is hereby requested to print, immediately below the impartial analysis of the bond proposition, in no less than 10-point boldface type, a legend substantially as follows:


"The above statement is an impartial analysis of Measure ___. If you desire a copy of the measure, please call the Yolo County Registrar of Voters at (530) 694-2281 and a copy will be mailed at no cost to you."

The Registrar of Voters of Sutter County is hereby requested to reprint Section 1 hereof (including Exhibit A hereto) in its entirety in the voter information pamphlets to be distributed to voters pursuant to section 13307 of the California Elections Code. In the event Section 1 is not reprinted in the voter information pamphlets in its entirety, the Registrar of Voters of Sutter County is hereby requested to print, immediately below the impartial analysis of the bond proposition, in no less than 10-point boldface type, a legend substantially as follows:

"The above statement is an impartial analysis of Measure ___. If you desire a copy of the measure, please call the Sutter County Registrar of Voters at (530) 822-7122and a copy will be mailed at no cost to you."

Section 4. Required Vote. Pursuant to section 18 of Article XVI and section 1 of Article XIII A of the State Constitution, the above proposition shall become effective upon the affirmative vote of at least 55% of those voters voting on the proposition.

Section 5. State Matching Funds. In addition to the amount of Bonds issued, it is the Board's intention to seek State funding, in the event and to the extent it is available.

Section 6. Request to County Officers to Conduct Election. The Registrars of Voters of the Counties is hereby requested, pursuant to section 5322 of the California Education Code, to take all steps to call and hold the election in accordance with law and these specifications.

Section 7. Consolidation Requirement; Canvass.

  1. (a) Pursuant to section 15266(a) of the California Education Code, the election shall be consolidated with the general election on November 6, 2018.
  2. (b) The Board of Supervisors of Yolo County is authorized and requested to canvass the returns of the election, pursuant to section 10411 of the California Elections Code.

Section 8. Delivery of Order of Election to County Officers. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to deliver, no later than August 10, 2018, one copy of this Resolution to the Yolo County Superintendent of Schools and the Registrars of Voters of the Counties together with the Tax Rate Statement (attached hereto as Exhibit B), completed and signed by the Superintendent, and shall file a copy of this Resolution with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Yolo County.

Section 9. Ballot Arguments. The members of the Board are hereby authorized, but not directed, to prepare and file with the Registrars of Voters of the Counties a ballot argument in favor of the proposition contained in Section 1 hereof, within the time established by the Registrars of Voters of the Counties.

Section 10. Further Authorization. The members of this Board, the Superintendent, and all other officers of the District are hereby authorized and directed, individually and collectively, to -5- do any and all things that they deem necessary or advisable in order to effectuate the purposes of this resolution.

Section 11. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption.

PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of July, 2018, by the following vote:






President of the Board of Trustees of the
Woodland Joint Unified School District


Clerk of the Board of Trustees of the
Woodland Joint Unified School District


I, , Clerk of the Board of Trustees of the Woodland Joint Unified School District, of Yolo County, California, hereby certify as follows:

The attached is a full, true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the District duly and regularly held at the regular meeting place thereof on July 12, 2018, and entered in the minutes thereof, of which meeting all of the members of the Board of Trustees had due notice and at which a quorum thereof was present. The resolution was adopted by the following vote:





At least 24 hours before the time of said meeting, a written notice and agenda of the meeting was mailed and received by or personally delivered to each member of the Board of Trustees not having waived notice thereof, and to each local newspaper of general circulation, radio, and television station requesting such notice in writing, and was posted in a location freely accessible to members of the public, and a brief description of the resolution appeared on said agenda.

I have carefully compared the same with the original minutes of the meeting on file and of record in my office. The resolution has not been amended, modified or rescinded since the date of its adoption, and the same is now in full force and effect.

WITNESS my hand this ___ day of ___________, 2018.

Clerk of the Board of Trustees
Woodland Joint Unified School District

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