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Commentary Question Analysis Full Text Tax Rate Resolution Notice
Are you sure you want vote to support this extravagant measure? It has no accountability.
This campaign was designed by Isom Advisors. We figured out just the right words to get you to you to open up your checkbook.
We'd also like to introduce you to our partners -- bond lawyers, brokers, wealthy investors, architects, management firms, construction companies, and trade unions. We all stand to make a ton of money on these bonds. Our profits come right off the top, before a penny is actually spent on improving the facilities.
We're not just doing it for the money. We like to show off our work in Architectural Digest and other places where the rich and famous congregate.
Remember, we've taken a lot of risk. We gave money to get your governing board members elected, so they'd be sure to remember us when we came around for a hand-out later.
It's just business-as-usual, here in sunny Corruptifornia.
Please don't read the fine print. That's just put in by the lawyers to make what we're going to do to for you legal.
When you see highlighting in the documents below, it to see the commentary.
Commentary Question Analysis Full Text Tax Rate Resolution Notice
Exhibit B - 1
"To improve the quality of education and provide equity among all District high schools with funding that cannot be taken by the State; construct, modernize, and renovate classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; repair/replace leaky roofs; upgrade inadequate electrical and deteriorating plumbing systems; construct/upgrade science labs; and improve campus safety, shall Shasta Union High School District issue $56,900,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, have an independent citizens' oversight committee, and have NO money used for administrative salaries?"
Commentary Question Analysis Full Text Tax Rate Resolution Notice
This analysis of the general obligation bond measure for the Shasta Union High School District ("District"), Measure I, is provided in accordance with Elections Code section 9500, et seq. The electors entitled to vote on the measure are those residingwithin the District's boundaries.
Section 1 of Article XIIIA and section 18 of Article XVI of the California Constitution and Education Code sections 15264, et seq. authorize school districts to adopt a proposal, subject to the approval of the District's voters, to issue general obligation bonds for specific school district purposes. The District adopted such a proposal and is submitting it to the District electors for their consideration.
If 55% of the qualified electors voting on Measure I vote for approval, the District would be authorized to issue bonds in the principal amount not to exceed $56,900,000 and to levy ad valorem taxes on taxable property within the District to pay for the bonded indebtedness plus interest. The bonds may be issued and sold in several series and may mature in 40 years or such shorter period as determined by the District Board. The interest rate on the bonds would not exceed the statutory limit.
The projects to be financed by the bonds at one or more of the District's sites may include: (1) repairing, upgrading, acquiring, equipping, modernizing, or replacing infrastructure, classrooms, equipment, and facilities as described in the full text of the measure (the "Full Text"); (2) upgrading mechanical systems; (3) improving information technology infrastructure and systems; (4) improving safety, disabled access, emergency preparedness, and security systems; (5) other projects listed in the Full Text; (6) refinancing outstanding lease obligations and interim funding incurred to advance fund projects from the list enumerated in the Full Text; and (7) expenses associated with the foregoing purposes as described in the Full Text. Some projects may be joint-use with other public entities. The proceeds will not be used for any purpose not identified in the measure, including teacher or administrator salaries or be taken by the state. The District's Board of Trustees shall establish a citizen's oversight committee to ensure that the proceeds of the bonds are spent only on the specific projects and the specific school sites identified in Measure I.
According to the tax rate statement submitted by Jim Cloney, Superintendent of the District, the best estimate of the maximum ad valorem tax which would be levied on taxable real property to repay the bonds over their term is $19.00 per year for property having an assessed value of $100,000. These calculations are estimates only and are not binding upon the District.
If Measure I is not approved by 55% of the qualified electors voting on the measure, the District will not be authorized to issue bonds for the aforementioned purposes.
A "yes" vote is to authorize the issuance of the bonds.
A "no" vote is against authorizing the issuance of the bonds.
