Wilsona Elementary Schools: Vote Yes on Measure WE Bonds - Los Angeles County - 2018 General Election
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Why didn't Wilsona Elementary tell you specifically what it will do with the $6,500,000 in Measure WE?

We Could Really Use Your Help!

Real Grassroots Against Measure WE

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Commentary on Measure WE

#HonestBallots Movement

Your Los Angeles County Registrar of Voters printed and circulated ballots for this measure that didn't conform to the law. The registrar ignored our Notice and Demand to follow the law. The legislature makes this a crime. (See: How 25 County Registrars Committed A Crime.)

If you want to get really steamed up about the collusion between your Registrar and Wilsona Elementary Schools to lie and cheat in order to steal your taxes, you can read the letter for yourself.

Do you want to give this district a Thanksgiving surprise? Please call or text me (with #HonestBalllots, Los Angeles, 0642810, and your name) at 909-378-5401 right now for details. It's urgent and very time-sensitive.


This measure is a Proposition 46 measure requiring two-thirds voter approval. It is written as if it were a Proposition 39 (55%) measure and includes many, many things that are allowable under Proposition 39, but not under Proposition 46. Proposition 46 limits the use of bond proceeds to the "aquisition or improvement of real property." Improvement of real property does not include maintenance and repair. Furthermore, Proposition 39 allows bond funds to be spent on furnishings and equipment which Proposition 46 does not permit.

Are you sure you want vote to support this extravagant measure? It has no accountability.

This campaign was designed by a member of the school bonds cartel. We figured out just the right words to get you to you to open up your checkbook.

We'd also like to introduce you to our partners -- bond lawyers, brokers, wealthy investors, architects, management firms, construction companies, and trade unions. We all stand to make a ton of money on these bonds. Our profits come right off the top, before a penny is actually spent on improving the facilities.

We're not just doing it for the money. We like to show off our work in Architectural Digest and other places where the rich and famous congregate.

Remember, we've taken a lot of risk. We gave money to get your governing board members elected, so they'd be sure to remember us when we came around for a hand-out later.

It's just business-as-usual, here in sunny Corruptifornia.

Please don't read the fine print. That's just put in by the lawyers to make what we're going to do to for you legal.

When you see highlighting in the documents below, it to see the commentary.

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Measure WE Question




(Abbreviated Form)*

To modernize classrooms and support facilities, integrate school facilities with academic programs, increase student access to computers and modern classroom technology, improve student safety, and qualify the District to receive State grants, shall the Wilsona School District issue $6,500,000 in bonds at legal rates, levy an estimated 0.03 cents/$100 of assessed value, raising an average $351,916 annually while bonds are outstanding, with regular expenditure transparency measures including annual audits, and no money for administrator salaries?


* Limited to 75 words pursuant to California Elections Code section 13247.


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Impartial Analysis for Measure WE

Impartial analysis / Proposal

Approval of Measure WE ("Measure") would authorize the Board of Trustees ("Board") of the Wilsona Elementary School District ("District"), which placed the Measure on the ballot by Resolution No. 2017-18-16, to issue general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $6,500,000.

Proceeds from the sale of bonds authorized by the Measure shall be used only for the purposes specified in the Measure, including, but not limited to, upgrading lighting, fencing, and school access controls; reconfiguring school offices; adding skylights; upgrading fire alarms; improving security cameras and surveillance systems; updating doors and gates; resurfacing playgrounds; replacing and/or upgrading roofs and electrical, plumbing, and drainage systems; replacing and/or upgrading heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems; redesigning fields; upgrading library and instructional infrastructure; improving energy efficiency; upgrading cafeterias; making earthquake retrofits; upgrading parking lots; and improving athletic facilities. Proceeds of bonds may be used to reduce or retire outstanding debt for improvements on existing facilities and school sites, and to reimburse District for the cost of District staff when performing work on, or incidental to, bond projects. Bond proceeds may not be spent on teacher or administrator salaries or other operating expenses.

