An error occurred while evaluating the expression:

	//	2017-09-02:	Build the menu once, so it can be used repeatedly.
	//	2018-10-12:	Added a Pensions section to the page menu.
	stLocal["InlineMenu"] = #AnchorTag("Intro", "##INTRO", "00", "")#
		//	2024-08-31:	Add section for the question.
		 & "   " & #AnchorTag("Question", "##QUESTION", "00", "")#;
		//	2024-09-01:	Add section for measure type conditionally.
		if (qGetMeasureList.MeasureType_cd Eq "Prop 5 bond") {
			 stLocal.InlineMenu = stLocal.InlineMenu
			 & "   " & #AnchorTag("Measure Type", "##MEASURETYPE", "00", "")#;
	 stLocal.InlineMenu = stLocal.InlineMenu
		 & "   " & #AnchorTag("Need To Know", "##NEEDTOKNOW", "00", "")#
		 & "   " & #AnchorTag("Pensions/Salaries", "##PENSION", "00", "")#
		 & "   " & #AnchorTag("Finance", "##FINANCE", "00", "")#
		 & "   " & #AnchorTag("Legal", "##LEGAL", "00", "")#
	//	2022-10-20:	Add the Measures menu only when it makes sense.
	//	 & "   " & #AnchorTag("Fairness", "##FAIRNESS", "00", "")#
	//	 & "   " & #AnchorTag("Measures", "##MEASURES", "00", "")#;
		 & "   " & #AnchorTag("Fairness", "##FAIRNESS", "00", "")#;
	if (qGetMeasureList.MeasureType_cd Eq "Prop 39 bond" Or qGetMeasureList.MeasureType_cd Eq "Prop 46 bond") {
		stLocal.InlineMenu = stLocal.InlineMenu
			& "   " & #AnchorTag("Measures", "##MEASURES", "00", "")#;

	//	2018-08-27:	Incorporated additional condition from 2016-General\los_angeles-measure-bb-landing.cfm.
	if (Find("College", stMeasure.Agency) Eq "0" And Find("CCD", stMeasure.Agency) Eq "0") {
		stLocal.InlineMenu = stLocal.InlineMenu
			& "   " & #AnchorTag("Report Cards", "##SARC", "00", "")#;
//	stLocal["LandingPage"] = stReferral.Year & "-" & stReferral.Election & "\" & stReferral.County & "-measure-" & stReferral.Measure & "-landing.cfm";
	stLocal["LandingPage"] = stReferral.Year & "-" & stReferral.Election & "\" & stReferral.County & "-measure-" & stMeasure.Letter & "-landing.cfm";
	stLocal["ElectionDay"] = GetProfileString(stReferral.ConfigFile, "Configuration", "ElectionDay");

	stPage.Title = "Vote NO! Page Has Not Been Set Up Yet!";
	if (StructKeyExists(stMeasure, "Agency")) {
		stPage.Title = "Vote NO! on Measure #stReferral.Measure# from #stMeasure.Agency# on #stLocal.ElectionDay#";

	//	2017-09-02:	Changed so that spiders are given access prior to UnhideDate
	if (stSecurity.AccessLevel LT "06" And StructKeyExists(stMeasure, "Letter") And DateFormat(Now(), Request.S_FMT_DATE) LT stLocal.UnhideDate) {
		stPage.Heading = ", We're Not in Kansas Anymore!";
		stPage.Throw = "NoPeeking";

	stPage.NavTop = "";
//	stMeasure["District"] = 425;

	stLocal["District"] = StructNew();
	stLocal.District["Master"] = "";
	stLocal.District["National"] = ListFirst(stLocal.Index, ":");
	stLocal.District["State"] = "";