County Counsel
By: _________________________
James R. Ross
Assistant County Counsel
Commentary Question Analysis Full Text Tax Rate Resolution Notice
Exhibit A - 1
This proposition may be known and referred to as the Shasta Union High School District General Obligation Bond of 2016, or Measure ____.
By approval of this proposition by at least 55% of the registered voters voting on the proposition, the Shasta Union High School District (the "District") shall be authorized to issue and sell bonds of up to $56.9 million in aggregate principal amount to provide financing for the specific school facilities projects listed in the Bond Project List below, and in order to qualify to receive State matching grant funds, subject to all of the accountability safeguards specified below.
The provisions in this section are specifically included in this proposition in order that the District's voters and taxpayers may be assured that their money will be spent wisely to address specific facilities needs of the District, all in compliance with the requirements of Article XIII A, Section 1(b)(3) of the State Constitution, and the Strict Accountability in Local School Construction Bonds Act of 2000 (codified at Education Code Sections 15264 and following).
Evaluation of Needs. The Governing Board hereby certifies that it has evaluated safety, class size reduction and information technology needs in developing the Bond Project List.
Limitation on Use of Bond Proceeds. The State of California does not have the power to take locally approved school district bond funds for any State purposes. The Constitution allows proceeds from the sale of bonds authorized by this proposition to be used only for the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or replacement of school facilities listed in this proposition, including the furnishing and equipping of school facilities, or the acquisition or lease of real property for school facilities, and not for any other purpose, including teacher and administrator salaries and other school operating expenses. Proceeds of the bonds may be used to pay or reimburse the District for the cost of District staff only when performing work on or necessary and incidental to the bond projects.
Independent Citizens' Oversight Committee. The Governing Board shall establish an independent Citizens' Oversight Committee (pursuant to Education Code Section 15278 and following), to ensure bond proceeds are spent only for the school facilities projects listed in the Bond Project List. The committee shall be established within 60 days of the date on which the Governing Board enters the election results on its minutes.
Annual Performance Audits. The Governing Board shall conduct an annual, independent performance audit to ensure that the bond proceeds have been expended only on the school facilities projects listed in the Bond Project List.
Exhibit A - 2
Annual Financial Audits. The Governing Board shall conduct an annual, independent financial audit of the bond proceeds (which shall be separate from the District's regular annual financial audit) until all of those proceeds have been spent for the school facilities projects listed in the Bond Project List.
Special Bond Proceeds Account; Annual Report to Board. Upon approval of this proposition and the sale of any bonds approved, the Governing Board shall take actions necessary pursuant to Government Code Section 53410 and following to establish an account in which proceeds of the sale of bonds will be deposited. As long as any proceeds of the bonds remain unexpended, the Superintendent or the Chief Business Official of the District (or such other employee as may perform substantially similar duties) shall cause a report to be filed with the Board no later than December 31 of each year, commencing December 31 of the year in which bonds are first issued, stating (1) the amount of bond proceeds received and expended in that year, and (2) the status of any project funded or to be funded from bond proceeds. The report may relate to the calendar year, fiscal year, or other appropriate annual period as such officer shall determine, and may be incorporated into the annual budget, audit, or other appropriate routine report to the Board.
Specific Purposes. All of the purposes enumerated in this proposition shall be united and voted upon as one single proposition, pursuant to Education Code Section 15100, and shall constitute the specific purposes of the bonds, and proceeds of the bonds shall be spent only for such purposes, pursuant to Government Code Section 53410.
Joint Use. The District may enter into agreements with the City of Redding, County of Shasta, or other public agencies or nonprofit organizations for joint use of school facilities financed with the proceeds of the bonds in accordance with Education Code Section 17077.42 (or any successor provision). The District may seek State grant funds for eligible joint-use projects as permitted by law, and this proposition hereby specifies and acknowledges that bond funds will or may be used to fund all or a portion of the local share for any eligible joint-use projects identified in the Bond Project List or as otherwise permitted by California State regulations, as the Governing Board shall determine.