The Board shall cause independent performance and financial audits to be conducted annually to ensure that bond proceeds are spent only for projects in the Measure. The District shall deposit bond proceeds in a special account and comply with statutory reporting requirements.

Approval of the Measure does not guarantee that proposed projects described in the Measure will be funded beyond the local revenues generated by the Measure. District's proposal for certain projects may assume receipt of matching State funds that are subject to appropriation by the Legislature or approval of a statewide bond measure.

Bonds shall be issued under Education Code section 15100 et seq. The bonds shall not exceed the maximum interest rate or maturity as allowed by the law. According to the District's Tax Rate Statement, the best estimate of the average annual tax rate required to fund the bonds, based on assessed valuations available when the District filed the statement, is $30 per $100,000 of assessed valuation. The best estimate of the highest tax rate required to fund the bonds is the same as the average tax rate. The first fiscal year the rate will be levied is estimated to be 2019-20, and the final fiscal year the tax is estimated to be collected is 2057-58. The estimated total debt service required to be repaid if all bonds are issued and sold is $13.4 million, including principal and interest. Estimated tax rates are based on the assessed value of taxable property on official tax rolls, not on a property's market value. Taxpayers eligible for a property tax exemption, such as the homeowner's exemption, will be taxed at a lower effective tax rate.

This Measure requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote for passage.

Read less

— Mary C. Wickham, County Counsel

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Argument in Favor of Measure WE

Arguments FOR

The Wilsona Elementary School District is a unique area. Our schools serve a vital role in the community, and provide the academic foundation for our students to succeed in high school, college, and beyond in good paying jobs and careers.

While the District has done a great job in maximizing and securing State grants to construct and improve school facilities in the past, we still have unmet needs at our schools that must now be funded. The District needs to improve student safety and security, replace inadequate and outdated air conditioning systems, and provide modern learning environments for students to compete effectively with our neighboring communities.

Measure "WE" will provide funding to:

  • - Increase student safety and security improvements, including improved lighting, fencing and controlled classroom access
  • - Provide 21st Century classrooms improvements with modern classroom technology, equipment and infrastructure for teacher and student use
  • - Upgrade lighting, windows, heating, and ventilation systems and replace roofs to reduce annual operating costs and improve efficiency
  • - Improve support facilities including playfields and the library
  • - Make the District eligible to receive approximately $6.4 million in matching State grants for construction and modernization

Taxpayer safeguards are in place and require:

  • - An independent citizens' oversight committee to protect taxpayer funds
  • - Annual financial and performance independent audits on all Measure "WE" expenditures

Our schools have served us well, but we need to improve our schools and classrooms to ensure that all students have the same opportunity to compete and succeed in the new economy regardless of where they start. We must now invest in our schools so ALL children have the same high quality classrooms and facilities so local students do not get left behind.

Please join us in voting YES on Measure "WE".

School Board Trustee

Wilsona School District Clerk

Wilsona Board Trustee

Wilsona School Board Trustee/School Volunteer

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Argument Against Measure WE

Arguments AGAINST


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Full Text of Measure WE







The Wilsona Elementary School District serves a community covering approximately 100 square miles in the northeast corner of Los Angeles County, including unincorporated parts of Palmdale and Lancaster as well as Wilsona Gardens and Lake Los Angeles. The District serves just over 1340 students in three schools sharing two sites. There is one elementary school (Vista San Gabriel Elementary School), one middle school (Challenger Middle School), and one continuation site for grades 6 to 8 (Wilsona Achievement Academy). All of the school sites are aging, and none have ever benefitted from a voter-approved bond.

The District has an ongoing need for facilities and infrastructure, including security improvements to improve student safety; repairing, replacing, and upgrading defective, old systems including leaky roofs, inadequate and outdated HVAC systems, and deteriorating plumbing and drainage. The District also has a need for technology infrastructure in order to improve student access to computers and modern technology and modernize school libraries to ensure all students have the same opportunity to compete and succeed in the new economy regardless of where they start. Addressing these issues of refurbishment of aging facilities, and facilities upgrades, requires that the District ask its voters to approve a General Obligation Bond.