	//	2018-08-27:	Set up individual section customizations.
	//	Set up the default pages to include.
	//	2022-10-21:	Added additional sections to stLanding to cover non-bond elections.
	stLanding = StructNew();
	stLanding["Media"] = "";
	//	Assign the Media section only when video or audio URLs exist.
	if (stMeasure.Audio & stMeasure.Video NEq "") {
		stLanding.Media = "#stReferral.Year#-#stReferral.Election#\_landing-media.cfm";
	stLanding["Sponsor"] = "";	//	2023-10-24:	Lack of stLanding.Sponsor assignment in structure was causing innumerable errors.
	if (stMeasure.Sponsor Eq "CALP") {
		stLanding["Sponsor"] = "#stReferral.Year#-#stReferral.Election#\_landing-sponsor.cfm";
	stLanding["Intro"] = "#stReferral.Year#-#stReferral.Election#\_landing-intro.cfm";
	//	2024-08-31:	Add section for the question.
	stLanding["Question"] = "#stReferral.Year#-#stReferral.Election#\_landing-question.cfm";
	//	2024-09-01:	Add section for measure type conditionally.
	stLanding["MeasureType"] = "#stReferral.Year#-#stReferral.Election#\_landing-measure-type.cfm";
	stLanding["Argument"] = "#stReferral.Year#-#stReferral.Election#\_landing-argument.cfm";
	stLanding["Know"] = "#stReferral.Year#-#stReferral.Election#\_landing-need-to-know.cfm";
	//	2018-10-12:	Added for new pensions section.
	stLanding["Pension"] = "#stReferral.Year#-#stReferral.Election#\_landing-pension.cfm";
	stLanding["Finance"] = "#stReferral.Year#-#stReferral.Election#\_landing-finance.cfm";
	stLanding["Legal"] = "#stReferral.Year#-#stReferral.Election#\_landing-legal.cfm";
	stLanding["Fairness"] = "#stReferral.Year#-#stReferral.Election#\_landing-fairness.cfm";
	//	2022-10-20:	Restrict measures to pages where it makes sense.
	stLanding["Measures"] = "";
	//	2022-10-21:	Added condition to test whether the last measure in the list is earlier than the first measure.
	if (qGetMeasureList.ElectionDay_dt[qGetMeasureList.RecordCount] LT qGetMeasureList.ElectionDay_dt[qGetMeasureList.CurrentRow] And (qGetMeasureList.MeasureType_cd[qGetMeasureList.CurrentRow] Eq "Prop 39 bond" Or qGetMeasureList.MeasureType_cd[qGetMeasureList.CurrentRow] Eq "Prop 46 bond")) {
		stLanding["Measures"] = "#stReferral.Year#-#stReferral.Election#\_landing-measures.cfm";
	stLanding["Sarc"] = "";
	//	Assign the SARC section only to school districts, not college districts.
	//	2022-10-20:	Further restrict SARCs to Prop 39 or Prop 46 bonds.
	if (qGetMeasureList.MeasureType_cd Eq "Prop 39 bond" Or qGetMeasureList.MeasureType_cd Eq "Prop 46 bond") {
		if (Find("College", stMeasure.Agency) Eq "0" And Find("CCD", stMeasure.Agency) Eq "0") {
			stLanding.Sarc = "#stReferral.Year#-#stReferral.Election#\_landing-sarc.cfm";
	stLanding["Help"] = "#stReferral.Year#-#stReferral.Election#\_landing-help.cfm";
	//	2022-10-20:	Allow for different sections to display depending on the type of measure.
	if (qGetMeasureList.MeasureType_cd Eq "charter") {
		stLanding.Intro = "#stReferral.Year#-#stReferral.Election#\_landing-intro-charter.cfm";
		stLanding.Pension = "";
	if (Right(qGetMeasureList.MeasureType_cd, 3) Eq "tax") {
		stLanding.Intro = "#stReferral.Year#-#stReferral.Election#\_landing-intro-tax.cfm";
		stLanding.Pension = "";
	//	2024-08-31:	Don't add the question section, if the question is not in the measure configuration.
	if (stMeasure.Question Eq "") {
		stLanding.Question = "";
	//	2024-09-01:	Add section for measure type conditionally.
	if (stMeasure.MeasureType NEq "Prop 5 bond") {
		stLanding.MeasureType = "";

	//	2022-10-21:	REMINDER:This would like be a good place to build the menu so it matches the display.
	for (stLocal.This in stLanding) {
		//	If the section does not exist for the election, empty the variable.
 		if (stLanding[stLocal.This] NEq "" And Not FileExists(ExpandPath(stLanding[stLocal.This]))) {
			stLanding[stLocal.This] = "";
		//	For each section, check whether a file has been created to override it for this particular measure.
		//	Override files are in the format: _landing-SECTION-county-measure.cfm
		stLocal["Section"] = LCase(Replace(stLanding[stLocal.This], ".", "-#stReferral.County#-#stReferral.Measure#."));
 //		WriteOutput(stLocal.Section & "
"); if (stLocal.Section NEq "" And FileExists(ExpandPath(stLocal.Section))) { stLanding[stLocal.This] = stLocal.Section; } }

Error near line 209, column 25.

Error resolving parameter STMEASURE.QUESTION

The object QUESTION is not present in the scope named STMEASURE. It is likely that you have misspelled the name of the object you are trying to access.

Please go back to the previous page to make corrections.

Log File: D:\inetpub\aplusconsultants\CALBONDS\LOG\catch.log Written