Rate of Interest. The bonds shall bear interest at a rate per annum not exceeding the statutory maximum, payable at the time or times permitted by law.
Term of Bonds. The number of years the whole or any part of the bonds are to run shall not exceed the legal limit, though this shall not preclude bonds from being sold which mature prior to the legal limit.
The Bond Project List below describes the specific projects the Shasta Union High School District proposes to finance with proceeds of the bonds. Listed projects will be completed as needed at a particular school site according to Board-established priorities, and the order in which such projects appear on the Bond Project List is not an indication of priority for funding or completion. The final cost of each project will be determined as plans are finalized, construction bids are awarded, and projects are completed. Certain construction funds expected from non-bond sources, including State grant funds for eligible projects, have not yet been secured. Until all project costs and funding sources are known, the Governing Board cannot determine the Exhibit A - 3 amount of bond proceeds available to be spent on each project, nor guarantee that the bonds will provide sufficient funds to allow completion of all listed projects. Completion of some projects may be subject to further government approvals or appropriation by State officials and boards, to local environmental review, and to input from the public. For these reasons, inclusion of a project on the Bond Project List is not a guarantee that the project will be funded or completed.
Unless otherwise noted, the projects in the Bond Project List are authorized to be completed at each or any of the District's sites, as shall be approved by the Board of Trustees. Specifically, bond proceeds will be expended to modernize, replace, renovate, construct, acquire, equip, rebuild and furnish the District's classrooms, restrooms, and other educational and joint-use facilities including those located at:
Enterprise High School – Built in 1955 Foothill High School – Built in 1999
Shasta High School – Built in 1950 Shasta Learning Center/University Prep – Built 1927
Exhibit A - 4
The listed projects will be completed as needed. Each project is assumed to include its share of furniture, equipment, architectural, engineering, and similar planning costs, program/project management, staff training expenses and a customary contingency for unforeseen design and construction costs. In addition to the listed projects stated above, the list also includes the acquisition of a variety of instructional, maintenance and operational equipment, including the reduction or retirement of outstanding lease obligations and interim funding incurred to advance fund projects from the list; installation of signage and fencing; payment of the costs of preparation of all facility planning, facility studies, assessment reviews, facility master plan preparation and updates, environmental studies (including environmental investigation, remediation and monitoring), design and construction documentation, and temporary housing of dislocated District activities caused by construction projects. In addition to the projects listed above, the repair and renovation of each of the existing school facilities may include, but not be limited to, some or all of the following: renovation of student and staff restrooms; repair and replacement of heating and ventilation systems; upgrade of facilities for energy efficiencies; repair and replacement of worn-out and leaky roofs, windows, walls, doors and drinking fountains; installation wiring and electrical systems to safely accommodate computers, technology and other electrical devices and needs; upgrades or construction of support facilities, including administrative, physical education/athletic facilities and performing arts buildings and maintenance yards; repair and replacement of fire alarms, emergency communications and security systems; resurfacing or replacing of hard courts, pools, turf and irrigation systems and campus landscaping and play fields; expand parking; install interior and exterior painting and floor covering; demolition; and construction of various forms of storage and support spaces, upgrade classrooms, bleachers, kitchens, repair, upgrade and install interior and exterior lighting systems; replace outdated security fences and security systems. The upgrading of technology infrastructure includes, but is not limited to, computers, LCD projectors, portable interface devices, servers, switches, routers, modules, sound projection systems, printers, digital white boards, document projectors, upgrade voice-over-IP, call manager and network security/firewall, wireless technology systems and other miscellaneous equipment and software. The allocation of bond proceeds will be affected by the District's receipt of State matching funds and the final costs of each project. In the absence of State matching funds, which the District will aggressively pursue to reduce the District's share of the costs of the projects, the District will not be able to complete some of the projects listed above. The budget for each project is an estimate and may be affected by factors beyond the District's control. Some projects throughout the District, such as gyms, fields and performing arts facilities, may be undertaken as joint use projects in cooperation with other local public or non-profit agencies. The final cost of Exhibit A - 5 each project will be determined as plans and construction documents are finalized, construction bids are received, construction contracts are awarded and projects are completed. Based on the final costs of each project, certain of the projects described above