The State of California requires a local match, funded primarily through local, general obligation bonds, for school districts wishing to pursue matching state funds for the upgrade or replacement of school buildings and facilities. The millions of dollars potentially available through the State match allows local taxpayers to benefit from the tax dollars they already pay to Sacramento.

It is imperative that our students are housed in adequate schools that are program-appropriate. In addition, our students would benefit from complete, comprehensive, and efficient schools. We need to act locally to build safe and modern schools to ensure our students have the educational opportunities they deserve.


To modernize classrooms and support facilities, integrate school facilities with academic programs, increase student access to computers and modern classroom technology, improve student safety, and qualify the District to receive State grants, shall the Wilsona School District issue $6,500,000 in bonds at legal rates, levy an estimated 0.03 cents/$100 of assessed value, A-1 381 raising an average $351,916 annually while bonds are outstanding, with regular expenditure transparency measures including annual audits, and no money for administrator salaries?


The proceeds from the sale of the bonds will be used only for the improvement of school facilities, as more specifically set forth in this Bond Measure, and costs incident thereto. Proceeds of the bonds may be used to reduce or retire outstanding debt fOr improvements on existing facilities and school sites, and to pay or reimburse the District for the cost of District staff when performing work on or necessary and incidental to the bond projects.

The scope of specific projects, the order of construction, and their completion is contingent on final project costs and the availability of needed funds. Further, such projeCts are of the type that issuing the authorized general obligation bonds as stated will not cause the State to reduce any financial hardship contribution that would otherwise be available to the District had these bonds not been authorized, issued, and or expended for their stated purpose.

Safety Improvements - All Sites

Improvement projects to increase student safety and protect community investment in District facilities by making security improvements including, but not limited to:

  • 0 improved lighting, fencing, and controlled security aCcess improvements
  • 0 reconfiguration of school offices
  • 0 skylights
  • 0 fire alarm upgrades
  • 0 security cameras and surveillance systems
  • 0 doors and gates
  • 0 playground surfacing

Facility Update/Modernization Improvements - All Sites

Improvement projects to update and modernize District facilities to ensure students' access to working, efficient, and 2lst Century systems and classrooms including, but not limited to:

  • 0 update and replace defective, old systems including leaky roofs, inadequate electrical systems, outdated HVAC systems, and deteriorating plumbing and drainage systems
  • 0 field redesign
  • 0 library and instructional infrastructure facilities upgrades to facilitate access to academic materials, expanded educational resources for students and teachers, and access to computers and modern classroom technology

The listed projects will be completed as needed. Each project is assumed to include its share of furniture, equipment, architectural, engineering, and similar planning costs, program/project management, and a customary contingency for unforeseen design and construction costs. In addition to the listed projects stated above, the list includes the acquisition of a variety of A-2 382 instructional, maintenance and operational equipment, including the reduction or retirement of outstanding lease obligations and interim funding incurred to advance fund projects from the list; payment of the costs of preparation of all facility planning, facility studies, assessment reviews, facility master plan preparation and updates, environmental studies (including environmental investigation, remediation and monitoring), design and construction documentation, and temporary housing of dislocated District activities caused by construction projects.