may be delayed or may not be completed. Demolition of existing facilities and reconstruction of facilities scheduled for repair and upgrade may occur, if the Board determines that such an approach would be more cost-effective in creating more enhanced and operationally efficient campuses. Necessary site preparation/restoration may occur in connection with new construction, renovation or remodeling, or installation or removal of relocatable classrooms, including ingress and egress, removing, replacing, or installing irrigation, utility lines, trees and landscaping, relocating fire access roads, and acquiring any necessary easements, licenses, or rights of way to the property. Proceeds of the bonds may be used to pay or reimburse the District for the cost of District staff when performing work on or necessary and incidental to bond projects and the costs of issuing the bonds. Bond proceeds shall only be expended for the specific purposes identified herein. The District shall create an account into which proceeds of the bonds shall be deposited and comply with the reporting requirements of Government Code § 53410.
The Bond Project List shall be considered a part of this ballot proposition, and shall be reproduced in any official document required to contain the full statement of the bond proposition.
Commentary Question Analysis Full Text Tax Rate Resolution Notice
Tax Rate Statement
An election will be held in the Shasta Union High School District (the "District") on November 8, 2016 to authorize the sale of up to $56,900,000 in general obligation bonds. The following information is submitted in compliance with Sections 9400-9404 of the California Elections Code.
1. The best estimate of the tax rate that would be required to fund this bond issue during the first fiscal year after the sale of the first series of bonds, based on estimated assessed valuations available at the time of filing of this statement, is $.01900 per $100 ($19.00 per $100,000) of assessed valuation in fiscal year 2017-18.
2. The best estimate of the tax rate that would be required to fund this bond issue during the first fiscal year after the sale of the last series of bonds, based on estimated assessed valuations available at the time of filing of this statement, is $.01900 per $100 ($19.00 per $100,000) of assessed valuation in fiscal year 2026-27.
3. The best estimate of the highest tax rate that would be required to fund this bond issue, based on estimated assessed valuations available at the time of filing this statement, is $.01900 per $100 ($19.00 per $100,000) of assessed valuation. This vote is projected to apply in each fiscal year that the bonds are outstanding.
4. The best estimate from official sources of the total debt service, including the principal and interest, that would be required to be repaid if all the bonds are issued and sold will be approximately $118,200,000.
These estimates are based on projections derived from information obtained from official sources. The actual tax rates and the years in which they will apply may vary depending on the timing of bond sales, the amount of bonds sold at each sale and actual increases in assessed valuations. The timing of the bond sales and the amount of bonds sold at any given time will be determined by the needs of the District. Actual assessed valuations will depend upon the amount and value of taxable property within the District as determined in the assessment and the equalization process.
Dated: ______________
Jim Cloney
Shasta Union High School District
Commentary Question Analysis Full Text Tax Rate Resolution Notice
WHEREAS, in the judgment of the Governing Board (the "Board") of the Shasta Union High School District (the "District"), it is advisable to call an election to submit to the electors of the District the question whether bonds of the District shall be issued and sold for the purpose of raising money for the acquisition or improvement of real property, and the furnishing and equipping of school facilities; and
WHEREAS, as a result of the approval of Proposition 39 on November 7, 2000, Article XIII A, Section 1, paragraph (b), of the California Constitution ("Article XIII A") provides an exception to the limit on ad valorem property taxes on real property for bonded indebtedness incurred by a school district approved by 55 percent of the voters of the district voting on the proposition; and
WHEREAS, the Board is specifically authorized, upon approval by a two-thirds vote of the Board, to pursue the authorization and issuance of bonds by a fifty-five percent (55%) vote of the electorate on the question whether bonds of the District shall be issued and sold for specified purposes, pursuant to Education Code Section 15264 et seq. (the "Act"); and
WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Elections Code, it is appropriate for the Board to request consolidation of the election with any and all other elections to be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, and to request the Shasta County Registrar of Voters to perform certain election services for the District; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Governing Board of the Shasta Union High School District the following:
Section 1. Call for Election. The Board hereby orders an election and submits to the electors of the District the question of whether general obligation bonds of the District shall be issued and sold in the maximum principal amount of $56.9 million for the purpose of raising money to finance school facilities and property of the District, and paying costs incident thereto, as set forth more fully in the ballot proposition approved pursuant to Section 3. This Resolution constitutes the order of the District to call such election.