In addition to the projects listed above, the repair and renovation of each of the existing school facilities may include, but not be limited to, some or all of the following: renovate student and staff restrooms; upgrade or install signage, clocks and fencing; repair and replace heating and ventilation systems; upgrade of facilities for energy efficiencies; repair and replace worn-out and deteriorated roofs, windows, walls, doors and drinking fountains; upgrade public address systems; install wiring and electrical systems to safely accommodate computers, technology and other electrical devices and needs; meet earthquake safety standards; improve water conservation; upgrade or construct support facilities, including administrative, physical education, theater, and agricultural education classrooms and labs and performing arts and music classrooms; repair and replace fire alarms, emergency communications and security systems; resurface or replace hard courts, turf, install all-weather turf; irrigation and drainage systems and campus landscaping; replace asphalt and broken pavement; expand or improve parking lots and drop-off areas; replace portable classrooms; interior and exterior painting, floor covering and tile replacement; upgrade or expand school cafeterias; construct various forms of storage and support spaces and classrooms; repair, upgrade and install interior and exterior lighting systems; improve athletic fields and shade structures, including adding solar shade structures, and solar panels; replace or upgrade outdated security fences, gates and security systems (including access control systems); and upgrade heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. The upgrading of technology infrastructure includes, but is not limited to, servers, switches, routers, modules, sound projection systems, call manager and network security/firewall, wireless technology systems, and other miscellaneous equipment. Some projects throughout the District may be undertaken as joint use projects in cooperation with other local public or non-profit agencies. The final cost of each project will be determined as plans and construction documents are finalized, construction bids are received, construction contracts are awarded and projects are completed. Based on the final costs of each project, certain of the projects described above may be delayed or may not be completed. Demolition of existing facilities and reconstruction of facilities scheduled for repair and upgrade may occur, if the Board determines that such an approach would be more cost-effective in creating more enhanced and operationally efficient campuses. Necessary site preparation/restoration may occur in connection with new construction, renovation or remodeling, or installation or removal of relocatable classrooms, including ingress and egress, removing, replacing, or installing irrigation, utility lines, trees and landscaping, relocating fire access roads, and acquiring any necessary easements, licenses, or rights of way to the property. Bond proceeds shall only be expended for the specific purposes identified herein. The District shall create an account into which proceeds of the bonds shall be deposited and comply with the reporting requirements of Government Code section 53410.




If the bonds are approved, the Board of Trustees will provide for an annual noticed public hearing for the purpose of informing the public concerning the District's expenditure of bond proceeds in a manner consistent with this bond measure. In furtherance of that purpose the Board shall ensure that annual audits required by Education Code section 41020 include all bond proceeds, and expenditures of bond proceeds, authorized by this bond measure.


California Education Code section 151225 requires the following statement to be included in this sample ballot:

"Approval of this bond measure does not guarantee that the proposed projects in the Wilsona Elementary School District that are the subject of bonds under this measure will be funded beyond the local revenues generated by this bond measure. The school district's proposal for certain of the projects assumes the receipt of matching state funds, which are subject to appropriation by the Legislature or approval of a statewide bond measure."

Project funded by this Bond Measure may include participation in the State Facility Program to gain matching funds for qualifying school construction projects including qualifying joint use facilities under the Joint Use Program. With respect to such joint use projects, the bond funds authorized by this Measure may be used to pay all of the local share needed to qualify the projects for special State matching funds under the Joint Use Program requirements.


The bonds shall bear interest at an annual rate not exceeding the statutory maximum. The maturity of the bonds shall not exceed the maximum term allowed by law at the time of issuance (currently 25 years if issued under Education Code section 15140, or 40 years if issued under Government Code section 53508, so long as the bonds are not capital appreciation bonds ("CABs," which CABS are limited to 25 years)). Accordingly, as further set forth in the tax rate statement, the ad valorem tax will be levied at such rates and for so long as may be required to meet the debt service needs of the bonds proposed to be issued, including such bonds that may be issued to refund any approved bonds.


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Measure WE Tax Rate Statement

Tax rate

An election will be held in the Wilsona Elementary School District (the "District") on November 6, 2018, to authorize the sale of up to $6.5 million in bonds of the District to finance school facilities as described in the measure. If such bonds are authorized and sold, principal and interest on the bonds will be payable only from the proceeds of ad valorem tax levies made upon the taxable property in the District. The following information is provided in compliance with Sections 9400-9404 of the Elections Code of the State of California. Such information is based upon the best estimates and projections presently available from official sources, upon experience within the District, and other demonstrable factors.