Section 2. Election Date. The date of the election shall be November 8, 2016, and the election shall be held solely within the boundaries of the District.
Section 3. Purpose of Election; Ballot Proposition. The purpose of the election shall be for the voters in the District to vote on a proposition, a full copy of which is attached hereto and marked Exhibit A, containing the question of whether the District shall issue the Bonds for the purpose stated therein, together with the accountability -2- requirements of Article XIII A and Government Code Section 53410 and the requirements of Section 15272 of the Act. The Shasta County Registrar of Voters (the "County Registrar") is requested to print the Full Text of Measure contained on Exhibit A in the sample ballot pamphlet. As required by Elections Code Section 13247, the abbreviated form of the measure to appear on the ballot is attached hereto and marked as Exhibit B. The Superintendent or designee is hereby authorized and directed to make any changes to the text of the proposition or this resolution as required to conform to any requirements of Article XIII A, the Act, or the Shasta County Registrar of Voters.
Section 4. Authority for Election. The authority for ordering the election is contained in Section 15264 et. seq. of the Education Code and Section l, paragraph (b), subsection (3), of Article XIII A. The authority for the specification of this election order is contained in Section 5322 of the Education Code.
Section 5. School Facilities Projects. As required by Article XIII A, the Board hereby certifies that it has evaluated safety, class size reduction, enrollment growth, and information technology needs in developing the list of school facilities projects set forth on Exhibit A.
Section 6. Covenants of the Board upon Approval of the Bonds by the Electorate. As required by Article XIII, Section 15278 of the Act, and Government Code Section 53410, in the event 55 percent of the voters voting in the District approve of the Bonds, the Board shall:
1. conduct an annual, independent performance audit to ensure that the funds have been expended only on the projects listed in Exhibit A;
2. conduct an annual, independent financial audit of the proceeds from the sale of the Bonds until all of those proceeds have been expended for the school facilities projects listed in Exhibit A;
3. establish and appoint members to an independent citizens' oversight committee in accordance with Sections 15278, 15280, and 15282 of the Act;
4. apply the bond proceeds only to the specific purposes stated in the ballot proposition;
5. cause creation of accounts into which bond proceeds shall be deposited; and
6. cause the preparation of an annual report pursuant to Government Code Sections 53410 and 53411.
Section 7. Delivery of this Resolution. The Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to send a copy of this Resolution to the County Registrar and the Shasta County Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
Section 8. Consolidation of Election. The County Registrar and the Shasta County Board of Supervisors are hereby requested to consolidate the election ordered hereby with any and all other elections to be held on November 8, 2016, within the District.
Section 9. Ballot Arguments; Tax Rate Statement. Any and all members of this Board are hereby authorized to act as an author of any ballot argument prepared in connection with the election, including a rebuttal argument. The Superintendent, President of the Board, or their designees, are hereby authorized to execute any Tax Rate Statement or other document and to perform all acts necessary to place the bond measure on the ballot.