Based upon the foregoing and projections of the District's assessed valuation, the following information is provided:

  1. 1. The best estimate of the average annual tax rate which would be required to be levied to fund this bond issue over the entire duration of the bond debt service, based on a projection of assessed valuations available at the time of filing of this statement, is $0.03 per $100 of assessed valuation (or $30 per $100,000 of assessed value). The final fiscal year in which it is anticipated that the tax will be collected is fiscal year 2057-58.
  2. 2. The best estimate of the highest tax rate which would be required to be levied to fund this bond issue, which is estimated to apply starting in fiscal year 2019-20, based on a projection of assessed valuations available at the time of filing of this statement, is $0.03 per $100 of assessed valuation (or $30 per $100,000 of assessed value).
  3. 3. The best estimate of the total debt service, including the principal and interest, that would be required to be repaid if all the bonds are issued and sold is approximately $13.4 million.

Voters should note the estimated tax rate is based on the assessed value (not market value) of taxable property on the County's official tax rolls. In addition, taxpayers eligible for a property tax exemption, such as the homeowner's exemption, will be taxed at a lower effective tax rate than described above. Property owners should consult their own property tax bills and tax advisors to determine their property's assessed value and any applicable tax exemptions.

The attention of all voters is directed to the fact that the foregoing information is based upon projections and estimates only, which amounts are not maximum amounts and are not binding upon the District. The actual debt service, tax rates and the years in which they will apply may vary from those used to provide the estimates set forth above, due to factors such as variations in the timing of bond sales, the par amount of bonds sold and market interest rates available at the time of each sale, actual assessed valuations over the term of the bonds, and other factors. The date and amount of bonds sold at any given time will be determined by the District based on the need for project funds and other considerations. The actual interest rates at which the bonds will be sold will depend on conditions in the bond market at the time of sale. Actual future assessed valuations will depend upon the amount and value of taxable property within the District as determined by the County Assessor in the annual assessment and the equalization process.

Wilsona Elementary School District, California

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Measure WE Agenda Description

June 21, 2018


Closed Session 3:00 p.m.
* * * * * * Regular Session 3:30 p.m. * * * * * *


i. EXHIBIT Q Approve Resolution 2017-18-16 Ordering an Election to Authorize the Issuance of School Bonds, Establishing Specifications of the Election Order, and Requesting Consolidation with any Other Elections Occuring on November 6, 2018.

Moved Seconded Vote /
Yes No



To: Board of Trustees

Date: June 11, 2018


Recommendation: Approve Resolution 2017-18-16 authorizing a bond election for November 6, 2018 for the Wilsona school District.


The primary purpose of the proposed bond is to modernize and improve school facilities throughout the District. Based on the input of teachers, parents and administrators, and considering the research into the importance of school facilities conditions to the academic success of our students, we have identified a list of modernization and improvement projects, including projects that improve student safety. The District has explored all possible sources of funding to complete the facilities projects. It has been determined the passage of a bond to ensure funding is necessary to address the District's facility needs. Resolution Number 2017-18-16 calls for an election within the District to approve school bonds, request elections officials of Los Angeles County to conduct the election on behalf of the District, and authorizes the preparation of election materials including a ballot argument and tax rate statement, to be included in the ballot pamphlet. Staff recommends the Board approve Resolution Number 2017-18-16.

Legal / Cost: Not Applicable

Funding Source: Not Applicable

Prepared by: Teresa A. Grey

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Measure WE Resolution



RESOLUTION NO. 2017-18-16


WHEREAS, in the judgment of the Board of Trustees (the "Board") of the Wilsona Elementary School District (the "District"), it is advisable to call an election to submit to the electors of the District the question of whether the bonds of the District shall be issued and sold for the purpose of raising money for the improvement, upgrade, and renovation of District schools; and

WHEREAS, schools and facilities within the District are aging and in need of repair, upgrading and modernization, or expansion, to ensure the health and safety of pupils, staff and community and provide for safe and modern housing for the District's pupils; and

WHEREAS, antiquated facilities systems throughout the schools are both ineffective and costly to operate and need to be updated; and

WHEREAS, District schools need technology infrastructure and tools to meet curricular requirements and prepare students for success; and

WHEREAS, excellent schools and classrooms benefit the District's ability to recruit and retain excellent teachers and keep our community vital by continuing to attract young families; and

WHEREAS, without a local school bond, the District will lose the opportunity to receive state matching funds which will then be awarded to other school districts; and

WHEREAS, Article XIIIA, Section 1, paragraph (b)(2) of the California Constitution ("Article XIIIA") provides that an ad valorem property tax on real property may be imposed to secure payment Of bonded indebtedness incurred by a school district that has been approved by two-thirds (66.7%) of the voters of the District voting on the proposition; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to California Education Code section 15100, et seq. (the "Act"), this Board is specifically authorized, upon approval by a majority vote of the Board, to submit to the electorate of the District the question of whether bonds of the District shall be issued and sold for specified purposes, upon a two-thirds (66.7%) vote of the electorate in favor on the 377 question, pursuant to paragraph (2) of said subdivision (b) of Section 1 of Article XIIIA and subdivision (b) of Section 18 of Article XVI of the California Constitution; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to California Elections Code section 10403 et seq., it is appropriate for the Board to request consolidation of the election with any and all other elections to be held on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, and to request the election officials of Los Angeles County (the "County") to perform certain election services for the District.

WHEREAS, pursuant to subdivision (c) of California Education Code section 15100, the Board has obtained reasonable and informed projections of assessed property valuations that take into consideration projections of assessed property valuations made by the County Assessor; and


1. Call for Election. The Board hereby orders an election and submits to the electors of the District the question of whether general obligation bonds of the District shall be issued and sold in the principal amount not to exceed Six Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($6,500,000) for the purpose of raising money for the improvement of District school facilities, and paying costs incident thereto, as set forth more fully in a ballot proposition approved pursuant to Section 3 below. This Resolution constitutes the order of the District to call such election.

2. Election Date. The date of the election shall be November 6, 2018, and the election shall be held solely within the boundaries of the District.

3. Purpose of Election; Ballot Proposition. The purpose of the election shall be for the voters of the District to vote on a proposition, a full copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, containing the question of whether the District shall issue the Bonds for the purposes stated therein. As required by California Elections Code section 13247, the abbreviated form of the measure to appear on the ballot is attached hereto as Exhibit B. The District's Superintendent (or his/her designee) is hereby authorized and directed to make any changes to the text of the proposition or its abbreviated form as required to comply with the intent of this Resolution, the requirements of elections officials, and requirements of law.

4. Authority for Election. The authority for ordering the election is contained in California Education Code section 15100, et seq. and Article XIIIA, Section 1, paragraph (b), subsection (2) of the California Constitution. The authority for the specification of this election order is contained in California Education Code section 5322.

5. School Facilities Projects. A description of the school facilities projects and uses to be funded from the proceeds of the bonds is set forth in Exhibit A.

6. Covenants of the Board upon Approval of the Bonds by the Electorate. (a) As required by Article XIIIA and section 15124 of the Act, if two-thirds (66.7%) of the voters of 2 378 the District voting on the measure approve of the bonds, the Board shall use the bond proceeds only for the purposes authorized under Article XIIIA, including those purposes allowed by the Constitution as set forth in section 15100 of the Act that comprise the acquisition or improvement of real property, as more specifically set forth herein and in the Bond Measure, and costs incident thereto, and not for any other purpose, including salaries and other routine school operating expenses;

7. Delivery of this Resolution. The Clerk of this Board is hereby authorized and directed to send or hand deliver a copy of this Resolution to the County Superintendent of Schools and the County Registrar of Voters by no later than August 8, 2018.