Section 10. Elections Code. Pursuant to Section 5303 of the Education Code and Section 10002 of the Elections Code, the Board of Supervisors of Shasta County, is requested to permit the Registrar of Voters to render all services specified by Section 10418 of the Elections Code relating to the election, for which services the District agrees to reimburse Shasta County in full upon presentation of a bill, such services to include the mailing of the sample ballot and tax rate statement (described in Section 9401 of the Elections Code).
Section 11. Agreement. The Superintendent is authorized and directed to execute the agreements on file with Jones Hall, A Professional Law Corporation, which firm is appointed hereby to perform bond and disclosure counsel services in regard to the Bonds, and Isom Advisors, a Division of Urban Futures Inc. which firm is appointed to perform financial advisory services in regard to the Bonds.
Section 12. Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect on and after its adoption.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Governing Board of the Shasta Union High School District the 14th day of June, 2016.
Signed: ______________________________________________
I, Salvador Valdivia, Clerk of the Governing Board of the SHASTA UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT, hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of Resolution 16-130 adopted at a regular meeting place thereof on the 14th day of June, 2016, of which meeting all the members of said Governing Board had due notice and at which a majority thereof were present, and that at said meeting said resolution was adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Pepple, Wharton, Valdivia, Zufall, Schwerdt
NOES: None
An agenda of said meeting was posted at least 72 hours before said meeting at the Shasta Learning Center located at 2200 Eureka Way, Redding, California, 96001, a location freely accessible to members of the public, and a brief general description of said resolution appeared on said agenda.
I further certify that I have carefully compared the same with the original minutes of said meeting on file and of record in my office; that the foregoing resolution is a full, true and correct copy of the original resolution adopted at said board meeting and entered in said minutes; and that said resolution has not been amended, modified or rescinded since the date of its adoption, and the same is now in full force and effect.
Dated: June 14, 2016
Clerk of the Governing Board of the
Commentary Question Analysis Full Text Tax Rate Resolution Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 a General Election will be held in the Shasta Union High School District.
NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN THAT at the General Election to be held in the Shasta Union High School District, the following ballot measure submitted to the voters will be entitled "Measure I."
"To improve the quality of education and provide equity among all District high schools with funding that cannot be taken by the State; construct, modernize, and renovate classrooms, restrooms and school facilities; repair/replace leaky roofs; upgrade inadequate electrical and deteriorating plumbing systems; construct/upgrade science labs; and improve campus safety, shall Shasta Union High School District issue $56,900,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, have an independent citizens' oversight committee, and have NO money used for administrative salaries?"
Verified arguments for and against this measure are due to the County Clerk's office at 1643 Market Street in the Market Street Promenade. Under the authority of California Elections Code Section 9502 the County Clerk has determined August 5th, 2016 to be a reasonable date to prepare and submit the arguments. Arguments are limited to 300 words. Arguments may be submitted by the governing board of the district or a member or members authorized by it, any individual voter, any bona fide association of citizens or a combination of such voters and association of citizens.
Pursuant to California Elections Code Section 9503, one argument for and one argument against each measure will be selected for printing and distributing in the voter pamphlet. Preference and priority in selections will be given to arguments as follows:
1. The governing board of the Shasta Union High School District or member or members of the board authorized by the board;
2. Bona fide associations of citizens;
3. Individual voters who are eligible to vote on the measure.
NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that at the General Election of November 8, 2016, the polls will be open from 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.
NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that any direct argument, rebuttal argument or impartial analysis filed under the authority of the Elections Code will be available for public examination in the County Clerk's office from August 13, 2016 to August 22, 2016.
NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN THAT at the General Election of November 8, 2016 there will be a central counting place for the tabulation of all ballots cast at said election. Said central counting place will be the Shasta County Elections Department at 1643 Market Street, Market Street Promenade, Redding, California.
DATED: 7/20/2016
CATHY DARLING ALLEN, Shasta County Clerk/Registrar of Voters
Commentary Question Analysis Full Text Tax Rate Resolution Notice
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