8. Declaration of Official Intent. The District hereby declares its official intent, subject to the further approval of this Board, to use up to the maximum amount permitted by law of the proceeds of the proposed bonds to reimburse itself for payments it has made for any eligible costs of the projects and uses described in the Bond Measure. It is intended that this Resolution shall, among other things, constitute a declaration of "official intent" within the meaning of Section 1.150-2 of the Treasury Regulations promulgated under Section 150 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

9. Ballot Arguments; Tax Rate Statement. Any and all members of this Board are hereby authorized to act as an author of any ballot argument prepared in connection with the election, including a rebuttal argument. The Superintendent, President of the Board, or their designees, are hereby authorized to execute any Tax Rate Statement or other document and to perform all acts necessary to place the bond measure on the ballot.

10. Consolidation of Election; Election Services. The County Registrar of Voters and the County Board of Supervisors are hereby requested to consolidate the election ordered hereby with any and all other elections to be held on November 6, 2018, within the District. Pursuant to section 5303 of the Education Code and section 10002 of the Elections Code, the County Board of Supervisors is requested to permit the County Registrar of Voters, and other appropriate officials of the County, to render all services necessary in connection with the bond election including, but not limited to, publication of a Formal Notice of School Bond Election pursuant to Education Code section 5363 and related law (the proposed form of which is attached hereto as Exhibit C), the mailing of the sample ballot and tax rate statement (described in section 9401 of the Elections Code), the opportunity to submit ballot arguments in connection with the bond election, the canvassing and certification of the returns of the election, and other ballot requirements pursuant to Elections Code section 15123, for which services the District agrees to reimburse the County as required by law.

11. Severability. If any section, subsection, phrase or clause of this Resolution, or its application to any person or circumstance, is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Resolution, or their application to any other person or circumstance. The Board declares that it would have adopted this Resolution and each section, subsection, phrase or clause thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, phrases or clauses, or their application to any person or circumstance, shall be declared invalid.-

3 379

12. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.

PASSED AND ADOPTED on June 21, 2018, by the following vote:





President, Board of Trustees of the Wilsona
Elementary School District


Clerk, Board of Trustees of the Wilsona
Elementary School District


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Measure WE Notice of Election




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the qualified electors of the Wilsona School District of Los Angeles County, California, that in accordance with the provisions of the Education Code of the State of California, an election will be held on November 6, 2018, within the District, at which election the following measure shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the District and voted upon:

"To modernize classrooms and support facilities, integrate school facilities with academic programs, increase student access to computers and modern classroom technology, improve student safety, and qualify the District to receive State grants, shall the Wilsona School District issue $6,500,000 in bonds at legal rates, levy an estimated 0.03 cents/$100 of assessed value, raising an average $351,916 annually while bonds are outstanding, with regular expenditure transparency measures including annual audits, and no money for administrator salaries?

Bonds ~ Yes Bonds - No"

The bonds shall bear interest at an annual rate not exceeding the statutory maximum. The maturity of the bonds shall not exceed the maximum term allowed by law at the time of issuance (currently 25 years if issued under Education Code section 15140, or 40 years if issued under Government Code section 53508, so long as the bonds are not capital appreciation bonds ("CABs," which CABS are limited to 25 years)). Accordingly, as further set forth in the tax rate statement, the ad valorem tax will be levied at such rates and for so long as may be required to meet the debt service needs of the bonds proposed to be issued, including such bonds that may be issued to refund any approved bonds.

All of the purposes enumerated in the foregoing measure shall be united and voted upon as one single measure, with precincts, places of holding the elections and officers appointed to conduct the elections to be the same as those provided for the statewide presidential general election to be held on November 6, 2018, under the Notice of Election published 2018.

This election has been called pursuant to a Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Wilsona School District, adopted on June 21, 2018. The Elections Official of the County of Los Angeles hereby gives formal notice of the election in accordance with the provisions of Education Code Section 15120.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this day of 2018.

Registrar of Voters
Los Angeles County, California


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